Xueba is also open

Chapter 119 Drop talents

Chapter 119
In the office of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a special meeting is being held!

Hu Fengyun sat on the chair with a heavy expression on his face: "I think Bai Ye should be given a chance. Special people are treated specially. He was only 24 years old, and he won the championship of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Contest, leading our 9 teams from Shanxi Province. Team members, broke into the top ten. It has brought positive influence to our school and the Chinese medicine industry in our province, shouldn't we pay close attention to such talents?"

"At the beginning, he applied for Haishi Traditional Chinese Medicine. I felt that our school was not as developed as other Haishi. I hoped that he could get a better education there, and I didn't want to delay a talent. But now that he has been dismissed, we as Shouldn't the alma mater do something for its students?"

Hu Fengyun's words are sonorous and powerful, and her long-term high position makes her words very convincing.


Sitting on the side, Li Peishuo, a senior party official of Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, sighed: "Principal Hu, calm down. I'm not saying it can't be done, but... we can't set this precedent now!"

"When is it now? When all colleges and universities finish the retest, Bai Ye's score is high! But now our school still has high scores, and there are cases where high scores are brushed. If you open a green channel for Bai Ye, you let those What about the students who are not selected? What do you think?"

"This is not a matter of one person, and it has risen to the height of affecting the school's reputation and school governance principles! Tell me, can you and I take care of this matter?"

When Hu Fengyun heard this, he also sighed: "Actually... I'm not helping Bai Ye, I'm helping our school!"

"Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ranks fifth from the bottom among Chinese medicine colleges and universities in the country, and it is even more difficult to find a north in the national university rankings. Now there are big problems in the development of our school. I am very optimistic about Bai Ye. I think Bai Ye Ye has the ability to bring the future to Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, although the cycle may be longer, but at least there is hope!"

When Li Peishuo heard this, he frowned: "Principal Hu is acting on his emotions. You are the principal, and you are the principal of tens of thousands of people in the school. You can't favor one person like an aunt and damage the honor of the school. I just told you." Similarly, our school has reached its current state, and we can no longer do anything that will damage the school's reputation!"

"And! You are exaggerating Bai Ye too much. Bai Ye is a talent, but have we seen few geniuses? But there is no shortage of geniuses in this era, what is lacking is grown-up geniuses. President Hu, you should be calm and calm. Bai Ye has ruined the honor of our school! Let alone one Bai Ye, so what if there are three or five?"

Hu Fengyun took a look at the crowd, and said bluntly: "Let's vote, those who agree to give Bai Ye a special channel and give Bai Ye a chance, please vote with a show of hands!"

At this time, all present were the school's branch dean, vice principal, deputy secretary of the party committee, senior party officials, and the principal, a total of 17 people.

In the past, when encountering matters that could not be decided, it was decided by voting.

After Hu Fengyun finished speaking, people raised their hands one after another. After 1 minute, Hu Fengyun looked at the crowd present, and only 7 people raised their hands.

Including Hu Fengyun, there are only 8 people!
This means that the matter of giving Bai Ye a chance will not pass!

Hu Fengyun looked at all the people present, and suddenly sighed... The school is not a one-liner, she has worked hard, although... nothing has changed.



The next day, someone spread the news about Hu Fengyun's proposal to open a green channel for Bai Ye, and posted it on the school's post bar.

All of a sudden, the entire campus post bar became a sensation again!

Originally, Bai Ye was already on the cusp of the storm, but now after this incident, he has become the target of public criticism!
"Why? Why should we open a green channel for Bai Ye! The year before last, one of our seniors scored 420 points in the test. Didn't he catch up with the adjustment? There was no precedent at that time! Why should we open a green channel for Bai Ye! No! Give!"

"That is, each of us is equal, if you give Bai Ye a chance, give us a chance!"

"If a green channel is opened for Bai Ye, we will report it to the Education Department!"

"Yes! Resist injustice, we want equal treatment."

"If he is really good, he won't be brushed off in the retest."



All kinds of news spread throughout the school in an instant, and Bai Ye fell from the altar of the school in an instant, falling from a great and glorious image into dust.

What Xueba?What three good students?What is the champion of Chinese medicine knowledge contest?What is the champion of postgraduate entrance examination?

At this moment, everything turned into dust and smoke and scattered around.

What's more, those who are good at things say that Bai Ye won all the awards this year, such as "National Encouragement Scholarship", "Fenjiu Scholarship", "Three Good Students", etc., and also said that Bai Ye skipped classes to go to Internet cafes, beat teachers, etc. Things come out.

When those booers who didn't know what happened in the first place saw this, they immediately lit up like dry sticks and raging fire!
"School, we want fair treatment! How can such a student win so many awards in one year!"

"That is, we want fairness, we want transparency, and we want rights to be enforced in the sun!"


Suddenly, the whole school, Bai Ye became a public enemy!

And Bai Ye's Weibo was also in an instant, and the number of fans decreased again and again, reaching more than 3200!
Bai Ye didn't say a word about this!

Just when everyone thought that the matter was finalized and Bai Ye was finished, an announcement came into everyone's sight at this moment!
"Academician Liu Boli of Puze Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences announced the postgraduate results (announced for one week):

Grading system for application review: Postgraduate students: Name: Bai Ye, total score: 304.1 points (46.1 points in the preliminary examination of postgraduate entrance examination + 258 points in the paper impact factor), ranked first, and intends to be admitted.

Name: He Laizhi, total score: 55.6 points (40.6 points in the preliminary examination of the postgraduate entrance examination + 15 points in the paper impact factor), ranked second, eliminated.


Grading system for application review: Doctoral students: Name: Lu Fengxian, score: 59 points (49 points for paper impact factor + 10 points for project participation), ranked first, to be admitted

Liu Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, president of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, president of Puze Hospital, and lifelong visiting professor of Nankai, Peking University, and Union Medical College, the leader of TCM internal medicine, is recruiting graduate students?
And Bai Ye was admitted as No.1!
Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment!

Immediately, the news spread like a storm, and within a day, it spread throughout the circle of traditional Chinese medicine.

And the name Bai Ye has once again entered the sight of Chinese medicine practitioners.

ps: Yesterday, several friends who strongly supported the veteran said that there was a problem in the last chapter, and there was a deliberate slap in the face. In fact, the image of Haishi Traditional Chinese Medicine and He An are very positive, but because of the need for the next plot, it is inconvenient to disclose. But everyone can rest assured that veterans will carefully write each character reasonably, and there is no such thing as brainless pretense and slap in the face.

And I won't deliberately belittle others to elevate myself, but I will write the plot reasonably, and try not to have those face-slapping behaviors that lower IQ.

 Thanks to my friends for their support, and thanks to the two friends "Jue Dao" and "Guo Shi Wu Shuang ha ha" for their 100 rewards, thank you for your support, I will write it with my heart, I hope everyone can have more support and trust, no brains The plot of forced face-slapping will not exist in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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