Chapter 66

Chapter 66 Food and Beverage Cashback
After a while, three portions of salt-roasted black tiger prawns were brought up, along with tools for eating the prawns, and four pairs of disposable gloves.

Gong Ming treated Zheng Mengqi's black tiger prawns in a very gentlemanly manner, including shelling, etc. Such actions won Zheng Mengqi's favor, and the relationship between the two also improved further.

Gong Ming processed the salt-roasted black tiger prawns for himself again, and he took a big bite of the thick tail meat. The delicate and tender taste, coupled with the filling of the shrimp paste, made people quite satisfied.

"Sure enough!" An Gongming praised.

Cheese black tiger prawns and boiled black tiger prawns are also good, because I am a southerner and I don’t like braised black tiger prawns very much, so I ate all three braised black tiger prawns, with a yin and yang belly.

But to be honest, the seafood made by food stalls like Malaysia is no worse than the seafood made by the three-star restaurants in Sioux City.

Perhaps because of the place of origin, the seafood here is fresher.

The stone fish is here. This stone fish dish is made by the boss himself.

Stonefish is a fish with a strong toxin. Its scientific name is rose poisonous scorpion. The spines on its back are particularly sharp. If you are stabbed by it, you may die if you don't deal with it in time.

Therefore, this kind of fish needs a special treatment method. Generally, it is directly thrown into boiling water and boiled, so that the poison on the fishbone will disappear.

After a while, the steamed stone fish was brought up. Before I could take a closer look, the aroma wafted through my nostrils.

After steaming, the stone fish meat is very white and thin, with only one main bone. When you pick up a piece of fish meat and put it into your mouth, it is soft and smooth, as tender as tofu, full of fragrance, without a trace of fishy smell.

'Ding! '

'Congratulations to the host for enjoying a pleasant meal and getting 1-5 times the instant cashback reward of this meal consumption. '

'The food and beverage consumption cashback multiple is being drawn.'

'Congratulations to the host for getting 3 times cashback on food and beverage consumption! '

Gong Ming took the bill and looked at it. 12 servings of black tiger prawns, four servings of Sabah and four stone fish only cost more than 4000 MYR, or only 6400 in RMB.

Three times the cash back is less than 2 yuan.Really tasteless.

Of course, the more such rewards, the better!
After all, gathering sand makes a tower, and gathering armpits makes a fur!

After Gong Ming took the initiative to pay the bill, he looked at Zheng Mengqi and said, "Miss, then I'm playing in Malaysia, can I ask you to be my guide?"

Zheng Mengqi didn't hide anything, "I'm a lawyer and I usually have my own job. If I have time, I'd be happy to help. By the way, do you have any travel plans in Malaysia?"

"I don't have a fixed plan." Gong Ming responded, "Miss, let's add a WeChat account. If you have time later, we can play together."

Zheng Mengqi did not refuse, "Sweep me."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Mengqi clicked out the QR code of WeChat.

After the two became friends, they broke up and left!

At this time, Cheng Junsen from the crowd came out and stood respectfully beside Gong Ming: "Master Gong, that girl just now is the daughter of Zheng Taicheng, the president of the Seven Stars Club."

"I know, she's a very interesting girl!" Gong Ming directly stopped what he wanted to say next.

The next day, Gong Ming took Yin Yang and sat in the Rolls Royce at the door.

After I returned to the hotel yesterday, a phone call came into my room.

After listening to the introduction, the other party was actually my father's uncle, that is to say, the other party was my uncle.

The other party knew that he came to Malaysia and wanted to see him. He originally wanted to refuse such a thing, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

The Rolls-Royce drove into a manor. Today, Gong Ming only brought Yin Yang with him, and he arranged to meet other people for Christmas.

Looking at this huge manor, my uncle is really proud!This is the capital of Malaysia. If such a manor is placed in the territory of Huaguo, there is no 80 billion yuan to even think about it.

Not long after Gong Ming left, Cheng Junsen brought a group of people to the hotel. It was another day, and he had to pay this young lady for a day of wandering around.

When I came to the room, I found that there was no one there. After asking the front desk, I found out that Mr. Gong was picked up by a Rolls-Royce.

In Malaysia, a car like Rolls-Royce does not mean that you can buy it directly if you have money.

Just like his adoptive father, Li Hancai, he had the money to buy a Rolls-Royce, but he didn't dare to buy it, because such a car required a certain social status, and Dingshenghe was just a club force that couldn't get on the table anyway.

If Li Hancai dared to buy a Rolls-Royce today, he would probably die on the street tomorrow. The key point is that no one dared to collect his body, so the next best thing was Li Hancai’s car was just a Bentley.

In the manor, Gong Ming got off the Rolls-Royce, and the co-pilot, Yin Yang, took the lead to take a look around. There are at least a dozen places here.

However, wanting to threaten the safety of your boss is just a joke!

At this time, an old man dressed as a servant stepped forward.

"Master Gong, the master is waiting for you in the study!" After speaking, the old man led the way.

Entering the five-story western-style building in front of him, Gong Ming waved his hand and asked Yin Yang to sit in the living room and wait for him.

When they came to the study on the third floor, the old man opened the door and made a please gesture to Gong Ming!
Gong Ming nodded to the old man and walked in.

At this moment, the old man who was standing in front of the window turned around.

Gong Ming found that the old man's eyebrows were three points similar to his father's.

"You are Xiao Ming, you really look alike!" the old man said with tears in his eyes.

"You are my uncle? Why haven't I seen you since I was a child?" Gong Ming felt that there seemed to be a blood connection between the two.

"You really look like your grandma." The old man walked over from behind the table, came to Gong Ming's side and watched him.

Gong Ming had never met his grandma at all, but only occasionally learned about her from his father's words, and her appearance was five points similar to his own.

"Xiao Ming, come and sit down!" The old man stepped forward to grab Gong Ming's hand and walked towards the sofa.

Gong Ming didn't struggle, just sat quietly on the sofa, listening to the old man in front of him tell the story of the past.

From the old man's words, Gong Ming knew that his grandma's surname was Qin, and her nickname was Rong Rong.

Also my grandma has congenital heart disease.

Back then, grandma was deceived by her grandfather and became pregnant with her father.

However, his body got worse day by day, until his father was five years old, one rainy night, I remembered that my grandma passed away and left the world, leaving my father alone.

As for grandpa, he brought another woman back a week after grandma passed away. At this time, the woman was already pregnant, and the pregnant woman was his second uncle.

ps: In a blink of an eye, I have written 10,000+ words, and the book has been published for almost a month. This result is definitely going to hit the street, but I decided to give it a go. Next Friday, the author will apply to the editor Yaoda for listing. This book should be about 18 words long, and I hope that you can give me a wave of support for the first order.

(End of this chapter)

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