Chapter 89 Swiss Bank Centurion Black Card

Chapter 89 UBS Centurion Black Card
Because of Gong Ming's super emperor, high-energy drainage, now Su Mei's live broadcast room has gathered a large number of viewers.

Most of these people came here for Gong Ming. After all, who wouldn't want to get acquainted with such a hero who doesn't take money as money?
At this moment, Gong Ming's cell phone rang, and the unique ringtone directly exploded in Su Mei's live broadcast room.

"Damn it, Gong Huang actually has such an awesome cell phone ringtone!"

"It turns out that Gonghuang's cell phone also has a ringtone, and mine also has a ringtone, so I will be the same as Gonghuang!"

"What a unique ringtone, what a great taste!"

"I didn't expect that Shenhao's taste would be so B grade"

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded directly.

Su Mei was looking at the barrage, eating dessert, what else did she want to say?It suddenly occurred to me that when I call the other party myself, the ringtone of the call is also like this?

Thinking about it, she suddenly felt very shy, and her cheeks were directly covered with a blush.

Gong Ming picked up the phone and found that it was the manager of Aston Martin calling, so he connected directly.

"Master Gong, we have arrived at the gate of Qingxi Hui, how long will it take for you?" the man asked respectfully.

When Gong Ming heard that someone was coming, he said directly: "I'll pay the bill now!"

Hearing Gong Ming's reply, the man said directly: "Master Gong, don't worry, let's ask the driver to unload the car now!"

Gong Ming said 'hmm' and hung up the phone.

"Little anchor, have you finished eating? If you haven't eaten well, I'll ask the waiter to pack some more for you!" Gong Ming asked Su Mei who was eating the last bite of shortbread while watching.

The shortbread in Su Mei's mouth hadn't been swallowed yet, so she had to shake her hands again and again, and said in a humming voice: "No, no, I'm full, if I don't eat, I will lose weight."

Seeing Su Mei who almost choked to death, Gong Ming pushed a glass of juice on the table in front of Su Mei.

Su Mei picked up the juice and drank it in one gulp, totally disregarding her ladylike image!

In fact, the king who came in from the VIP seats later in the live broadcast room had already recognized the location of this restaurant?
It's just that they didn't expect that the fishing anchor actually had this trick, and they shouted in their hearts that they learned another trick!
"How much would you give for this meal?" Gong Ming asked.

Su Mei thought about it, the dishes here are all delicious, especially the desserts, which suit her best, but the Wufu platter is too simple, why do you need 168 slices of cucumber.

"I can score 9 points, and that portion will be deducted from the cucumber." Su Mei said firmly.

Gong Ming also rated this meal with 8 points in his heart. Compared with UV rays, there is still a gap between this meal and UV rays.

Gong Ming called the waiter to check out, and casually took out a black bank card from the card bag.

Su Mei has no knowledge of bank cards. In her opinion, bank cards are all the same, either savings cards or credit cards.

When the waiter saw this card, he either accepted it or not, and after thinking about it, he called the manager through the walkie-talkie.

Hearing from his subordinates that someone was spending money with a Swiss bank black card, the manager immediately ran over from the office.

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at the sweating manager, wondering what card Gong Huang had used to make such a big move.

"Hello, sir. It is an honor for you to come to our store for consumption. Is there anything I can do for you?" The manager calmed down his heartbeat before he said.

"Check out!" Gong Ming handed his Swiss bank centurion black card to the manager.

The manager took it with trembling hands. He had only seen such a card during training.

The moment the card appeared in the live broadcast range, someone immediately recognized what kind of card it was, and exclaimed directly on the public screen, "Fuck, Swiss bank centurion black card, the emperor is indeed the emperor! "

The UBS centurion black card is not something that ordinary people can get. Either they have money to the level of Papa Ma, or they have a certain international status.

Gong Ming's Swiss Bank Centurion Black Card was a gift from the Swiss Bank. First, it should be due to the status of the Qin family, and second, because Gong Ming is the big boss behind the Death Squad.

Who dares to offend a special team that can easily destroy a small country.

This Swiss Bank Centurion Black Card, according to the manager, can overdraft 7000 million US dollars, but Gong Ming has not tried it.

After a while, the manager respectfully presented the black card with both hands, along with a golden card.

"Young Master Gong, this is our Qingxihui Platinum Membership Card. Please accept it, and you can enjoy a 8% discount on future purchases at Qingxihui!" The manager hurriedly explained as Gong Ming flipped through the card.

"Okay, I'll take that card!" Gong Ming put the card in his wallet casually, and walked out of Qingxi Hui under the respectful escort of the manager and his group.

At 09:30, the entrance of Qingxihui should have been deserted, but now there are five or six sports cars gathered here. Of course, these sports cars are only in the million class, and the best one is just a Ferrari 488.

But they looked like they were waiting for someone.

Gong Ming was walking in front, Su Mei turned the camera and used the selfie mode to broadcast the live broadcast. Gong Ming did not appear in the live broadcast room during the whole process, which also made all the water friends want to know the appearance of the emperor even more.

At this time, a new round of pk began, and this round was the semifinals.

Su Mei didn't expect that after eating a meal, she had already entered the semi-finals.

This round, Su Mei's opponent, Gong Ming, is a little familiar. She is the eldest cousin of the top four famous watches on the Dousha platform.

Su Mei obviously also knows the reputation of her eldest cousin, because behind her there is also a father who praises her financially.

Moreover, many people are familiar with this patron's father. He is Wang Xiaocong, the only son of Wang Dalin, the richest man in China.

With this one behind her, there is nothing wrong with the eldest cousin being able to enter the semi-finals.

Gong Ming didn't care about what happened in the live broadcast room, because it was just Wang Xiaocong, if it was his father, he would still be afraid of it.He, huh, a bus as a treasure.

When Gong Ming came to the truck, a fat middle-aged man took out a photo for comparison.

After realizing that it was someone who was coming, he hurried over.

"Master Gong, hello, I'm Chen Ming, the manager of the Aston Martin 4S shop, you can call me Lao Chen!" Chen Ming introduced himself.

Gong Ming nodded and stretched out his left hand.

"Gong Ming!" Gong Ming introduced himself simply.

Seeing Gong Ming's outstretched left hand, Chen Ming hastily held it. After all, he knew exactly how powerful the opponent's background was?

"Where's my car?" Gong Ming let go of his hand and asked directly.

(End of this chapter)

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