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Chapter 110 Qiao Xiaoyang's Advice

Chapter 110 Qiao Xiaoyang's Advice
On April 4, the sky was clear and cloudless.

Today's weather has changed from the previous bleak and cold, and it is a bit more autumn-like, which makes people feel refreshed immediately.

Bai Ye embarked on a journey to Haishi alone.

Lao Bai said that life is like a journey, stop and go, you have no idea where you will be tomorrow, you just need to know who is around you.

Hu's mother is the one who is willing to stay with Lao Bai's side. When I think of Lao Bai's writing and Hu's mother studying ink when I go home, I feel a little envious.

Bai Ye is a single dog, and he hasn't talked to a partner for more than 20 years. It's not so much that he doesn't have a suitable partner, but it's better to say that he can't find the most suitable feeling when getting along with girls.

Rather than that, it's better to be single, anyway, he has been accustomed to being alone since he was a child, and suddenly he has an extra concern, maybe... He doesn't know what it feels like.

The plane flew high, and faint clouds could be seen. It was not far from Shanxi to Haishi, and it took about two hours to get there.

Bai Ye took out the tablet and opened the downloaded file, which was He An's information.

Including papers, projects, and books.

Ever since he got to know He An's academic thoughts and information, Bai Ye always felt that there was a gap between his own academic thoughts and his.

how to say?

It's just that Bai Ye always feels that He An's way is a bit different from his own.

The first is the direction of research. He An's main focus is on emotional disorders, which is not the direction that Bai Ye really hopes to conquer.

Compared with anxiety and depression, he is more inclined to study those clinical organic diseases.

The second is He An's academic thinking, He An is more inclined to recognize Chinese medicine, but not the theory of Chinese medicine!
He believes that the essence of Chinese medicine lies in medicine, and he believes that the most valuable thing in Chinese medicine for thousands of years is the experiment and research of medicine.

He likes to use Chinese medicine to do matching experiments with Western medicine, and then get some new things.

However, Bai Ye did not fully agree with this point of view. The value of Chinese medicine lies not only in traditional Chinese medicine, but also in his various thoughts. Bai Ye felt that He An might have some misunderstandings.

Learning is like this, everyone has their own research and areas of expertise. He An was originally from Western Studies, and he also holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from Tongji University, so there is nothing wrong with him!

After these few days of research, Bai Ye suddenly hesitated. Is it right for me to choose He An?
Graduate tutors have a huge influence on students, and can often affect a person's thinking for a lifetime, including your scientific research thinking, clinical thinking, and so on.

Therefore, after Bai Ye got to know He An, he suddenly lost a lot of impulse and desire to apply for He An.

But the key is to look at yourself. Graduate students are a very important platform after all, and everyone has their own advantages and specialties. What's more, He An is so successful, he must have his uniqueness.

Bai Ye got off the plane, took a taxi and went straight to the hotel he had booked.

Reporting on the physical examination tomorrow, although Bai Ye has nothing to do today, he made an appointment to have a meal with senior Qiao Xiaoyang.

In the past few days, Qiao Xiaoyang sent Bai Ye a lot of cases, as well as the WeChat business cards of He An's students, so that Bai Ye could get in touch with them and get to know them better.

But after Bai Ye added the other party's friend, the other party did not agree, so Bai Ye had no choice but to give up.

The physical examination will start tomorrow, and there is no need to go to the teacher, so prepare well.

The hotel Bai Ye booked was an express hotel, not far from Haishi Traditional Chinese Medicine. He called Qiao Xiaoyang at [-]:[-] pm and made an appointment to meet at the school gate.

Only after meeting did I know that Qiao Xiaoyang is not very tall, only about 170, and his figure is thinner and thinner. He wears black-rimmed glasses and casual clothes.

Bai Ye called out cordially: "Hello senior!"

Not to mention anything else, just for helping Bai Ye these days, the senior should be called out.

"Hey, you are Bai Ye, you are so handsome! If I were a mentor, I would definitely want you, let's go, I will take you to have some dinner, and we will go back to the hotel and chat slowly."

The two went together and had a light meal at a small restaurant nearby. Bai Ye wanted to treat someone, but Qiao Xiaoyang dragged him to pay first.

"I'm a senior. I have to entertain you when you come here. If you pay for it, how embarrassing it is for me to say it!"

A senior who was very enthusiastic, Bai Ye smiled and accepted the other party's kindness.

When the two returned to the hotel, Bai Ye handed the special products to Qiao Xiaoyang, and said with a smile: "This time, thanks to the senior, I brought you some special products from my hometown when I came here."

Qiao Xiaoyang looked at it and smiled: "Beef meatballs, haha, not bad, I like them the most, I'm not welcome."

After sitting down, Qiao Xiaoyang said: "Xiao Ye, do you really want to repay He An so much?"

Bai Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly: "At that time, I thought he was famous, so I just reported it casually."

Qiao Xiaoyang sighed: "What should I say about this person? It's very strange! Those who say good things about him are very good, and those who say bad things about him don't like him very much. They are also his students. Maybe the gap between the two is very big. big."

Bai Ye didn't understand these things, so he listened patiently to Qiao Xiaoyang.

"And I asked you about it. Of the six people who applied for him this year, three are from our school, one is from Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the other is from Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine. And there is you."

"I got 390 in the exam last year. I thought it was already very high, but after I came here, I was rejected for the re-examination. If it wasn't for luck, my tutor now likes me, so I guess I will transfer back."

"So, some of the tutors here are more serious about undergraduate colleges, and they are more inclined to the students of this school, because many students have followed them out of the clinic or done experiments since the internship, and they are used to it. They are also graduate students. Who is not recruiting? There is one who has good grades and is easy to use, why not recruit others!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Xiaoyang sighed again: "When I applied for the exam last year, I was originally the number one major, but the re-examination results were mediocre. I have never heard the questions asked by others. Many undergraduates here will have articles. I even participated in a project, think about what we have?"

"Besides, it is very standardized here. When you are an intern in the hospital, you are really an intern. You need to do a lot of things, such as thoracic and abdominal puncture. I have heard of it when I was in college, but I have never seen it before. , let alone doing it, when the retest asked me to do a chest piercing on the simulator, I was dumbfounded!"

"Hey! The difference is too far, this is the difference between a good school and an ordinary school..."

Speaking of this, Qiao Xiaoyang said: "I think you can find another tutor during the retest these two days. I always feel that He An is not reliable. You have such a high score, don't be a pity..."

Although what Qiao Xiaoyang said was straightforward and ugly, Bai Ye knew that it was all true, and there were too many factors to consider in the postgraduate re-examination.

 Don't be bothered...

(End of this chapter)

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