Chapter 316 Xiao Mingming Throws Up
Chapter 310 Xiao Mingming Vomits Up

Chen Min came back from Fang Qing's side. She had just walked to the opposite side of Gong Ming when she saw Fang Qing approaching. She immediately looked at Fang Qing with a smile on her face.

"Director Fang, do you have anything else to do?" Chen Min asked politely.

Fang Qing ignored Chen Min. She came to Gong Ming's side and greeted Gong Ming, "Hello, Young Master Gong."

Gong Ming looked at Fang Qing suspiciously, and then at Chen Min. He wondered if this guy took some of Chen Min's pure essence?
"You are?" Gong Ming was puzzled.

"My lord Fang Qing, the director of the school at Chaoyang, the imperial capital, is very happy to see Young Master Gong." Fang Qing reported her family name.

Gong Ming pondered for a few seconds, he didn't seem to recognize the woman in front of him?

He has nothing to do with the school!

"Excuse me, do we know each other?" Gong Ming asked casually.

Even though Fang Qing had declared herself as the head of the school, Gong Ming didn't care at all.

Chen Min chimed in, "Gong Ming, Director Fang is the school director of Chaoyang District, the entire imperial capital!"

The school director of the entire district?
That is to manage all the schools in Chaoyang District?

This kind of official post is barely considered a figure in the imperial capital!

But what does it have to do with Gong Ming?
As soon as Fang Qing heard Chen Min's tone, she knew that Chen Min didn't know about Gong Ming's situation at all, let alone having a good relationship with Gong Ming.

She quickly responded, "Ma'am, it's normal that Young Master Gong doesn't know me. Before Chaoyang, Ye Zhun patrolled our school to find out some information. I have heard about Mr. Gong, and I have admired it for a long time. .”

Gong Ming also understood what Fang Qing meant!
Combined with Chen Min's sudden approach to Fang Qing just now, and Fang Qing's identity, it should be that Chen Min wanted to please Fang Qing, but Fang Qing didn't know Chen Min, and then found that Chen Min was with him, so Fang Qing came to inquire about the situation ?

According to Fang Qing, she knew about Gong Ming from Ye Zhun, so he was worried about being targeted?

After trying to understand the cause and effect, Gong Ming secretly laughed in his heart. He never thought that he would have such a deterrent power!

When Chen Min heard Fang Qing's words, she was stunned for a moment, she was not a fool, she could naturally see that Fang Qing was flattering Gong Ming, so is this Gong Ming really a big shot?
Is it true that what Gong Ming said about giving away the apartment worth tens of millions to Xiaomi?

They had been saying that Amy would find a rich boyfriend, but did they really find one now?

But why didn't she feel the slightest bit happy?

"I see!" Gong Ming responded with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" After figuring out the ins and outs, Gong Ming took the initiative to extend his right hand to shake hands.

Fang Qing held Gong Ming's right hand with both hands to express her importance and respect, "Honour, honor!"

After the two parties let go, Gong Ming asked casually, "Xiaomi, what is Second Aunt's job?"

Amy responded, "It seems to be in the No. [-] Middle School attached to Chaoyang District? She is a health teacher."

It turns out that Chen Min is a health teacher!

Fang Qing also remembered this information, no wonder Chen Min wanted to curry favor with her just now, because she was the boss of Chen Min's boss's boss's boss.

After Gong Ming knew about Chen Min's occupation, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Min secretly screamed in her heart!

Gong Ming said casually, "Director Fang, let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend's second aunt. You heard it just now. She is the health teacher of your No. [-] Primary School attached to Chaoyang District."

Gong Ming continued, "If it's convenient and within the limits allowed by the rules, I hope Director Fang will take care of my girlfriend's second aunt."

"By the way, Auntie, Xiaomi and I are also here to buy cosmetics. We are going to buy La Prairie. You can continue to watch Guerlain!" Gong Ming said with full hints.

Fang Qing understood Gong Ming's meaning in seconds!
Chen Min is the second aunt of Gong Ming's girlfriend. If the relationship between the two parties is good, how could it be that Gong Ming and Amy bought La Prairie, and Chen Min bought Guerlain?
So when Gong Ming said just now to ask her to take care of Chen Min, that was irony!

Fang Qing responded, "Please rest assured, Young Master Gong, I will definitely help!"

Chen Min's expression was ugly, how could she not understand that Gong Ming was deliberately messing with her?
Working within the system, there is a very classic saying:

'The sugar I make is not necessarily sweet; but the vinegar I make must be sour! '

The meaning of this sentence is: when you promise to help, you may not be able to help; but if you want to make trouble, you must be able to make trouble!
Taking Chen Min as an example, if she wants to improve her career rating, she must meet two conditions.

