Chapter 55 Family Dinner
Chapter 55 Family Banquet

Gong Ming's grandfather is a middle school principal who has been retired for 15 years, and this villa was bought by his uncle with the first pot of gold he earned back then!

After my grandparents retired, they planted flowers and birds, played Tai Chi every day, and lived a very pleasant life!

"Stinky boy, you don't even know how to go to the devil to come to me!" Just after Gong Ming entered the door, a pretty figure appeared behind him, and he was blown away!

"Third Sister, am I afraid of troubling you? And I went to Shanghai for school matters, and I'll come back right after I'm done!" Gong Ming touched the back of the head that was hit, and he wanted to fight back, but He dare not!
Since she was a child, she has lived under the claws of this female devil, and she has already cast a shadow on her.

If you want to know this woman right in front of your eyes, she is the one who is the best at pretending to be innocent. Since I was a child, I have been beaten up by my mother for her!
"I'll spare you this time. Next time you come to Shanghai, if you dare not to come home, you will know what will happen!" He said and raised his little pink fist!
This one is the second daughter of Gong Ming's second uncle's family, the devil Jiang Ying!
Ever since she was a child, Gong Ming has always been responsible for her. Apart from going to Jiewa, the devil in front of her, has she done anything else?

"Xiao Ming is here, crazy girl, let your brother in soon!" The person who spoke was Jiang Wen, the eldest cousin of the uncle's family. The eldest cousin graduated from Huaguo Yanjing Law School at the age of 22. The kind of continuous reading!
I took the national exam two years ago, and was admitted to the Sioux City Discipline Inspection Unit with the No.1 score!

"Eldest sister, look at the third child, she bullied me again!" The eldest sister in front of me has pampered herself since she was a child, and is her strong backing!

As long as every time I get beaten up, I'm done looking for my eldest sister, and every time I get into trouble, I'm done looking for my eldest sister, my eldest sister is my safe haven!

"Then you're an adult, you still have to make trouble!" The eldest sister patted the third sister!
"Eldest sister, you know how to protect him. If you do this again next time, he won't treat you well!" The third sister stomped her feet and walked into the room!
"You too, as an adult, you also know your third sister's temper. She has gone to Shanghai, why don't you go to play with her? He has already asked for leave a few days in advance to take you out to play!" Gong Ming lightly patted the back of the head!
"Didn't I forget that in a hurry!" Gong Ming rubbed the back of his head, but slandered in his heart: "I'll play with that female devil when I go to the devil's capital, don't I think my life will be long?"

Thinking about my horrible childhood dominated by Jiang Ying, I shuddered, and felt wise about my decision not to find her in Shanghai!

"Grandma, I miss you so much!" Gong Ming smelled the scent and ran into the kitchen!
Grandma is the eldest daughter of the Chen family of Yushan, who has learned the true biography of her father. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she served as the chef at the state banquet!

"Wow, duck stuffed with glutinous rice! Steamed pork with rice flour, Dongpo meat with roses!" Gong Ming sniffed the residual smell in the kitchen!

"It's better to be grandma, I love grandma the most!" People are shameless and invincible in the world, this point Gong Ming has shown vividly!
Grandma also loves this grandson very much, even if he wants the moon, he will find a way to make it!

But (Moon in the Water) Gong Ming has actually eaten it, because he said when he was a child that the moon in the sky is so beautiful, and I really want to taste it!What does it taste like.

As a result, grandma thought for three days and made this one (moon in water)!

The sweet taste is so delicious. Now think about it, it is egg white in sugar water!

However, grandma can make the egg white into the shape of the moon, and her technique is also unique!
The time was close to 11 o'clock, and the family banquet was about to begin. At this time, the delivery car of 21 passengers arrived at the gate of the villa!
Three delivery personnel moved the three-tiered cake in!

"21 Customers will serve you wholeheartedly!" Three delivery personnel placed the birthday cake. At this time, the driver took out three violins and handed them over to the delivery personnel!
A birthday song played by three delivery workers on violins!
Gong Ming bought it next to Master Mu, and made a gesture of invitation: "Master Mother, please blow out the candles!"

The number on the cake is 18, which means that the mother is 18 years old every year!
The palace mother is very satisfied with all this, but how can one person do things like sleeping with candles!

"Mom, let's blow out the candles together, today is also your birthday!" Jiang Yan stepped forward to hold her grandma's hand!
Gong Ming didn't know that today was actually grandma's birthday, and he was still lying in the ICU at this time in his previous life, so this birthday was perfectly missed by him!
"Happy birthday, grandma, I wish you 18 years old every year!" Gong Ming hurried forward to hold grandma's other hand!

In this way, the mother and son supported the grandma and came to the birthday cake!

"Grandma blows out the candles and divides the cake!" The third sister really deserves to be an expert at destroying the atmosphere. What was originally an emotional scene was directly turned into a sea of ​​joy by her words!

"Grandma, I want to eat cake too!" Gong Ming has never lost in acting like a baby!

Grandma is very happy, the children and grandchildren are full of children and grandchildren, but my life is worth it!
"Okay... eat cake! Eat cake!" Grandma patted Gong Ming's hand and said happily!

Grandma picked up the cake knife, cut off the best piece and handed it to Gong Ming, and after Gong Ming took it, he picked up a spoon and took a bite out, and delivered it to grandma first!

"Try it, grandma. Is it delicious? If it's not delicious, I won't pay for it!" Gong Ming's move fell on the uncle, and in the eyes of the second uncle, they were all very relieved that their nephew didn't hurt in vain!
Grandpa also nodded in satisfaction, and then still sat there!

Grandma opened her mouth, ate the cake that Gong Ming fed, and said happily, "My grandson is better, he knows how much he loves me!"

Gong Ming cut another piece of cake, then dug a spoonful and brought it to his mother's mouth: "Master, please eat!"

The palace mother, Jiang Yan, gave Gong Ming a supercilious stare. This kid doesn't know who he learned from, he's so good at flattering!

A family can't eat much cake, so the top layer is shared by the whole family!

As for the two floors below, at the suggestion of my grandfather, the eldest sister Jiang Wen led a team to give to the surrounding old neighbors!
Most of the residents in the Humble Administrator's villa area are elderly people, and most of their children are working in other places. This is also an important contact!

The three-person team started to act, and half an hour later, the two-layer cake was distributed to dozens of neighbors around!

Back at the dinner table, the family is eating happily!
There is nothing to say about grandma's craftsmanship, after all, Yu Shanchen's name is there!

"Grandma, look, these are the glasses I bought for you. Try it and see if you like it?" Gong Ming took out the gift he had prepared!
This pair is a pair of reading glasses. It was a reward for taking a small daily task to celebrate my mother's birthday after waking up this morning!

It is said that these glasses are not for sale?

ps: There is true love in the world, and a recommendation is also love!

Thousands of waters and thousands of mountains are always love, can I give some rewards?
(End of this chapter)

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