Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 98 Eating a buffet also requires performance privileges

Chapter 98 Eating a buffet also requires performance privileges (fourth more)

Chapter 98 Eating a buffet also requires performance privileges

Under the guidance of the waiter, Gong Ming and the two entered the small private room. This small private room is separated by two pieces of removable frosted tempered glass. Sitting inside, you can clearly see everything outside. It is impossible to spy on what is going on in the private room.

After Gong Ming and Su Mei sat down, a service staff brought two sets of brand new tableware.

Just these two sets of utensils are much better than those public utensils in the hall outside.

The glass of the revolving cafeteria is purple, so the sky outside is also purple when you look through the glass, which is very poetic.

Gong Ming was about to get up, so he had to pick up things like the buffet himself.

In the revolving cafeteria, the food is in the center of the ball, and the seats are revolving. Because this is a small private room and an independent area, you don't have to worry about finding a place.

If people who eat in the revolving cafeteria leave their seats to pick up food, they may not even be able to find their own seats when they come back.

Such embarrassing things did not happen in one or two cases.

Gong Ming and Su Mei got up and went to the center of the ball to choose something they liked.

The hanging oven roast duck here is really good and has the flavor of Yanjing, but the only downside is that its spring pancakes are too thick.

Gong Ming took some, and then chose some other ingredients and headed towards his small private room.

At this time, all the guests from the revolving cafeteria came one after another.

Because it is the first time at noon, that is, from 11:[-] to [-]:[-], but many people who come to dine at this time come to line up at ten o'clock.

In the end, he met a privileged class like Gong Ming. Originally, there were no partitions for two people in the revolving cafeteria, but in order to facilitate the two people to find a seat, the revolving cafeteria took out all the glass partitions.

Gong Ming returned to his position, gently knocked open the crab legs with a tool, and took out the crab meat.

Because it is cooked, dipped in our own secret seasoning, the delicious taste is indescribable.

Su Mei also came back, she walked back with a steak in one hand.

Gong Ming took out his mobile phone and recorded this highlight moment.

"Taste the steak just made, how does it taste?" Su Mei handed over a steak like offering a treasure.

Gong Ming picked up the table knife at the side, cut a small piece, and put it in his mouth.

This kind of processed steak is naturally not wagyu, but the tender taste completely wraps the juice of the beef.

"It tastes good, you can eat it too!" Gong Ming cut another small piece and fed it to Su Mei.

Su Meiqiao blushed slightly, but still opened her mouth to eat the piece of beef.

"It's delicious, much better than our buffet in Sioux City!" Su Mei exaggerated.

Gong Ming smiled, and the two slowly tasted the food, looking down at the scenery of the Huangpu River.

Half an hour later, a waiter came over with two plates in his hands!

You know, self-organized meals, buffets, everything depends on self-service, and the waiters will never deliver the food to the guests.

"Sir, this is our new little green dragon, please taste it!" The waiter put the two plates in front of Gong Ming and the two of them.

This scene made the lemon taste even more sour for the people around. You must know that Xiao Qinglong only makes one serving in about 15 minutes, and there are only ten in one serving, and each person can only receive half of it.

But now there are two people at Gong Ming's table, and there are four people at the table.

Gong Ming picked up a piece of meat from Xiao Qinglong's tail with chopsticks, and put the light cheese in his mouth to seal the water loss of Xiao Qinglong, but it didn't cover up the unique umami taste of Xiao Qinglong.

"Try it, the craftsmanship is not bad!" Gong Ming affirmed the chef's craftsmanship.

Su Mei nodded, following Gong Ming's technique, she also took out a piece of the little green dragon's tail meat, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Mmm, um, it's delicious!" Su Mei praised her with a thumbs up.

Xiao Qinglong was quickly dealt with, and at this time the waiter just appeared again.

Still holding two dinner plates in his hands, the lemon essence around this scene completely exploded, and the sour smell tangled his nostrils.

"Sir, ma'am, this is our special abalone sauce rice, please taste it!" After speaking, he ignored the lemons of the people around him, put down the plate and was about to leave.

But Gong Ming stopped him and said, "By the way, do you still have any skewers here? When I turned around just now, I found that the skewers had been taken away!"

The waiter immediately said: "Okay, sir, please wait a moment, the skewers will be delivered in a while!"

At this time, the guests at the next table got up and pretended to pass by to take a look at the abalone rice.

This abalone is so big, it should be said to be a three-headed abalone.

Then he took his own small steps and walked towards the position of the abalone.

However, after coming to Baoyu Laofan, looking at the small abalone on his plate, he really wanted to cover the waiter's face with this abalone.

But he was reluctant, so let's get some skewers to satisfy his hunger!
But when I got to the skewer place, I saw the waiter again.

I saw in his hand, holding a large variety of skewers, and then put them on the plate, ready to leave.

Outside the skewers, dozens of people are queuing up.

The man sighed: "Forget it, don't eat skewers, go get some fruit to eat!"

When he got to the fruit area, he found that another waiter was processing some imported fruits.

He walked over directly: "Waiter, bring me some cherries!"

At this time, another waiter put the cut fruit on the self-service counter, and then took out some small cherries that the previous waiter jumped off.

"Sir, please take the food yourself!" The waiter said politely.

However, his eyes were completely fixed on the big dark purple cherries in the hands of the previous waiter.

After returning to the seat, I saw the two waiters before, one left with an empty plate of skewers, while the other came to the small room with a carefully selected fruit platter.

Buffet, never again next time.

After Gong Ming and Su Mei thanked the waiter, they tasted the fruits. The cherries were really good, each one was big and sweet, and the emperor mandarin oranges were also very delicious.

A buffet, the two of them ate until the second stall started.

"Are you full? If you're full, let's go to the Pearl Tower below, and then we'll go home!" Gong Ming wiped his mouth with a tissue and said.

Su Mei nodded, it was the first time she had such a delicious buffet, the little green dragon was very fresh, and the fruit was super sweet.

 I’m about to vomit today, and the code doesn’t move anymore. Seeing that the data in the background is not rising, my heart is half cold. I’m begging for subscriptions and tickets online.

(End of this chapter)

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