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Chapter 154 Receiving Tasks

Chapter 154 Receiving Tasks
Just as Bai Ye left the office, he heard the system beep:
【Ding!Accept Zhang Hanlin's scientific research task, task requirements: complete the project opening report within the specified time (before graduation), and pass the review of the expert group, obtain the sponsorship of the school-level project fund, and successfully open the project!Task completion rewards: 1. Scientific research skills experience rewards; 2. Scientific research lucky draw rewards. 】

Bai Ye was startled... This turned out to be a mission?

Scientific research task?Is scientific research experience rewarded for completing missions?And research prizes?

Since the system was updated, skills have branched, research skills and clinical skills.Even the experience and lottery are different from before.

Suddenly everything was full of novelty, Bai Ye realized the difficulty of scientific research experience, and Bai Ye felt that this experience was unlimited experience and experience that could be upgraded.

After thinking about it, he hurried back to the dormitory.

When Bai Ye returned to the dormitory, he opened the drawer, took out a notebook, and began to plan his project.

Before opening the thesis report, you need to write an overview. What is an overview?The review is the research progress of the content of this research that you are about to carry out.

how to write?
Is it possible to write the effect of BY-1 diet on the BPFH score of experimental mice?
Currently, BPFH scoring has not yet passed certification, and it cannot be determined that it is an official or generally recognized effective scoring system.

Therefore, Bai Ye thought about it and decided that it would be better to wait a little longer until the official magazine "Promotion and Application of Experimental Animals" under MIO released its own BPFH scoring criteria.

But... I guess it will be soon, right?
Thinking of this, Bai Ye closed his notebook and checked the time, it was past 11 o'clock.

Bai Ye made an appointment with Yang Zhan in the afternoon, and went to the TV station to record a program. Today is not a live broadcast, but a trial session in advance.

Three days later it will be the live broadcast, so I went to see the venue in advance, and by the way familiarize myself with the various stages, and there are still some issues that need to be paid attention to.

Even Bai Ye was so busy that he didn't even think about what he was going to say. He had to communicate with the host when he went today to facilitate cooperation.

At noon, Bai Ye went to the restaurant by himself to have some food. What made Bai Ye happy was that since he became famous, Aunt Dacai's hands stopped shaking. This should be a good thing...

But Bai Ye also paid attention to it in his heart, could he still treat Parkinson's?This issue needs to be deeply explored and researched!
After all, life is full of science, and everything is learning!
Bai Ye remembered that there was a senior in the school who published several core articles during his graduate studies, and even an SCI article, which was about the effects and taboos of eating watermelon in four seasons, and what tomatoes can do for the recovery of heart function, etc...

It was also very popular and attracted the attention of many people.



Although this is not the first time to be on TV, it is indeed the first time to be invited to participate in such a program. Bai Ye is still a little excited.

Yang Zhan is the director of the editorial department of the TV station. He is not actually in charge of recording the program, but because Bai Ye came here for the first time, he specially came over to recommend and introduce him.

"Entering Health Care, Focusing on Health" is a health care column that invites old experts and professors from hospitals and schools, as well as some prestigious traditional Chinese medicine inheritors.

As for the reason why Bai Ye was selected, Yang Zhan was also curious at first, because it was the list arranged by the above, but after learning about Bai Ye's deeds and "Understanding Chinese Medicine", he suddenly found that he underestimated Bai Ye.

When it comes to seeing a doctor, Bai Ye must be guilty and timid, because the clinical practice ability is too weak, and he is not suitable as a doctor.

But when it comes to health preservation, Bai Ye can be said to be at his fingertips, and he speaks clearly and logically.

In the past, many experts talked about the prevention and control of diseases in related departments.

For example, in the last issue, Director Wang Jianqiang of the Department of Dermatology was the keynote speaker. He talked about some common differential diagnoses of eczema and urticaria, how to actively prevent them, how to pay attention to diet and living habits for these diseases in life, and how to treat them. treat.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively professional, and this is actually a publicity for doctors, so everyone is very willing to participate in such a program.

After Bai Ye arrived, Yang Zhan took him to the studio. Although Jinxi Satellite TV is not a very popular program, the studio is still very professional.

The host is a 35-year-old typhoon experienced woman, wearing a slim cheongsam, very charming.

Yang Zhan looked at Bai Ye with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous, we are recording and broadcasting. The recording was finished that afternoon, and it will be broadcast at 9 pm, so there is still enough time. Today we mainly match the speech scripts. Oh, by the way. , This is He Ling, our host of Shanxi Satellite TV, a little star!"

Bai Ye smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Sister He, it's the first time I'm on TV, so I need to trouble you."

He Ling pursed her lips and smiled: "It's okay, I've heard about our name as a Jinxi genius for a long time, and I finally met today. She looks really energetic and can be a star."

In the afternoon, Bai Ye temporarily thought of something to talk about, and asked the editor to check the content, mainly about the communication and interaction with He Ling.

The content of the speech was decided after discussion among the people, and it mainly talked about some diet therapy in life.

Chinese diet therapy is a very interesting thing, because too many Chinese medicines are actually closely related to life.

For example, radish, ginger, dried ginger, fennel, mutton, yam, scallion, and pepper are some common traditional Chinese medicines.

There are many sources of famous prescriptions even in ancient prescriptions, such as angelica ginger and mutton soup, which is a good medicine for treating deficiency and cold, or it cannot be said to be medicine, but a kind of diet.

Bai Ye has a lot of knowledge, and he can easily master these basic knowledge without any effort at all.

Combining those interesting stories from ancient times, the stories are told vividly and fascinated people. While feeling interesting, I deeply feel the profoundness of traditional Chinese medicine.

What was supposed to be a rehearsal of the program turned out to be a popular science conference, because Bai Ye did indeed use a magical method to attract everyone's attention.

He Ling asked Bai Ye expectantly, "Is that how the dumplings really came from?"

Bai Ye smiled and nodded: "Actually, these are some stories that have been circulated in history, and their reliability is limited. However, the stories may not be true, but the truth must be true!"

It is said that when Hua Tuo passed by a village, people there always fell ill every year during the Chinese New Year. .

The dumplings are filled with mutton, ginger, scallion, garlic, radish, fennel, etc., chopped and breaded.

Mutton is warming and nourishing, ginger can dispel cold and relieve nausea, scallions and garlic can promote yang, think back to dispel cold and relieve pain, regulate qi and harmonize the stomach, and radish can regulate qi, eliminate food and guide stagnation. Regulating Qi and relieving pain, radish can also eliminate food and guide stagnation, all parties work together, the effect is remarkable!
 ps: Let’s put the updates together in the future. I’m afraid that everyone will be uncomfortable reading chapters and chapters separately. I’ll release them together regardless of whether they are two or three or more. Maybe this way everyone can read them more comfortably and there will be no broken chapters. pain.

(End of this chapter)

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