Chapter 95 The beauty under the T-shirt (first update)
Chapter 95

Jiujiantang Villa

Gong Ming looked at his uncle Jiang Hao who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Second Uncle, this is the wine my mother asked me to bring you, see if you like it?" Gong Ming, this one bought a case of Moutai 1968 and put it on the coffee table.

The second uncle opened the wooden box, took out a bottle and shook it: "Someone gave it to you, right? It's rare that you are so filial, I accept it!"

Gong Ming took advantage of the situation and sat down directly.

"Tell me! What's the matter with your uncle?" Jiang Hao, the second uncle, put down the remote control in his hand and asked.

Gong Ming narrated this matter in detail, but he didn't mention anything about Lan Kupa's power.

"I heard from your mother that you are going to sign the contract this time. Originally, you wanted to hire a legal consultant to help you review it. Now that you have the identity of your uncle, Lan Kupa, which company dares to make a trap contract for you." The second uncle Jiang Hao said with a lonely expression.

Gong Ming responded with a smile, "Second Uncle, if they dare to make a trap contract for me, I will let them lose their fortune. The algorithm was developed by me. Of course, I can also separate the algorithm!"

Jiang Hao quickly cleared up his mood, and then said: "You just need to have a steelyard in your heart, remember that money can never be earned, don't put yourself in a dangerous situation!"

Gong Ming nodded, this is the experience of a predator who has been in the business world for decades.

"By the way, there's still one month left, Xiao Ming, you're going to start school. Are you going to live on campus or outside?" Jiang Ying came over with a plate of fruit.

Gong Ming thought about it, which pheasant university he went to in his previous life, there were six people in a dormitory, and there could be seven groups, and all kinds of messy things were annoying.

I have never seen what the Demon Sea University is like in this life.

"Let me take a look first! If my roommates can get along with me, I'll live on campus. If it doesn't work, I'll find an apartment outside!" Gong Ming thought for a while and said

At this time, the second aunt came out of the kitchen, holding three glasses of freshly squeezed fruit juice.

"Xiao Ming, our apartment outside Mohai University has been vacant all the time, why don't you go and live there during school!" The second aunt sat down to compare a glass of juice, and handed it to Gong Ming.

"Thank you, aunt, but I'll take a look first. If it doesn't work, I'll have to trouble aunt!" Gong Ming said, reaching out to take the juice.

Unconsciously, it was 11 o'clock, and Gong Ming slept in the guest room on the third floor under the arrangement of his uncle.

As soon as he lay down, a message came from Gong Ming's mobile phone WeChat.

"Brother Gong, I have arrived home safely, are you asleep?" It was the message from Su Mei

Gong Ming: 'Just went to bed, ready to sleep'

"Thank you for your company today, I am very happy" Su Mei replied in seconds

"Well, then you should go to bed early, it's getting late, I'll pick you up tomorrow to play," Gong Ming replied after thinking for a while.

Su Mei replied in seconds: "Brother Gong, good night and sweet dreams"

The next day, Gong Ming got up early and checked that the time was already 08:30. At this time, the second aunt had already prepared breakfast.

After breakfast, Gong Ming bid farewell to his second aunt. He was going back to Su City today, and the business in the capital city was finished.

The second aunt just asked, be careful on the road, drive slowly and pay attention to safety!
This is the care of relatives. I didn't know how to cherish it in my previous life, but this time I came back, this kind of family affection is worth cherishing.

At the door, the second aunt watched Gong Ming get into his Aston Martin one 77, and then the taillights of the car disappeared at the door.

Yipin Tomson

Gong Ming registered the license plate at the door, and then drove towards the underground parking lot.

The security guard at the gate had eyes full of envy. You can live here at such a young age, and you have such a luxury car. Sure enough, they say that all roads lead to Rome, but what you don’t know is that your end point is just the beginning of others.

Gong Ming used another key to open the door and headed towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Su Mei was wearing a big Gong Ming T-shirt, and was busy making breakfast in the kitchen.

Gong Ming opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of mineral water. The moment he turned his head, nosebleeds flowed out uncontrollably.

Such a scene was too tempting, Su Mei also noticed the commotion outside at this time, turned her head and saw that Gong Ming had a nosebleed, ran over in a hurry, picked up a tissue beside her and wanted to wipe it off for him.

But when she raised her arms, Gong Ming had a panoramic view of the pair of beautiful giant pandas, and the nosebleeds couldn't be stopped even more, and even a few drops of nosebleeds flew towards the beautiful giant pandas.

Su Mei felt that there seemed to be some liquid dripping from the giant panda, and when she took a peek from the collar, it turned out to be blood?
At this time, there was a scream, and Su Mei dropped the tissue in her hand and ran towards the room.

Where does she still not know why Gong Ming's nosebleed is left behind?
Half an hour later, Gong Ming had cleaned up the nosebleed in the bathroom, and returned to his room to change.

Su Mei has already changed into yesterday's Hermès suit, after all, she didn't bring a change of clothes when she came out to play.

Gong Ming looked at the woman standing in front of him, suppressed the desire in his heart, and told himself that it was only after broad daylight that the days would still be long.

Su Meiqiao blushed slightly, but Gong Ming felt that she was extremely charming.

"Brother Gong, I'm sorry I caused you to have a nosebleed. I didn't wear your clothes on purpose, but I didn't bring a change of clothes." Su Mei explained.

Gong Ming didn't care about this, drank the water in his hand and said, "Get ready, I'll take you out to buy some clothes, and then we'll go to the aquarium to play!"

Hearing that she was going to buy clothes for herself again, Su Mei remembered the embarrassment she had at Victoria's Secret yesterday, her underwear was hanging out on the balcony, she wondered if she had done it yet.

"Then, Brother Gong, wait for me for a while and I'll do some makeup!" Su Mei quickly ran to the balcony to put away her underwear, and then returned to the room.

After 15 minutes, Su Mei felt it. The underwear was a little wet and uncomfortable to wear.

If Gong Ming knew that Su Mei hadn't worn anything under her clothes 15 minutes ago, the nosebleeds would flow down even more uncontrollably, and she might bleed to death by then.

Gong Ming held Su Mei's hand, and the two headed towards the underground parking lot.

An hour later, the Shanghai International Financial Center

Gong Ming parked the Aston Martin one 77 in the underground parking lot.

"Let's go! Little anchor, let's go up for a stroll!" Gong Ming bent his right arm, and Su Mei consciously put it on it, but she unintentionally pressed this arm on one of her pandas.

Gong Ming felt the warmth in his arms, and thinking about what happened in the morning, his nose moved slightly again.

Su Mei obviously also noticed all this, but looking at Gong Ming's appearance, she felt a little more flirtatious.

 When I woke up this morning, I found out that yesterday’s Qixi Festival, Douyin Dog Abuse Day, has become, today’s Qixi Jie, all kinds of male and female girlfriends appeared, so I feel relieved

(End of this chapter)

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