First, meet the rigid conditions for improving the career rating, such as working years and so on.

Second, the ability to work meets the conditions.

The first is a hard condition, and the second is a soft condition.

If you really want to help Chen Min, such as raising your career rating, if Chen Min's hard conditions cannot be met, even Fang Qing will find it difficult to handle this matter.

After all, if the hard conditions are not met, what else can we do?
But the reverse is not the same!

Even if Chen Min meets the hard conditions, the scope of the soft conditions is much wider. If Chen Min can't do it, then he can't, right?
"Then thank you Director Fang very much!" Gong Ming said politely.

"Young Master Gong, you are welcome!" Fang Qing responded politely.

The two sang together completely determined Chen Min's future fate. She turned pale with anger, but what could she do in the face of Gong Ming's killing technique?
This time Gong Ming will go to the next city first! .
After the group parted, Amy had a happy smile on her face.

Obviously because of Gong Ming's big killer just now!
Seeing Amy's happy face, Gong Ming suddenly felt sorry for this girl. How badly was she beaten by the mixed doubles of one big and one small?
"Are you happy?" Gong Ming looked at Amy who was a little silly and happy.

"Yeah!" Amy nodded vigorously.

"Fool!" Gong Ming rubbed Amy's hair.

Amy responded sheepishly, "Shouldn't I be happy?"

Gong Ming sighed, "Xiaomi, I won't let you be wronged in the future!"

Amy looked at Gong Ming seriously, she snorted softly, and then took Gong Ming to La Prairie's counter.

La Prairie's positioning in cosmetics is very high-end. For the first time, Gong Ming felt that cosmetics also have high-end brands?
In the La Prairie counter, Gong Ming looked at all kinds of skin care products, such as essence, lotion, face cream, milk cream, day cream, night cream, eye and lip cream, toner, etc. I don't understand them at all, okay?

"This. Xiaomi, how should I choose?" Gong Ming asked if he didn't understand!
If you don't understand, you don't understand, there is no need to pretend to understand.

Xiaomi responded, "If it is used by aunts, I recommend using lotion and cream together."

Amy briefly explained to Gong Ming that lotions are more suitable for young people, while creams are more suitable for middle-aged ladies.

Of course, in a rich situation like Gong Ming, it is recommended to use lotion first, and then cream, after all, money can be willful.

After Amy's recommendation, I first chose [Zhenai Platinum Precious Pet Night Essence].

This thing made Gong Ming realize his cognitive mistake just now!

Just now Gong Ming thought that La Prairie was a luxury brand in cosmetics, but now Gong thinks that La Prairie is much more powerful than luxury brands, okay?
Take 'Zhenai Platinum Pet Night Essence' as an example, its capacity is 20mL, but the price is 10200 yuan.

According to Amy, if you use the essence for skin care every night, it is about a month's worth?
1 yuan a month?

There are also eye and lip creams, creams for daytime use, toners, and all kinds of messy things. A set is close to 4 yuan!

Among them, the [La Prairie Platinum Cream] used during the day has a capacity of 50mL, and the price is also 10200 yuan. It can be used for about two to three months.

Calculated comprehensively, if you use the La Prairie brand and do a full set of skin care every day, you will spend at least 2 yuan a month.

So consume one Louis Vuitton messenger bag a month?
Is it okay to carry a Louis Vuitton messenger bag casually for ten years?

However, La Prairie is only one month!

In such a comparison, the high-end luxury brand bags that were originally thought to be expensive seem to be full of cost-effectiveness again?

Fortunately, Gong Ming was not short of money, so he made up the [Zhenai Platinum Precious Pet Night Essence] in the set into three parts, trying to make one set last for two or three months.

After such an adjustment, the suit that was originally close to [-] directly became close to [-].

Gong Ming bought three sets at once.

"One set for you, one set for Xiaorong, and one set for my mother." Gong Ming explained, he just spent a junior shopping cashback card and directly got 15 yuan in cashback.

However, the total price of the three sets of La Prairie's skin care sets was 17.7 yuan. Gong Ming finally spent money on shopping, a full 2.7 yuan!

・・・ Flowers・・

It's a pity that there are no intermediate shopping cashback cards, and there are only 11 primary shopping cashback cards left.

After purchasing La Prairie's cosmetics, Gong Ming asked, "Xiaomi, is there anything else you want to buy?"

Amy shook her head.

Gong Ming lowered his voice, "If we don't buy it, shall we go back?"

Amy's face turned red all of a sudden, and she gave a light 'um'.

Fortunately, Gong Ming heard it!
"Let's go, let's go home!" Gong Ming led Amy away.

Chen Min and Aixi silently watched Gong Ming and Amy carrying several shopping bags of La Prairie from a distance. They felt as uncomfortable as eating flies!
"Mom, this Amy is too much, let's go back and tell Dad!" Essie responded.

