Chapter 71
Chapter 71 Deep diving

Gong Ming, who was hit, was lying on the deck of the yacht, basking in the sun while driving the yacht, Yin and Yang fiddling with deep diving equipment.

And Barney is still playing with his Barrett.

"Boss, there is no problem with the deep diving equipment, why don't I go down with you to have fun." Yin Yang came to Gong Ming and said.

"Okay, then let's go down together!" Gong Ming, of course, would not refuse Yin Yang's proposal. After all, the sea is a mysterious existence. You never know what will happen under the sea. With Yin Yang by your side, at least you safety will be guaranteed.

This is Sipadan Island. The yacht left the port of Semporna, traveled 36 nautical miles to the north, and reached the North Celeber Sea.

It is located at about 4 degrees north latitude. Although it is very close to the equator, it is very cool. The Malaysian government publicizes it as "the world's leading diving paradise" at home and abroad.

At the same time, it is also the top five cliff diving in the world.

The North Celeber Sea is a world-renowned diving destination with mild sea temperature, gentle current, upper-middle visibility and abundant fish.

Gong Ming put on the deep diving equipment and installed the underwater camera.

"Boss, all right, are you ready to go down!" Yin Yang asked.

"Have you reached the place? Then let's go down together!" Gong Ming stretched his muscles as he said.

Yin Yang made a gesture to stop the ship to Christmas in the cab.

The two came to the stern and lowered the diving board.

"Boss, I'll go down first, you'll be behind me!" Yin Yang said and put on the dry water mask.

Three meters underwater, Gong Ming found a different scenery, the nature is really amazing!
Ten meters underwater, fish swim by, and even a few clownfish kiss their bodies.

The depth is 15 meters, which is the limit of depth for ordinary people. Gong Ming found a group of hawksbill turtles not far away, so he found the seabed not far away to swim.

Hawksbill and green turtles like this area very much, it is a breeding ground for them to inhabit and breed.

At 20 meters underwater, Gong Ming and the two continued to dive into the deep sea. Not far away, they found a school of fish, and there were at least tens of thousands of fish.

"What kind of fish is that Yinyang?" Looking at the school of fish not far away, Gong Ming talked to Yinyang through the underwater communication equipment.

"Boss, you are really lucky to be able to encounter the sea wolf storm." Yin Yang responded.

Gong Ming also heard about sea wolf storms in a diving forum in his previous life.

The so-called sea wolf storm is a kind of storm caused by two kinds of fish, the real gold barracuda and the ghost gold barracuda.

They swim fast and often hunt other fish in groups. They are extremely ferocious, but they usually do not attack humans actively.

It is very exciting to encounter the spectacular "sea wolf storm", and you can imagine people swimming next to them, even in their moving circles, which is really exciting.

Gong Ming and Yin Yang walked towards the middle of the school of fish, and the underwater camera completely recorded all of this, what a wonderful experience.

"Yin Yang, is this one a shark?" Gong Ming caught a different fish among the school of fish.

"Boss, this is a broad-tailed dogfish, a very docile shark, but the boss let it go, as long as it comes out of the water, it can't survive!" Yin Yang Baidu Xiaozhi replied again.

Gong Ming is a little envious of Yin Yang, this is just a Baidu Encyclopedia, almost, there is nothing that this group of people can't understand.

Maybe, one day I get a private jet, and these guys can take me around the world.

30 meters underwater is the limit of human deep diving, and the pressure of diving into the water is not what the human body can bear.

At 30 meters, you can see a variety of coral reefs, and tropical fish scurry around in the coral reefs.

Two hours later, the limit of the human body was reached.

"Boss, let's go up, your body won't be able to bear it if you stay any longer!" Yin Yang said in the underwater communication device.

"Okay, let's go back!" The two swam back to the yacht above their heads.

In order to avoid excessive changes in the air pressure in the body during diving, Gong Ming and his wife made a safety stop at 5 meters for at least 3 minutes.

"Next stop, Mabul Island!" Gong Ming returned to the diving equipment that he took off on the boat.

In the cabin, I took a beautiful shower, and then went back to the deck to apply sunscreen.

At sea, if you don’t apply sunscreen after taking a bath, you probably won’t be able to meet people the next day, and you will enter the era of shedding.

As long as the skin on the whole body is exposed to the sun, it will be replaced with a new layer, which feels as silky as a newborn.

Mabul Island is equally beautiful and full of charm, no matter the blue ocean and fine white sandy beach are not lost to the Maldives.

The yacht docked at the port of Mabul Island. Such a luxurious yacht directly attracted many tourists to take pictures outside the port guardrail.

Gong Ming led Yin Yang Christmas and his party out of the yacht, feeling the afternoon sun.

A pair of flip-flops, a pair of beach shorts and a small vest, this look is not a person who can own a yacht.

Gong Ming's simple attire, if it wasn't for the more than 200 million Patek Philippe in his hand that reflected in the sun, how could there be many beauties in bikinis around him.

Gong Ming pushed away so many beauties, it felt like going through a jungle full of meat and eggs, it was extremely difficult.

Mabul Island is one of the top "dive" locations in the world.

It is an oval-shaped island surrounded by sandy beaches and located on the northwest corner of a 200-hectare reef.

There are only two hotels in the entire Mabul Island, which also makes the room rate extremely expensive.

At this time, the woman in business attire who was handing over to her friends squeezed in from the crowd.

"Master Gong, the hotel has been booked. It is the Mabu Resort. This place is invested and developed by the second master, so Master Gong can live in the villa here as he pleases!"

After finishing speaking, the woman in business attire took the lead towards the sightseeing bus not far away.

Ten minutes later, Gong Ming threw himself on the big bed in the villa, lifted the cover at his feet, and you will find sea water flowing under you.

That's right, this villa is built on the sea, if you want to swim in the sea, you can just jump from the window sill, it's so convenient.

Sure enough, the happiness of the rich is beyond our imagination.

After closing the cover, Gong Ming put on his flip-flops again and headed towards the restaurant.

I haven't eaten since morning, and I'm already hungry now.

A group of eight people gathered around a large dining table, fighting with local specialties.

The seafood here is extremely fresh. After all, if you eat seafood by the sea and you still know that it is refrigerated, I know it means you are African, or what?
(End of this chapter)

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