Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Make up nonsense and use drafts
"Teacher, why did you remember to call me?" The phone was connected, and a middle-aged male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Sun, are you still in the office now, can you help me check the news of the Dingshenghe and the Seven Star Club in Lan Kupa, Malaysia!" Grandpa said to the person on the other end of the phone

There was a short pause on the phone, and after waiting for a while, the other end of the phone said again: "Teacher, why do you care about these two associations in Malaysia!"

"Just check it out for me. If you have any news, just tell me!" Grandpa didn't want to reveal the news about his grandson.

"Teacher, we've been planning some things here for more than half a year. It's not good for me to disclose them as secrets!" The man surnamed Sun, after thinking about it, still told some irrelevant things to come out.

"Are these two clubs both blue ice clubs!" Grandpa asked what he wanted to ask the most.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone: "Teacher, what you know is confidential, but Dingshenghe is very strange recently. They gave up all the blue ice half a year ago and concentrated on building a financial company!"

Hearing these words, grandpa was completely relieved.

"Okay, Xiaosun, if you have time, come and sit at home, your mistress misses you a little!" Grandpa chatted with the other party for a while, then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the man surnamed Sun, looking at the photo of Gong Ming on the computer, knew that this boy was his teacher's grandson.

Unexpectedly, such an 18-year-old boy would actually be the mastermind behind the top club in Southeast Asia, Ding Sheng He.

However, in the past six months, Dingshengheyi has turned to normal, no longer manages the business of Blue Ice, and concentrates on developing the entertainment industry, real estate and financial industries

When they got home, their parents were sitting on the sofa, holding weapons in their hands and looking at Gong Ming unkindly.

"Speak up, I'll give you a chance to save yourself!" Dad's dog legs showed to the extreme!

Of course Gong Ming was not to be outdone: "My dear mother, let me explain a little bit to you!"

Just kidding, things like this never have to be drafted!

"My lord, remember you promised me that you won't..."

"Get lost, speak human language!" Jiang Yan slapped a fly swatter on the coffee table!
"That... I went to Shanghai for an exam last year, met a friend, and then learned about Bitcoin under his introduction, so I bought Bitcoin with all my savings, and sold it all at the peak in the first half of this year. The first time I went to Shanghai was to copy."

Gong Ming's nonsense made up every detail, time, place, characters and reasons are everything.

"You think you are telling me a joke, Bitcoin, that thing can also count money!" Although Jiang Yan is an accountant, she doesn't know anything about new things like Bitcoin.

"Mom, what era is this? Internet economy, Internet economy, since there is an Internet economy, there must be Internet currency, a product of the Bitcoin era."

Gong Ming clearly remembered that in his previous life on December 17, 12, Bitcoin reached the peak of his life, and one Bitcoin was worth 17 US dollars!
After the peak, there was a decline, but it fell directly from $[-] to $[-] in half a year!
Even before Gong Ming was reborn in his previous life, the price of Bitcoin had recovered to $[-]!
The current bitcoin is at its lowest point in the past few years, but it is only more than 200 US dollars a piece. How can this wave of fast money be inappropriate!

Two years, a hundred times the income, a fool would not want it!

"Then how much did you earn?" Jiang Yan is still very vigilant about unknown things. In fact, what she is most worried about is that her son will be deeply involved and unable to extricate himself!

Gong Ming thought for a while, if he told his mother that he still had more than 2000 million soft sister coins in the card, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble again!

"There's not much left. The watch I bought for you and gifts from a few elder sisters, there are still more than 100 million in the card now!" Gong Ming thought for a while, and said a moderate number!
"That's fine, then you can figure out how to spend your college money, and we won't prepare for it!" Jiang Yan nodded. After all, her son will make money, so she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

After talking, get up and prepare to go back to the room to sleep!

At this moment, Gong Ming stopped them: "My lord, I want to go to Malaysia this summer vacation!"

Gong Ming went to the system to give him a reward, that 40% absolute holding, for a company, it is obviously not a small amount of money!

"No, Malaysia is so far away, if you want to play, you can go anywhere in the country!" Gong Jianguo directly stopped it!

Seeing his father's reaction, Gong Ming never expected it to be like this.

At this time, Gong Ming's mother, Jiang Yan, thought about you for a while and said, "Let him go, go out and walk around more, and gain a lot of knowledge, but you remember that you are going for tourism, and you can only go to tourist attractions. Try not to run around anywhere!"

Hearing his wife's final decision, the palace father shook his hands and walked into the room.

"Mom, you're the best, don't worry, I'm just going on a trip, to relax and relax!" Gong Ming flattered her.

For one night, Gong Ming's parents did not communicate with each other.

On the second day, Gong's father got up early to go to the company, and Gong Ming's mother also had to go to work, so she left along the way.

According to the requirements of the system, it is the receiving company's responsibility to go by yourself, so the seven-day tourist visa time is too short to complete the system's arrangement at all.

After eating breakfast outside, it's almost nine o'clock, and now all the service departments are at work.

Gong Ming came to the municipal service hall with the materials.

In recent years, Sioux City has developed extremely rapidly, and the handling of government officials has become more open and transparent.

So there is a municipal service hall. If you want to apply for a visa, you must bring all the materials and come to the municipal service hall to apply.

Of course, this process is also quite convenient. Compared with more than ten years ago, don't know too much.

With your ID card, get a number and wait in line.

Because they came earlier, there were not many people doing business, so they were lined up with Gong Ming in 10 minutes.

Gong Ming entered the small room, explained the reasons for the visa to the clerk, handed in complete materials, and was quickly approved.

As for the visa, after three working days, there will be a special courier to send it to your home.

This is the characteristic of Suzhou Municipal Service Hall.

Right after Gong Ming left, his document was immediately sent to the Donghai Police Department of Jiangnan Province!
Sun Changqing looked at the material in front of him and rubbed his forehead. One year ago, a new type of blue ice appeared in Jiangnan Province. The Police Department immediately took action and arrested a series of related personnel.

Finally, Donghai Police Department dispatched ace anti-narcotics police to Malaysia to track down the undercover gang!
ps: I'm not flattering, but now, our JS municipal department is really efficient in handling things, and the paperless office is not just for fun!

(End of this chapter)

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