Chapter 10 Rhythm Master
When everyone was waiting for Teacher Ma to arrange.

A fan suddenly said: "I just saw UZI also lined up, it seems to be lined up together? Who was banned? The prince? Sure enough! The opposite side really banned the prince...Thresh..."

"Wow, wow... UZI is ranked, and the jungler seems to be MLXG... This sentence is wonderful."

Da Sima was also taken aback, he didn't expect that he hadn't played tuba for a long time, and just as soon as he played, he met two professional players, the top ones.

UZI, MLXG, these two are not joking...

UZI's live broadcast room also became lively.

"God God has matched Da Sima, are you sure about this one?"

"Wow, Teacher Ma is actually on the opposite side, some people saw it!"

"MLXG's jungler, UZI's ad, I think there should be no problem, after all, there is a big Sima on the opposite side, and the others are passers-by."

The little dog smiled and didn't say much. He wouldn't just talk about winning, but he wouldn't say failure easily.

But after choosing the hero, the game entered the loading screen, and UZI froze for a moment!
He said something in his mouth: "Why is it him?"

Everyone was taken aback, not knowing what the puppy was talking about.

"Facing support, it's been a long time since I played, but it's very powerful." The puppy said.

Bai Ye's nanny. The female gun played by Ad.

The machine that the opposite assistant plays, and the vn that uzi plays.

After entering the game, uzi said on the public screen: "Don't arrange for me... I'm afraid."

The audience in Da Sima's live broadcast room directly laughed happily. After all, they were very happy to hear uzi say that. At least it shows that their anchor is very good at playing.

Everyone thought it was Da Sima, but Da Sima smiled awkwardly: "Don't look at me, it's not me, it's the assistant..."

Bai Ye said in embarrassment: "Be merciful..."

Mlxg, on the other hand, sighed: "It's over, let's use An Xin to clear the wild...Mr. Ma, let's grow peacefully..."

Da Sima laughed strangely, and sent a message: "Hahaha..."

People don't know why.

The fans are even more confused, what do you mean?

What are they talking about?
Da Sima suddenly said: "Look at my performance!"

The blind monk played by Da Sima, and the pig girl chosen by mlxg on the opposite side.

After the competition started, everyone finally understood what Teacher Ma meant.

Mather: "Leave for 3 seconds in the middle lane, planted a ward on the river, and left in the top lane..., his ward should have penetrated our blue buff, the opposing jungler should be playing f4 at this time, with about 2/3 of the HP, it can be... Go around... go to the red buff grass... counter wild."

When Da Sima heard this, he immediately got up and dispatched, and then a voice sounded after 1 minute.

"first blood!"

The blind monk killed the pig girl!
Da Sima laughed out loud.

The studio exploded


"The support is too good..."

"All guessed right... all guessed right!"

"I can tell you that I came from the Puppy studio... The assistant is right..."

At this time, mlxg posted a sentence on the public screen: "Please let me go..."

After 3 minutes, Mather: "Be careful on the top lane, disappear in the middle lane for 10 seconds, jungler appears on the top lane, disappear for 15 seconds, the possibility of catching you is very high, Teacher Ma can help you fight against the jungle under the tower..."

Half a minute later, the three of them leaped over the tower and killed them, and then suddenly saw a support and a blind monk appear...

0 for 2...

The assistant actually brought the teleportation...

10 minutes... "vn, the machine does not have dual moves, the vision of the bottom lane disappears after 10 seconds, the middle lane goes to the top lane, and the top lane can directly tp to the bottom lane, cooperate with the jungler, mid lane, jump the tower to kill..."

15 minutes……

17 minutes……

At 20 minutes, the game was over, and Da Sima's blind monk carried the audience.

Bai Ye's side won.

Da Sima said with a shameless smile: "Hey, it feels really good to be arranged!"

Mlxg said resentfully: "mather... you are so bad."

Uzi smiled shamelessly: "Haha, I laughed so hard, Xiangguo said just now that I will never be turned against the wild... Wait for my arrangement... I have screenshots..."

Although I lost, I was very happy.

At the end, UZI said: "Hey, not afraid of teammates like pigs, but opponents like gods..."

After Da Sima returned to the live broadcast room, he saw fans frantically tipping rewards and then asking questions.

"Ms. Ma, who is this mather? I haven't heard of it much before?"

Da Sima said with a smile: "This is a formidable person. He plays more in Korean servers and less in national servers, but his level is very good. From the small details to the big ones that affect the overall situation of the game, he is very good."

"Let's put it this way, in the past, my square jungler was pushed to the ground by him... The routine didn't work for him at all. He can always find a rhythm that determines the victory of the team battle."

"I like to call this man the Rhythm Master!" Teacher Ma said in a funny tone as always.

"Look at people's id, math means mathematics and calculation, right? This is a genius... If you don't believe me, ask UZI..."

In this matter, UZI's live broadcast room, he is also introducing mather to the audience.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I played bot lane with him, and I never lost..." UZI's words surprised everyone...

And such a strong combination? 100% winning rate...

At this time, UZI also explained: "We will meet less than 10 in total... And, to put it sadly, he didn't even give me a friend seat..."

Bai Ye was playing a game when someone knocked on the door and said casually, "Please come in."

After the door opened, several people swaggered in.

Bai Ye looked up and was taken aback for a moment.

"Hello, Teacher Liu." Seeing that the person who came was the counselor of the class, Bai Ye quickly got up and said hello.

I saw Liu Zhenxi looking around the dormitory with a sullen face, and said lightly: "You alone? Where did everyone else go?"

Liu Zhenxi is a counselor of the 12th grade of integrated Chinese and Western medicine. He is in charge of the daily affairs of classes 1-5. He is followed by four or five students, all of whom are class monitors and school committees.

"They should all be reading in the classroom, right? It won't be a few days before the postgraduate entrance examination? Everyone is preparing well." Bai Ye replied.

Liu Zhenxi hummed, looked at Bai Ye with a frown and said, "You've been playing games for a while! Everyone knows that the postgraduate entrance examination is about to take place, so you're not panicking at all?"

Liu Zhi is also the class committee member of Bai Ye's class. He checked the dormitory together with Liu Zhenxi, and he felt a little gloated when he heard Liu Zhenxi criticize Bai Ye.

Bai Ye opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, this Liu Zhenxi was always against him for some reason, it seemed that he didn't provoke him much?

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't even reply, Liu Zhenxi sighed: "I'm not targeting you either. Look, everyone is working hard... What do you look like? Playing games... What can you do by playing games!"

"Look at what you looked like when you first entered college, and look what you look like now? Satisfied? Satisfied? I love self-indulgence!?"

"Can you take a long-term view? No hospital can recruit people with a graduate degree, and the better ones have a doctorate! What do you think you can do as an undergraduate student? If you don't work can't do it if you don't work hard. ?It is so easy for them to raise you?"

 Sorry, there are too many people in the outpatient clinic today, it’s now when I got down, the update is late, don’t mind, friends who like it add a favorite

(End of this chapter)

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