Chapter 35

Chapter 36 Encountering a Female Star
Gong Ming took a closer look, cut it, a green water ghost with a broken Rolex, what's there to show off!
Gong Ming opened the WeChat group, found the squad leader's circle of friends and wanted to praise him, but suddenly found that Ye Hang's circle of friends blocked him.

"Beautiful!" Gong Ming couldn't help but praise Ye Hang's operation, what a beauty!
Just when Gong Ming wanted to close WeChat, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, as a winner in life, how can you let your classmates pretend to be X in front of you? 】

[Post a mission, buy a million-level watch, take a photo and send it to Moments! 】

[Rewards are issued according to the degree of task completion! 】

[Failure penalty: none]

For millions of watches, Gong Ming thought of three brands in his mind, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe, and Audemars Piguet!

There are many million-level watches of these three watches, unlike the niche brand million-level watches like Jaeger-LeCoultre, although there are also million-level watches, but they have to be shipped from abroad!
In fact, in Gong Ming's mind, Patek Philippe was the last thing he wanted to choose.

Over the years, Patek Philippe can be said to have achieved "the sea reaches the boundless sky as the shore, and the mountain climbs to the top, I am the peak"

Vacheron Constantin, who was once as famous as Patek Philippe, is now one rank behind Patek Philippe; the same is true for another Audemars Piguet, which is also one rank behind Patek Philippe.

Now, there are more than 2000 million in Gong Ming's bank card, what's the matter with a million-level Patek Philippe!
There are not many luxury jewelry stores like Patek Philippe in China, and the store closest to Sucheng is in Modu Yuandi.

Thinking of this, Gong Ming picked up his mobile phone and made a call. After a brief exchange, he took a shower and went to bed.

The next day, Gong Ming woke up at nine o'clock. After graduating from high school, his biological clock was completely confused. He used to wake up naturally at six o'clock, but now he doesn't want to get up at nine o'clock.

After washing up, I found that my mother left me a note to take care of myself when I was playing outside.

Although it was just a simple line of text, Gong Ming could tell that his mother cared about him!

Gong Ming changed his clothes, put the iPad next to the bed into the Gucci bag, closed the door and left the house.

When he came to the parking lot of Dabaoen Temple again, Gong Ming suddenly thought of something!
He took his phone out of his pocket and made a call!
After a few beeps, the phone was connected!
"Hey, do Su Daji have time to accompany me to Shanghai for a few days?" Gong Ming asked directly.

Su Mei was very conflicted in her heart. Although she wanted to go very much, she refused Gong Ming's invitation because she thought about tomorrow's exam!
Gong Ming drove the Audi R8 onto the highway and headed for Sucheng Station!

Half an hour later, Gong Ming parked the car in the parking lot of Suzhou City Station!

Came to the hall and got my train ticket through my mobile phone.

Look at the time, there are still 15 minutes before the bullet train arrives at the station.

Gong Ming could only find a place to sit down out of boredom, took out his iPad and played Fruit Ninja for a while!
Sure enough, there are still too few games now, and they are too monotonous. Think about the fun mobile games that will appear in a few years, King Pesticide, Dungeon and Warriors, Onmyoji, and After Tomorrow.

Gong Ming shook his head. After going to university, he must find time to build a team and make these future games. After all, these are all soft girls!
As for Mou Yi, I will let you do this, saying 'Even if you recharge, Mou Yi is still your father! 'Now I don't even give you the chance to be a son!

The bullet train is about to arrive at the station, and the broadcast at Sioux City Station reminds me of a ticket inspection reminder like a formula!
Gong Ming got up, put the iPad in his bag, and headed for the pit gate!

How many steps forward?Suddenly he found that there was a figure in his arms!
Seeing her fully armed attire, Gong Ming was slightly taken aback, thinking he had encountered a terrorist!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The figure in his arms hastily stepped back and apologized to himself!

Gong Ming looked at her, feeling that the person in front of him was somewhat familiar!

"Are you Jin Chen?" Gong Ming asked tentatively!

Seeing that the handsome man in front of him actually called out his name, Jin Chen blushed slightly, and took another half step back!
At this time, a female voice came from behind: "Grandma, we are about to get in the car, why are you running around?" It was this manager who looked exactly like Jin Chen who came here!
Gong Ming rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He found that the manager in front of him looked like a female star from the previous life, Qin Yao!
"Sister Xiang Wan, didn't I forget which train the car was in?" The woman who resembled Jin Chen shook the arm of the woman called Sister Xiang Wan.

Xiang Wan looked at Gong Ming who was standing not far away, his eyes lit up slightly, the clothes from Gucci, the shoes from Louis Vuitton, and the watch on his wrist belonged to Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Smiling slightly, he stepped forward and stretched out a jade hand: "Hello, Meng Xiangwan, Xiangxiang's manager, please take care of our Xiangxiang!"

Gong Ming looked at Meng Xiangwan in front of him. At 30 years old, the most mature age for a woman, Gong Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva in his heart.

"Hello, Gong Ming!" Gong Ming stretched out a hand and shook it with him!
Although Meng Xiangwan was 30 years old, she was well maintained. That little hand was so weak and boneless that Gong Ming didn't want to let go for a while!

Meng Xiangwan coughed lightly, Gong Ming, with a kind smile, let go of the opponent's hand!

"Little brother, are you going out to play alone?" Meng Xiangwan looked at Gong Ming, who was traveling lightly, and asked casually!
"Miss Xiang Wan has good eyesight. Now that the college entrance examination is over, I just want to go to Shanghai to play and relax!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

Hearing the words of the big boy in front of him, Meng Xiangwan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something!
"Little brother, are you interested in becoming a star?" Meng Xiangwan asked tentatively!

Gong Ming was taken aback, he didn't expect the woman in front of him to change the topic so quickly, he shook his head and said, "Star, forget it? I'm too tired, I have to pretend to be myself in front of and behind the screen, I can't do it!"

Hearing Gong Ming's words, Meng Xiangwan didn't say much. At this time, there was news of the arrival of the bullet train on the radio!

Gong Ming greeted the other party and walked towards the ticket gate!

"Sister Xiangwan, the car is here, should we get in?" Xiangxiang on the side grabbed the corner of La Meng Xiangwan's clothes!
Meng Xiangwan looked away, and entered the ticket gate with Xiangxiang.

Gong Ming bought a business seat. Some people say that a short-distance business seat is a waste!But they don't know that people who can afford a business seat will care about the little waste.

The business class is less crowded and quieter, this is the biggest difference between a seat A!
After finding his own position, Gong Ming put the shoulder bag away, then adjusted the seat to his comfortable position, sat down, and took out a book to read!
 Book recommendation ticket, please recommend a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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