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Chapter 113 Practical Skills Exam

Chapter 113 Practical Skills Exam
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a very important clinical skill that must be mastered, not one of them!

Because patients with cardiac arrest will actually have ventricular fibrillation in the heart at a certain point in time, if cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be performed within 5 minutes, the overall first aid will have the greatest success rate!
General clinical doctors and nurses are required to master this skill, and it is simple, convenient, easy to operate and master.

It is a great honor for Bai Ye to get this question!

It's not that Bai Ye doesn't know anything else, but it's too much trouble, and mistakes are inevitable. This is fine, as long as you explain those important test points, your basic score will be stable!
Bai Ye looked at the simulated man on the ground, walked to the right side of the simulated man, checked whether the surrounding environment was safe, and then squatted down to conduct a consciousness assessment.

This is the first test site, pat the shoulders and yell loudly, do not shake the patient, then place your hand on the side of the carotid artery, judge whether the patient has a pulse, and observe breathing... To judge the patient's condition, generally observe for 8 seconds. During the test, you need: 1001, 1002, 1003... This represents time.

Then after confirming that the patient is unconscious, it is necessary to let the people around start calling 120 for emergency services.

After that, the rescue will start. First, the oral secretions must be cleaned up, then the patient should be placed in a suitable place, the clothes should be opened, and the cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be prepared.

The place for cardiopulmonary resuscitation is generally at the key point of the intersection line, on the sternum, and then pay attention to the technique.


Give 30 rescue breaths after every 2 cardiopulmonary compressions.

During artificial respiration, remember to lift your chin and keep the earlobe and nasal cavity parallel to the ground. The purpose is to open the airway. At this time, you should pinch the patient's nose so that the air can enter the lungs.

Generally, the test points of this test are relatively simple and easy to master. After Bai Ye did 5 sets, he got up. It can be seen that the invigilator should be very satisfied with Bai Ye's operation...

The next step is to go to the inpatient department. The encephalopathy department is on the 15th floor.

After reaching the 15th floor, a doctor who was in charge of this matter brought Bai Ye to bed 36.

The doctor is a woman in her thirties, with short hair, lean and capable.

After Bai Ye handed over the form, the woman glanced at it and said, "Well, you have an hour, let's start."

Bai Ye nodded, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and started the consultation.

Inquiry is very important in clinical practice, including the history of present illness and past history, etc., are obtained through consultation. In many cases, you can get the general situation and information of the patient after the consultation.

The patient was an aunt in her 60s, lying on the hospital bed.

Bai Ye asked: "Auntie, why are you hospitalized this time? Is there any discomfort?"

The patient should have been greeted in advance, or specially prepared to cooperate with Bai Ye.

"I... came to the hospital because of sudden numbness and discomfort in the fingers of my left hand three days ago. I feel..."

"Have you had a head MRI or CT before admission?" Bai Ye asked.

"Well, I did a CT scan in the outpatient clinic, and the scan is here."

After speaking, he handed over a film, and Bai Ye took it for a moment, dumbfounded...I can't understand the film...

Bai Ye coughed, nodded, pretended to hold the film upright, and looked at it... Well, it must be held upright, and there must be such a thing as pretending.

After reading it, Bai Ye frowned, nodded, and hummed...

Then continue to ask: "Auntie... have you had any diseases before? Have you had chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary heart disease?"

The aunt nodded: "Well, I have high blood pressure, I take Shihuida, one tablet a day..."



People are old and have more underlying diseases. Bai Ye also remembers them in detail and asks them very clearly.

But the most important thing in neurology is the physical examination, the physical examination of the nervous system, that is, the specialist examination.

Such as consciousness, consciousness, judgment, etc., and various physiological reflexes, such as radial reflex, knee reflex, etc., as well as muscle strength and tension, eye light reflex, and pathological reflexes of the nervous system, such as Babinski sign , Kellnig sign, Hoffmann...

These are the most annoying and difficult parts, if not for a few days in the encephalopathy department in the middle of the province, it would be really difficult.