Chen Min's eyes fluctuated, she finally nodded and said, "Well! Amy really went too far this time! You should let your uncle take care of her!"

On the other side, Gong Ming and Amy returned to Baoli's house. Gong Ming conveniently put a La Prairie skin care set in the living room of Shangguan Yurong's house, and then entered the opposite side with Amy.

As soon as she walked into the room, Amy whispered, "I'm a little hungry, let's have something to eat first, shall we?"

Gong Ming agreed of course!

He has been waiting for so long, how can he be anxious about this meal?
"Wait a minute, I'll ask the restaurant to prepare a candlelight dinner." Gong Ming explained.

A look of joy flashed in Amy's eyes. It would be better if it could be a little more romantic.

Who doesn't have a princess dream!It was near seven o'clock in the evening.

Gong Ming lit the candle, then turned off the light, and the atmosphere of the candlelight dinner came out immediately.

Gong Ming peeled off the steamed Australian red lobster and handed it to Amy, but Amy didn't take it directly, she just opened her mouth coquettishly.

Faced with such a situation, what else can Gong Ming do?
Naturally, the lobster meat was fed to Amy, but this girl didn't follow the routine. She just spared the table, walked to Gong Ming's side, and returned the lobster meat Gong Ming peeled off to him.

How could Gong Ming accept such a provocation?

I knew that Xiao Xiaoming's stamina is unlimited, but patience is limited, but the girl has taken the initiative to provoke, how can Gong Ming remain indifferent?

The two quickly broke out in a verbal dispute!

As for a romantic candlelight dinner?

As long as there is a romantic atmosphere, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not.

Gong Ming hugged Amy horizontally. Even so, the verbal dispute between the two did not end. Their verbal dispute went from the living room to the master bedroom, and then to the master bathroom.

The fight breaks out in the bathroom, and Amy starts taking pro-level battle damage!
After all, Gong Ming didn't want to wrong Amy, he hoped everything would leave Amy with the best memories.

In the master bathroom, Gong Ming restrained his powerful fighting power, and only maintained the intensity of the verbal dispute with Amy.

Amy has completely fallen into a disadvantage!

After all, the master Buddha's demon-subduing stick technique of the Buddha Dao Da Neng Palace was very fierce. Whether it was the four sisters joining forces or the invincible sisters, they were all defeated.

Even though Professor Gong hasn't danced yet, Amy is still in trouble.

In less than half an hour, Gong Ming and Amy finished washing, Amy was carried to the master bedroom by Gong Ming, and he put Amy on the bed.

"Xiaomi." Gong Ming called softly.

Amy had already closed her eyes, she didn't dare to look at Gong Ming at all.

Professor Gong looked at this girl's defensive appearance, and he directly took the initiative to attack. First of all, it was a dispute of words. After all, he had to persuade others with reason. If the problem could be resolved peacefully, Professor Gong would also like to resolve it peacefully.

However, it is obviously impossible to solve the problem peacefully!

When Gong Ming was about to resolve it peacefully through a verbal dispute, Niu'er wrapped her arms around Gong Ming's neck and fought back. Under such circumstances, how could Gong Ming continue to settle peacefully?

Gong Ming's kung fu is very complicated, Master Wei's unique skills can grasp any dragon's claws, after all, he is a martial artist!
The battle between the two sides is back and forth, and generally speaking, Amy is at a disadvantage.

Half an hour later, Xiao Mingming had arrived at the gate of life. Amy closed her eyes tightly. She grabbed the pillow behind her head with both hands, obviously very nervous.

Gong Ming's heart softened suddenly, his attack weakened, and finally Xiao Mingming entered the gate of life.

However, Amy quickly adapted to professional-level combat, because Xiao Mingming found that Amy was also very warm!
Another half an hour later, Gong Ming ended the battle ahead of time. The main reason was that Amy's fighting power was a bit strong. In addition, it was a brand new battle. Xiao Mingming vomited. He really couldn't stand it, okay?

After the battle, Gong Ming also lay down, and Amy snuggled into Gong Ming's arms. She said softly, "Husband, you won't leave me behind, right?" At this time, the girl is probably most worried about gains and losses. Bar?
After all, the battle is defeated for the first time, and the heart is extremely fragile.

Gong Ming comforted her, "Fool, how could I leave you behind? How could I be willing?" As he spoke, he stroked Amy's back to reassure her.

"Yeah." Amy snuggled into his arms quietly.

The two lay down for nearly 10 minutes, and Amy's aftermath of the battle was completely over before he carried Amy to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Gong Ming lay on the bed, and Amy came to snuggle into his arms again, obviously lacking a sense of security.

Gong Ming put his arms around her to make her feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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