Chapter 82
Chapter 82 Be a little wolf dog
Su Mei has been acting a little bit lately. In the past month or so, her popularity in the live broadcast room has plummeted.

However, she didn't care about the live broadcast anymore. For more than a month, looking at the travel records in Gong Ming's circle of friends, she regretted her decision. She knew that she would go with him.

For more than a month, although the two also communicated through WeChat and phone, they felt that the distance between each other had been opened.

I have been at home during the holidays, listening to my mother's nagging, but fortunately I haven't graduated, otherwise I would also join the army of blind dates.

In order to avoid her mother's nagging, Su Mei came to her rented house ahead of time because the summer school had an internship plan.

In the past few days, I have been sitting outdoors and live broadcasting every day, leading my friends to appreciate the major gardens and scenic spots in Sioux City.

As for bringing goods, it is impossible to bring goods in this life, and the things have never been used, and word-of-mouth is unknown, and there is no shortage of money to bring goods.

In fact, during this period of time, Su Mei's live broadcast has not left the vicinity of Gusu, because of Gong Ming, it is difficult to contact her immediately after returning.

The Humble Administrator's Garden was broadcast today. Just when I bought tickets and wanted to enter, my phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that familiar name, Su Mei almost jumped up and down.

"Brother Gong, are you back?" Su Mei asked with her uniquely charming voice.

"I came back and brought you a gift. Where are you?" Gong Ming asked directly. After all, she is not the only one who can wear this gift.

If Su Mei wasn't in Su City, then this gift would only be cheaper for other women.

Su Mei was even happier when she heard that there were gifts received. After all, the gifts given by people like Gong Ming would definitely not be cheap.

"Brother Gong, are you at home when I'm in the Humble Administrator's Garden? How about I go find you now?" Su Mei said happily.

Gong Ming turned the car around at the traffic lights ahead, and then said through the Bluetooth headset, "Which gate are you in the Humble Administrator's Garden? Don't move around there, I'll go right now."

"Brother Gong, I'll wait for you at the subway entrance here in the Humble Administrator's Garden." Su Mei pretended to be a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband, and was noticed by the audience in the live broadcast room. Some old people knew Nima, this is the little anchor The patron's father is back.

The Humble Administrator's Garden is very close, but this place does not allow parking. In less than 10 minutes, Gong Ming arrived at the subway entrance.

Gong Ming drove over, pressed the window of the co-pilot, and greeted, "Su Daji, get in the car!"

Standing there, Su Daji was the focus of the crowd, and there were even a few men whispering behind him, wanting to ask for WeChat, but after seeing this Audi R8 stop, the last thoughts of these people were was strangled.

When Su Mei saw the license plate of this Audi R8, she already knew that the person she was thinking of was coming.

With cheerful steps, he opened the co-pilot's door and entered.

While waiting for Gong Ming, Su Mei had already turned off the live broadcast.

Watching the goddess leave in a sports car, the men suddenly heard heartbroken voices, can they really do whatever they want with money?
Several people looked at each other, and then went to the Michelle Ice City at the entrance of the subway to buy a cone.

Su Mei got into the co-pilot, she asked doubtfully, "Brother Gong, when did you come back?"

"The plane last night, I just got home this morning." Gong Ming responded, and then asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Su Mei thought for a while before responding, "I don't know either, you decide."

"Then let's go to dinner and watch a movie!" Gong Ming thought for a while and said directly: "By the way, I didn't bring you a present this time, so I'll give you a gift later!"

At first Su Mei was a little disappointed when she heard that there was no gift, but now that Gong Ming brought it up, she blushed and shook her head, "I don't want a gift."

"Didn't you let me decide?" Gong Ming headed towards Jinji Lake without giving the little host a chance to repent.

Suzhou Center, here is the largest integrated shopping mall in Suzhou City.

Gong Ming didn't have a chance, but he used his parking skills to park the Audi R8 in the underground parking lot and unbuckled his seat belt.

"Get out of the car! We're here." Gong Ming walked out of the cab.

"One-stop service for eating, shopping and watching movies!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

Suzhou Center stands on the bank of Jinji Lake, and its unique shape has become a landmark building in Suzhou City.

Divided into four areas, each with a different style.

Gong Ming's parking lot is in the North District, and the two took the elevator from the second basement floor directly to the second floor.

It was approaching noon, so I decided to eat first. After all, I would have the energy to go for a walk when I was full.

On the second floor, there is a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant in Guyangshifang, which is diagonally opposite the famous Uniqlo.

When it comes to Uniqlo, people can’t help but think of the short video of Uniqlo in Sanlitun a few days ago, but the Uniqlo in Suzhou Center is more formal than the one in Sanlitun.

Entering the tea restaurant, the waiter led the two to sit by the window.

Gong Ming handed the menu to Su Mei: "Dress yourself, and order whatever you like!"

Su Mei took the menu and said happily: "This meal must be invited by me. A few days ago, I was paid a total of 15 yuan. No matter how you say it, I must invite you to this meal, otherwise I will not be able to justify it!"

Gong Ming did not expect that the little anchor in front of him had changed from a low-income earner of 15 yuan a day to a middle-level elite earning [-] a month.

Seeing the little anchor's request, Gong Ming did not object. After all, the per capita consumption of this Hong Kong-style tea restaurant is only 400 yuan, and the meal will not exceed [-] yuan at most.

Soon, Su Mei ordered lunch, which was all the selected food of this store, and it was just a very common roast goose.

The two ate a meal for an hour, Su Mei patted her belly with satisfaction, thinking that she was very satisfied with this meal.

"The waiter pays the bill!" Su Mei beckoned and asked the waiter to come over.

"Hello, the total consumption is 457 yuan, which one of you is paying the bill!" The waiter naturally brought the bill to Gong Ming.

"Bring the waiter's bill and make a meal, I'll do it!" Before Gong Ming could speak, Su Mei took out a bank card from her bag.

Seeing Su Mei's action, the waiter at the side looked at Gong Ming even more weirdly. Such a handsome little brother is actually a little wolf dog.

However, the waiter was a little annoyed immediately. If he had money, he could let such a handsome little brother be his little wolf dog.

Gong Ming sat aside and watched everything with a smile, and suddenly found that the little anchor in front of him was a little cute.

Walking a hundred steps after dinner and living to 99 years old, the two of them wandered around the center of Suzhou holding hands. This pair of handsome men and beautiful women attracted countless eyeballs.

(End of this chapter)

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