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Chapter 105 Preparing for the Exam

Chapter 105 Preparing for the Exam
Bai Ye is a person who is prepared and is used to planning for a rainy day.

For a whole day, he searched everything he could find in the post bars and forums, and listed all the basic things needed for the retest on a form.

Bai Ye ticked each item.

Re-examination written test√

Physical examination√
Routine consultation√

Four punctures√

Major medical record writing×

Interview: ×.

Bai Ye felt that there shouldn't be too many problems in the first few items.At present, the most important thing is to write the medical record and interview.

For the writing of major medical records, the format of each place, and even each hospital or department is different.

Of course, there are the most basic ones, such as chief complaint, history of present illness, past history, personal history, marriage and childbearing history, physical examination, etc.

However, the writing process and templates of each project are different. When the time comes, the judges will definitely be teachers from Haishi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and they must use the medical record writing templates from other people as the standard.

Moreover, those predecessors said that the big medical record is to give you a patient, let you receive it in person, ask about the medical history, conduct a physical examination, and finally write out the diagnosis, and then the treatment plan.

This examines a person's comprehensive ability, and the previous consultation and physical examination are all for diagnostic services.

This test is a person's diagnostic ability.

Bai Ye's western medicine diagnostics also has lv2, which can be regarded as a proficient level.

In the circle of college students, he is also a top talent.

But Bai Ye can't be safe. After all, looking at the whole country, there are too many talents. Not to mention others, only Fu Yadong has a score of 441.

Bai Ye himself turned it on, but others didn't!That's a real super-scholar.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt a little uneasy, so he decided to improve his western medical diagnostics.

Bai Ye has at least level 3 in diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine, so there shouldn't be any problems.

For example, for a patient, after you have asked about all the medical history and examination, you have to draw up the admission diagnosis:

TCM diagnosis: what is the main disease and what is the main syndrome.

Western medicine diagnosis: main diagnosis, other diagnosis...

For example, for a patient with cerebral infarction, it is possible to formulate:
TCM diagnosis: main disease: stroke, main syndrome: (middle meridian, phlegm stagnation).


This is an example.

Finally, the treatment plan is given. Of course, generally speaking, for Chinese medicine candidates, he only asks you to give the treatment plan of Chinese medicine, that is, to give a prescription.

Because of the treatment plan of western medicine, how can you do it as an undergraduate?
Therefore, the key to a large medical record is the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is wrong, the score will not be much.

Moreover, those seniors said that during the exam, patients come from several departments, and you are asked to choose from several major internal medicine departments: liver disease department, spleen and stomach department, cardiology department, encephalopathy department (neurology department), pulmonary disease department (respiratory), nephrology, endocrinology.

Of course, the surgical system is excluded, because they may go to general surgery, dermatology and the like.

Bai Ye applied for the examination of internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine, but all he could find on the Internet were the medical record templates of the department of spleen and stomach, department of endocrinology, and department of cardiology. As for the others, he could not find them.

How to do?
Bai Ye suddenly looked at Fatty, this guy has a lot of contacts, the last three years, the next three years, he seems to be a little famous guy has contact information, although it is a bit exaggerated, but Fatty is very good at interpersonal communication.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye asked, "Fatty, do you have anyone from Haishi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine?"

When the fat man heard this, he turned on his phone, searched for it, and said, "Yes! Our last president of the student union: Qiao Xiaoyang, he was admitted to Longhua Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Haishi."

Bai Ye's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Do you still have his contact information?"

The fat man turned around and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter with you?"

Only then did Bai Ye talk about the re-examination. When the fat man heard this, he dialed the other party's number without any hesitation.

The other party was very polite, and when he heard that Bai Ye was going to be admitted to Haishi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he told Bai Ye all the difficulties he encountered at that time and the problems he should pay attention to.

But after hearing He An reported by Bai Ye, the other party obviously hesitated, and said: "He An... this person is a bit difficult to test, and I heard that there are only a few in Haishi Traditional Chinese Medicine School, and some One of them has been out of the clinic and done experiments, why didn't you come to find your supervisor sooner? This is almost a retest... Your supervisor has never seen you, you are really big!"

Bai Ye also smiled helplessly. Since he finished his postgraduate entrance examination, he has been busy with various tasks, such as Chinese medicine knowledge competition and going to the Nobel laboratory. He has only been back for a few days.

Haven't had time to relax yet!

Qiao Xiaoyang asked: "By the way, Bai Ye, how many points did you get in the test? This He An is a master. If your score is low, I guess you will be in danger... I heard that there are many people who come to He An with a score of 400!"

Bai Ye didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Senior, my total score is 461."

When the other party heard it, they didn't speak for a while, and finally choked out a sentence: "You are awesome!"

Qiao Xiaoyang was also very enthusiastic, and promised to take pictures of the cases in each department tomorrow and send them to Bai Ye.

Qiao Xiaoyang also told Bai Ye that it is best to look up He An's papers and his academic thoughts online, as this will most likely become an interview question.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye googled He An first, and sure enough, there was an entry for He An on Baidu Encyclopedia.

After opening it, Bai Ye was also amazed, because He An was indeed capable.

I have written several books and more than 70 papers, including more than 30 in SCI, and the rest are top core journals in China.

The drug "Jieyu Pill" he invented has successively won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of New Drug Innovation Award, the first prize of Haishi Science and Technology Innovation Award and other large and small awards.

Seeing the introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia, He An has unique insights into anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and has made some achievements in this field.

Then he logged into the databases of Wanfang and CNKI.

I found He An's papers on anxiety and depression, not to mention, all his papers have a lot of citations and downloads.It can be seen that this is a talent!The thesis is also very level!
Bai Ye downloaded more than a dozen papers one after another, and began to study them carefully.

He An is a member of the group of western medicine in the 90s. He himself is biased towards western medicine and is very good at western medicine theory. Although he is now practicing the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, he has a higher attainment in western medicine. He is a Ph.D. in pharmacology from Tongji University.

It took a whole day for Bai Ye to read all of He An's papers, and then read some of his books online.

Qiao Xiaoyang was also very reliable. The next day, he sent a compressed folder to Bai Ye. After opening it, there were more than 80 major medical records.

He also told Bai Ye that these are the major medical records of patients who have been hospitalized recently. You can take a good look at the templates of each department. When Bai Ye goes to take the exam, there will probably be a batch of new admissions, and I will send another batch at that time, saying Maybe you can just meet the case of the patient himself.

Bai Ye is also very grateful. It is really troublesome to take so many cases. It is embarrassing to go to take cases one by one.

 Thank you for the 500 rewards from Licking Jun, and the 100 rewards from Bo Rui and Qianmo Xiaoxi, thank you bosses~~
(End of this chapter)

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