Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 5 How can you not party after the college entrance examination

Chapter 5 How can you not party after the college entrance examination

Chapter 5 How can you not party after the college entrance examination

"Thank you brother!" Gong Ming opened the package, and threw the phone, keys, and wallet into the handbag.

Gong Ming looked at his wrist, and suddenly realized that he didn't have a suitable watch!
"Brother, go shopping with me!" Gong Ming pulled Qian Hai and left Kou Chi!
Jaeger-LeCoultre, a niche watch brand, although it is not as good as Patek Philippe and Vacheron Constantin, it is still comparable to Breguet and Cartier. As for Longines, it is too young to mention it.

Next to the Jaeger-LeCoultre store is Omega, Gong Ming took Qian Hai and went directly to Omega!
I chose an Omega Constellation, 131 series. As an entry-level watch, this watch is pretty good.

And it also matched Qian Hai's 718 very well. Gong Ming didn't hesitate to pay by credit card!

Looking at the 9.3 deduction message on the phone, a system prompt sounded in Gong Ming's mind [The host uses the consumption cashback card to get three times the consumption rebate! 】

After a while, a text message sounded on the phone, "Dear customer, your Huaguo Bank 8864 has received 27.9 yuan, and the account balance is 98.6 yuan."

In a short time, not only did I prostitute so many things for nothing, but I also had more than 80 more in my account. This consumption cashback card is really a good thing, but unfortunately there are only 3 of them.

Gong Ming threw the watch to Qian Hai, and then went to the Jaeger-LeCoultre next door.

Jaeger-LeCoultre's wings have always been Gong Ming's favorite type. In the past, he had no money and could only look at them. Now, the system gave him confidence!

When he came to the store and pointed at the royal blue wings, Gong Ming asked the shopping guide to swipe his card!

The female shopping guide was stunned. Is shopping like this now, without asking me if I have a discount?
"Sir, you have a good eye. This pair of wings..." The female shopping guide was about to say something when Gong Ming interrupted again: "Swipe the card!"

"Sir, why don't we talk about discounts!" the female shopping guide said again.

"No, just swipe the card!" Gong Ming didn't care, after all, he likes it, if it breaks, he can keep it as a collection, it's more than 20, he doesn't care at all!
Finally, after the female shopping guide swiped the card, she was forced to give a one-year free warranty!

Gong Ming and Qian Hai ate something in Guanqian Street, and then turned around. The two of them were dressed casually and became the focus of the crowd.

The eyes of each young lady were shining, looking at the figures of the two, they couldn't help but licked their tongues, wanting to eat these two little fresh meats.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the two of them were a little tired from shopping, and returned to Metro's underground garage. At this time, the two shopping guides in the store were already waiting here.

They carried dozens of bags, large and small, in both hands.

Seeing Gong Ming's arrival, the young lady's eyes lit up!

He stepped forward and took the handbag from the young lady's hand, and threw it directly into the car.

From the storage box of the car, I took out the five hundred Hua national coins that my mother had rewarded me in the morning, thought for a while, and took another hundred yuan from Qian Hai, and handed it to the two shopping guides. After all, I wasted their time for an afternoon!

The two ladies left after thanking them. Gong Ming found that there were two more small notes in his hand, he shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "I have such an irresistible charm!" He threw the notes to the side. garbage can.

I'm just a child, you actually want to kill the flowers of the motherland, you want to eat farts!

Qian Hai looked at Gong Ming enviously, why did I pay the money too, without my little note!

The two began to share the loot, and after dividing the things, Gong Ming opened the front trunk of the Audi R8!

Soon the front trunk was piled full without any gaps.

This is not good for the Audi R8. The space in the front trunk is too small, and there is not much room for things!
The two got into the car and left the underground parking lot!

Audi R8 and Porsche 718 are driving on the road of Guanqian Street one after the other, which seems to be a scenic spot.The ordinary cars around all dodge to one side.

In Sioux City in 15, there were still a lot of luxury cars, and those ordinary drivers were also well-informed, knowing what cars they ran into, they couldn't afford to pay for them!

When Gong Ming and the others arrived at Dezhuang Hot Pot, he went around twice but did not find a parking space.And the eight dedicated parking spaces at the entrance were already full!

I had no choice but to park the car directly outside the window at the door of Dezhuang Hot Pot. The two cars, one in front of the other, blocked the window of Dezhuang Hot Pot!
The welcoming lady walked up quickly to remind, "Sir, you can't park your car here."

Qian Hai responded, "We're coming to your house for dinner. I'll stop here first. If there is a car leaving later, you can park the car and return the key to us!"

While talking, he took out a 100 yuan red note and handed it to Miss Yingbin. It was only 100 yuan, and he didn't care about such a small amount after spending so much with Gong Ming today!
The welcoming lady, who had been obstructing her in various ways, happily accepted the 100 yuan, and responded to Gong Ming with a smile on her face, saying that she would definitely return the key as soon as possible.

The two walked into Dezhuang Hot Pot. He had already seen relevant information in the class group. This time, there were 30 students in the class, and Ye Hang directly reserved the second floor!
There are no big tables on the second floor of Dezhuang Hot Pot, but small tables like a table for six people. Ye Hang thought, he will be able to win Li Qiner smoothly today!

When Gong Ming and the others walked into the box, he glanced at it. Almost everyone had arrived, including Li Qin'er, who was sitting at table one.

Ye Hang cheekily sat across from Li Qin'er, next to him was his dog leg Qiu Mojie, and Huang Huanhuan sat on Li Qin'er's left.

"Gong Ming, Qian Hai, you two are late!" Seeing the arrival of Gong Ming and the others, Ye Hang spoke first, "There is no room at our table, you can sit wherever you see!"

Li Qin'er was at table one, so Ye Hang naturally didn't want Gong Ming to come over.

Gong Ming chuckled, but he didn't respond to Ye Hang's intention, so he walked towards table six.

There are only two girls at table six, Tang Xinyi and Zhao Ya!

Both of them have good looks. I remember one time, an upstart in the school stopped the two of them, wanting to make friends with them!

Tang Xinyi didn't say a word, she went up and grabbed the arms of the nouveau riche and his two followers.

The matter is not over here, the father of the nouveau riche brought people to study and make trouble, but the military and police were dispatched to suppress it directly!
Later, I heard that Zhao Ya's family stepped forward, and the upstart family was found to have problems, and their property was confiscated, but they still couldn't escape prison!
As for the specific identities, no one knows, and their parents did not show up when the school held a parent-teacher meeting.

Under such circumstances, Tang Xinyi and Zhao Ya also had a certain distance from their classmates.

So even if there were two girls at table six, no one else came over.

(End of this chapter)

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