Chapter 86
Chapter 86 Fighting Shark Rookie Kaka

The first game of the first round came to an end.

Looking at the remaining 70 shark fins in the account, Gong Ming directly renewed the emperor seven times, and Su Mei's live broadcast room raised special effects seven times in a row.

"Congratulations to [Gong Private Fenming] for renewing the fee to the emperor in the [I'm not Su Daji] live broadcast room!" X7
During the intermission, the water friends in Su Mei's live broadcast room were all scrambling for the fish balls in the treasure chest.

At this time, in Xiao Nannan's live broadcast room, there was a scene of bad news, and Xiao Nannan's face turned black.

Damn, it's about to win, but at the last moment, their elder brother came back, so I must find a way to bring that elder brother over.

'It's cold!It's cold!The hot guy is here again! '

'Grandpa vomited!Shenhao returns! '

'This, this... still hit Nima? '

'The emperor directly renews ten times, who can stand it? '

'Quickly ask the opposite anchor, how to charm a real local tyrant? '

'Xiao Nannan: My mentality has collapsed! '

At the beginning of the second round, the waiter brought over four appetizers.

36-month-old goose head in marinade, frozen mackerel fish rice, tender beef tongue with sanded ginger, refreshing abalone.

The four cold dishes are exquisitely arranged, which makes people very appetizing at first glance.

Su Mei, the four appetizers aimed at the live broadcast platform.

"Let me show you, as for the taste, I'll help you taste it." After speaking, Su Mei began to feast on it.

Gong Ming directly fired ten shots and took the lead to seal the victory.

The two of them went through three rounds in a row while they were having dinner.

After three rounds, the popularity of Su Mei's live broadcast has reached one million.

With this million popularity, the number of living people is at least about 30. It is really the first time that 30 people watch him eat.

In the fourth round, I met an acquaintance, that is, the old opponent Qingcheng met in the semi-finals of the last PK.

"How are you, Miss Qingcheng!" Su Mei greeted first.

Seeing Su Mei who had just swallowed a snowflake beef cube, Qingcheng swallowed unconsciously. Looking at this dish, she really wanted to eat it.

"Miss Su Daji, how are you too!" Qingcheng's soft voice really makes people fall into it unconsciously.

"Then shall we start?" It was rare for Su Mei to initiate a PK invitation.

Qingcheng smiled awkwardly: "Miss Su Daji, I really don't want to leave with you. I saw Gong Sifenming's great power before, and I know I'm cold again this time!"

Mo Wen, Qingcheng's patron father, came to Su Mei's live broadcast room first: "Master, long time no see!"

As the so-called bridal sedan chairs were carried by everyone, seeing the other party being so polite, Gong Ming also replied in the live broadcast: "Don't ask the boss, you are fine too!"

In fact, Mo Wen wants to complain now, I am not good at him at all, but he still asked straight to the point: "Is the palace emperor the sword finger again this time?"

"That's what I mean. Let's see the specific situation later." Gong Ming replied to the message.

'Then please be merciful to the boss, our family Qingcheng gave up, and we will watch the performance of the palace boss later. Mo Wen said that he would withdraw voluntarily, and he couldn't compete with Gong Ming, so there was no need to hold on.

After Mo Wen sent the message, he sent Su Mei five super-hot shots.

Su Mei immediately thanked, "Thank you Mo Wen, thank you Miss Qingcheng, your brother is too polite, thank you very much!"

Face is given to each other, and Gong Ming also entered Qingcheng's live broadcast room, and also fired five shots of super fire.

Everyone is a decent person, and they will never steal the tower if they give up.

This round, Su Mei easily won.

After the end, Su Mei's live broadcast room flooded with a large number of viewers. Most of these people started with Qingcheng. Presumably, those viewers in Qingcheng's live broadcast room came to help and support.

At this time, the waiter has already served today's hot dishes
Baked Blue Lobster with Red Pepper

Boiled East Star Spot with Sour Plum and Tomato
Braised chicken with fresh bamboo shoots
Meixiang Puning Tofu Roasted Scallop

Stir-Fried Cabbage Hearts with Bean Paste
Old Teochew Preserved Radish Rice
As usual, water friends eat first, and it's already past 08:30, already past dinner time, Su Mei's move is a proper poisoning.

The fifth round of pk started when Gong Ming squeezed a piece of Eastern Star Spot into his mouth.

Gong Ming was stunned when he saw the PK opponent in this match through the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

He didn't expect that the PK opponent in this match would be Kaka, one of the most popular fighting sharks on the fighting shark platform.

Kaka is still the old rules, sitting on the computer chair showing her pair of little feet.

Recall that next year's Dousha platform will be dominated by the era of the three singers and Dousha Sansao.

It's just that Gong Ming didn't expect that Kaka in this guild would start to let the anchor play the sidelines now.

Although this is a benefit for water friends, it is extremely unfair to other anchors.

Gong Ming couldn't lose in this pk match, he wanted to suppress the evil trend that hadn't woken up on the Dou Sha platform.

Kaka was stunned, "I didn't introduce myself, did I bully people like that?" '

But PK is like this, as long as Brother Shenhao is happy, the Dousha platform can do whatever he wants.

An anchor like Kaka, of course, has a lot of big brothers behind him. Seeing that Gong Ming actually took the lead, the live broadcast room became super popular.

50 bursts are super hot!

This move is only 10 yuan, and the bosses on Kaka have also stopped the baptism of super fire. Seeing that the opponent's posture is completely tough to the end, it is not worth it for the anchor in front of him.

Kaka's mobile phone WeChat rang, and the messages sent by several elder brothers were similar in content.

'Kaka, we let this game go, save a little money, I will take you out to dinner tomorrow, and buy you an LV bag by the way! '

Eat a big meal, who is the big meal?Kaka really wanted to complain, but how could a little anchor like himself refuse these big shots?I just joined this live broadcast platform, if I didn't have the support from these big bosses, I might get out soon!

"Gonghuang, we have conceded defeat in this round, please be merciful, Brother Gonghuang!" Kaka said in the live broadcast room with her unique voice.

Since the opponent conceded defeat, there was no need for Gong Ming to kill them all. Although there was a system to cover this round, the money that was withdrawn from his bank card was real money.

At the end of the fifth round, Gong Ming saw that the other party's little anchor was actually on the road, so he came to her live broadcast room and fired five shots.

It was nicknamed 'medical expenses', and then it was reminded by the anchor's friend in the background.

Sure enough, it was Kaka who sent it, Gong Ming clicked to accept, and the other party sent a text message and a WeChat friend invitation.

In that year, how many boys dreamed, and now they should still be fans. If it is a py transaction, why not?

The sixth round started soon, and it was another familiar anchor.

(End of this chapter)

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