Chapter 63 A Small Restaurant
Chapter 63 A Small Restaurant
"Brother Gong, this is Jiang Xiaoguo from my bedroom, and this one is Duan Jiabao!" Seeing that Gong Ming arrived, Su Mei directly abandoned the two sisters and ran towards Gong Ming.

Duan Jiabao and Jiang Xiaoguo looked at this opposite-sex but inhuman sister, smiled at each other and shook their heads.

"Hello, Gong Ming, nice to meet you." Gong Ming stretched out his right hand.

The three of them shook hands and released it instantly, which made Duan Jiabao's sense of Gong Ming even better.

As a rich girl, she knows a lot about luxury accessories. Seeing which Patek Philippe is on Gong Ming's wrist, Duan Jiabao already knows that the boy in front of him has unusual family affairs.

"Brother Gong, we are shopping, and we happen to be short of a bag, why don't you..." Su Mei looked at Gong Ming with winking eyes, which made Gong Ming almost lose his grip.

Gong Ming pampered Su Mei's head and said with a smile, "Okay, I can help you carry your bag and swipe your card!"

Su Mei happily offered a kiss, and Gong Ming was very helpful.

Seeing all this in Jiang Xiaoguo's Duan Jiabao's eyes, it's very uncomfortable, and he still eats dog food when he goes shopping, and if he does it again, he won't have to eat dinner!
The four happily wandered around the mall. The three women mostly hung out and tried on clothes, but they really ordered and bought nothing. Sure enough, women are really strange creatures.

"Brother Gong, you see that you have already deceived our Daji, shouldn't you bribe us!" Jiang Xiaoguo's foodie nature is perfect at this time, showing it!
And Duan Jiabao nodded in agreement, which seems to mean that if you don't treat the guests, you can't justify yourself?
But to be honest, I am a little tired after shopping all afternoon, so it is good to find a place to sit and eat delicious food.

"Okay, since you all said that, let's go out and eat something casually. I just know that there is a small restaurant here, and I have a good appetite!" Gong Ming walked out with the three daughters after speaking.

Jin Haihua. Su show
"Boss, you call this a small restaurant, this is called casual eating!" Jiang Xiaoguo said, looking at the food on the table.

"Eat whatever you want, it's all local food, I don't know if you like it or not!" Gong Ming said casually.

The two women looked at Gong Ming with the eyes of a monster. What kind of treasure is this guy from a fairy family?

You know, although Jin Haihua Su Show is only a black pearl restaurant with a diamond level.

But how many of them are easy to enter the Black Pearl level?

You know, Black Pearl is the kind of restaurant with hundreds of dollars per capita, but if you order casually, you can't get down without seven or eight thousand!
The two girls looked at each other, looking at the table full of dishes, the last table in front of them cost at least [-] Ruanmei coins!

"Because I'm from a local area, I don't know your preferences, and this Black Pearl restaurant not only has local dishes, but also other special dishes, so it won't be said that there are no dishes to eat!" Gong Ming gave Su Mei the bowl A piece of Dongpo meat was sandwiched in it.

And this meal was a feast for the guests and the host, and Gong Ming directly gained two eyeliners through the meal.

In the end, Gong Ming went to pay the bill, and as the two girls expected, the meal directly cost 9000 yuan in Ruanmei coins, and this was still in a state where several of them hadn't drunk.

Gong Ming directly paid [-] Ruanmei coins, and then asked the waiter to make a new portion of the dishes that the two daughters liked just now, and give them a package to take away as supper!

This simple operation left Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao's two daughters directly in the restaurant.

After Gong Ming went out, he directly used Su Mei's mobile phone to call a special car for Jiang Xiaoguo's second daughter, and the destination was Sioux City University.

Gong Ming and Su Mei were walking on the lakeside path beside Jinji Lake.

The evening wind blew, curling Su Mei's long hair.

Gong Ming stretched out his hand and brushed the strand of long hair behind Su Mei's ear.

The two walked forward like this, holding hands, this couple of golden boy and jade girl made the people walking around very envious.

Walking to a gazebo, Gong Ming sat on a chair holding Su Mei's hand.

"Mei'er, I'm going to Malaysia this summer vacation, do you want to go with me?" Gong Ming gently stroked Su Mei's face.

At this time, Su Mei's pretty face was flushed with embarrassment, when she heard her sweetheart said that she was going to Malaysia, she was taken aback.

"What are you going to Malaysia for?" Su Mei looked at Gong Ming suspiciously.

Gong Ming withdrew his hand that was on the other's face, and that hand directly wrapped around Su Mei's slender waist.

"Some business matters, if you want to go too, then I can take you to Lankupa for a few days!" Gong Mingshou felt a little unconscious.

"Business matters?" Su Mei changed into a comfortable position and fell into Gong Ming's arms.

"Lan Kupa and I speculated in virtual currency with a friend. This time, we signed a contract and played there for a few days!" Gong Ming explained.

"I promised my mother, I will go home this summer vacation, I won't go with you this time, but next time you must take me with you!" Su Mei said, offering a sweet kiss.

Gong Ming didn't force it either. If Su Mei agreed to go to Lankupa, then Gong Ming would seize the opportunity of traveling abroad and win Su Mei completely.

Now Su Mei did not agree, and Gong Ming was not in a hurry. There is still a lot of time in the future.

Besides, how could it be possible for her to run away with the meat that had already reached her mouth?

The two stayed in the back for a while, and then Gong Ming drove Su Mei back to the dormitory.

After driving home, Gong Ming remembered which postal package he had received today.

Take the package over, take out a pair of scissors and cut it open.

Come here, my visa application has been completed, with this visa, I can travel freely between Malaysia and China within half a year.

It's just that an embarrassing thing happened. Gong Ming, who wanted to book a direct flight to Lang Kupa, Malaysia on the website, found out that there was no direct flight to Malaysia in Shanghai when he found a first-class ticket.

China Southern Airlines, which flies to Malaysia, only lands at Shuofang Airport in Scilly.

Originally, I thought about going to the magic capital and treating Meng Xiangwan to a morning tea before leaving. It seems that there is only next time!
Xilihe is on the other side of Taihu Lake in Sioux City, and it only takes ten minutes to get there by train.

However, if you take the train, you have to transfer to the subway to get to Shuofang Airport.

Everything is too time-consuming, why not drive directly to the convenience.

On the second day, Gong Ming talked to his parents, and while carrying a small suitcase, he left thinking about the parking lot of Baoguo Temple.

On the way to Shuofang Airport, Gong Ming received a phone call unexpectedly.

This call was made by the Academic Affairs Office of Magic Sea University, because Gong Ming was an internally recruited student, but he didn't fill in his application after his grades came out, which made Magic Sea University very anxious.

After all, candidates with a score of 410 and above in Jiangnan Province are still very popular, and universities with 985 and 211 levels will rush to take them.

After understanding the matter, Gong Ming slapped his head. A few days ago, he actually forgot his business in Shanghai, but fortunately, everything was in time.

The vehicle pulled over, found Luo Bin's number in the mobile phone, and dialed it directly. After explaining the whole story clearly, the matter was entrusted to Lawyer Luo Bin.

(End of this chapter)

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