However, this patient is just the most common lacunar infarction, and all these are normal. It really troubles you, and you can't make a clear diagnosis.

After four or ten minutes, Bai Ye systematically understood the patient clearly.

The female doctor also nodded, because Bai Ye asked in detail, and the physical examination was also in place. As for those details...

You can't ask too much, after all, this is a college student, how can you do it if you ask too much?

The female doctor smiled and said to Bai Ye: "Is the young man very good? Did you stay well in the clinic during the internship? Now that the child is taking the postgraduate entrance examination, he doesn't go to the hospital and spends all day studying questions. You are not bad! Come on..."

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly, said thank you, and hurried back to the designated place to write the medical records.

At this time, most people have completed the consultation and started to write medical records.

The writing format and style of the medical records are best written according to the hospital, so that the teacher seems to give a relatively higher score.

First of all, it is because such a style may be a student of our school, and secondly, it is preconceived and accustomed to such a medical record writing format.

Bai Ye has already memorized those templates. After genetic evolution + potential development, Bai Ye feels that his brain is better than before!
Not to mention anything else, but the reciting ability and memory ability are much stronger than before.

It took Bai Ye about an hour to finish writing, because there were too many things.

After handing in the paper, Bai Ye got up and left.

The interview will be tomorrow, and the results will be available the day after tomorrow.

Whether you are admitted or not depends on tomorrow!


Back in the dormitory in the afternoon, Bai Ye silently recited the prepared self-introduction, but heard the voice of the WeChat video call.

Bai Ye picked it up and saw that it was Daisy.

After connecting, Daisy looked at Bai Ye with a smile like a flower, and said, "Hi! Dear Bai Ye, do you miss me?"

Bai Ye smiled: "Dessie, what do you want from me?"

Daisy snapped: "I don't understand the style, are you all like this? Let me tell you good news, our thesis has passed the review, and the acceptance notice has been received."

Bai Ye's eyes turned cold when he heard it, and he was more eager than seeing the beautiful woman: "Really? Send it here quickly, let me see!"

Daisy suddenly shook her head: "Seeing that you are so confused, I suddenly don't want to give it away..."

Bai Ye almost knelt down: "Sister Daisy, you have always been the goddess in my heart, you are sacred and inviolable, the sunset and the lone bird fly together, talent and beauty coexist..."

Daisy giggled and couldn't straighten up: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I know you have an interview tomorrow, come on! I'll send you all the recruitment notices in a while, please accept them."

Not long after, the electronic version of ten recruitment notices with official seals was sent over!
After seeing the magazine, Bai Ye almost took off with excitement!

"Cell Molecular Engineering", "Development and Utilization of New Materials"...

Bai Ye has heard of these, and they are all top journals in various fields, with almost all impact factors above 10.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye hurried downstairs and found a nearby copy shop to print out a few copies!

ps: There was a joke on the Internet some time ago, a patient needed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but the clothes were not easy to take off, so the doctor cut the clothes, and the cardiopulmonary resuscitation did save the patient, but the patient looked at the clothes after waking up , I was taken aback for a moment!He asked with a dark face, "Who cut my clothes? Armani's, one piece costs more than 5000, who will pay for it?"

Then came out a joke:
Nurse: "Doctor, it's not good, it's not good, the patient fainted and his heart stopped..."

Doctor: "Why are you still standing there! Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately!"

Nurse: "But..."

Doctor: "But what! Hurry up..."

Nurse: "But the patient is wearing Versace..."

Doctor: "...What did you ask me just now? Have you eaten? No! No! I went to eat..."

(Just watch it for entertainment)
 Thanks to brother Liu Swastika Ye Weiyang who likes the green crown for giving another 10000 rewards and becoming the hall master of this book. Thank you brother for your support!There is also a reward of 2000 from Brother Mochu, thank you brother...

  Running naked this week, no recommendation... Brothers, don't forget to support, this week starts, climaxes...

(End of this chapter)

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