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Chapter 162 Yang Mujun's Voluntary Application

Chapter 162 Yang Mujun's Active Application (for Subscription)

No matter what, Zhang Hanlin still couldn't accept this fact...

Zhang Hanlin looked at Bai Ye and said seriously, "Bai Ye, did you do all of this?"

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly and scratched his head: "It should be?"

What is it?Yes is yes, no is no, what should it be?Zhang Hanlin suddenly felt a little anxious.

Seeing this, Bai Ye was afraid that something might happen to Zhang Hanlin, so he said quickly:

"Principal, it's actually like this. In fact, it was you who inspired me. Do you remember when I was in the Institute of Brain Diseases? The gringo asked for a lot of money to increase the price of mice. You said that the quality of domestic mice is not good. I thought at the time, How to evaluate the quality of mice, I later rented a mouse breeding base for experiments, I experimented and observed, and the result was this BPFH score."

It’s good that Zhang Hanlin didn’t listen, but when he heard it, he felt a sense of sadness creeping into his heart...

Is this the gap between a genius and me?
Damn it...Zhang Hanlin actually wanted to curse people...Look at other people, you can find this sensational BPFH score when the price of rats rises, look at you, you will know that rats are expensive and funds are insufficient...

At this moment, Zhang Hanlin thought of Newton, the man who had studied the law of gravitation after being hit by an apple on the head without eating it.

The reason why a great man is a great man should be the spirit of curiosity and exploration.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanlin sighed...

When Bai Ye saw Zhang Hanlin's expression, his heart skipped a beat. Wouldn't it hurt the principal's self-esteem?
Bai Ye quickly explained: "Teacher Zhang, actually...it's not as simple as I imagined. It took me a long time to complete this process. It took me half a year, and..."

Zhang Hanlin already felt a sense of frustration, but...you fucking said it took a long time?Is half a year long?I haven't finished the country for two years...

Bai Ye saw Zhang Hanlin's face getting more and more ugly, felt shut up, and coughed twice in embarrassment.

Zhang Hanlin sighed, got up and sat down, Bai Ye was very knowledgeable about current affairs, and quickly poured a cup of hot water for him: "Principal, take a rest, I'll go back and correct the problem, and I'll bring it here for you to see."

After speaking, Bai Ye was about to leave.

Zhang Hanlin was taken aback for a moment, watching Bai Ye obediently pouring tea for him, he suddenly felt a little dark in his heart.

That's right, I'm his teacher, no matter how awesome you are, you have to call me teacher, why don't you pour me water?

Thinking of this, Zhang Hanlin nodded with satisfaction: "Well, you poured the water, I want to drink Longjing, make me a cup of tea, and I will talk to you about the conclusion of the problem later. Find some experts and professors by the way, It’s convenient for you to finish the question.”

After speaking, Zhang Hanlin took out a tea bag and handed it to Bai Ye.

As soon as Bai Ye heard that he could finish the question, he giggled, and quickly said with a smile, "Okay, okay. Principal, take a break first. I'll make you tea right away!"

Seeing Bai Ye busy, Zhang Hanlin actually felt refreshed and happy?cough cough!can not be like this……


An hour later, Zhang Hanlin sat opposite Bai Ye and carefully reviewed the final report submitted by Bai Ye.

"Well, it's probably ok. After you go back, you can change what I told you, so that it will be easier to pass when the experts review it."

"Actually, it's easy to finish the question, and the general expert group won't make it difficult. What's more, your funding is 1 yuan, and it is estimated that it will be easy to pass."

"Especially for the final thesis, it's better for your thesis to be published in a good journal. In this way, it will be easier to conclude the thesis."

Bai Ye carefully recorded the points that need attention, and the conclusion of the question is also an important part. Zhang Hanlin raised all the places that are easy to go wrong.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Hanlin smiled and said: "You don't have to be nervous. I'll contact some professors and experts from other schools first to see which time is more convenient. Let's set a time to finish the question early. Make it easier to do other things.”

Bai Ye thought the same in his heart, and quickly said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, and I will trouble you."

Zhang Hanlin waved his hand with a smile, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

"Hello? Director Lin, I'm Zhang Hanlin, hey! Yes, yes, I have something to ask for your help."

"Principal Zhang is too polite. If you have anything to say, I will be willing to help you, hehe." The other party was very enthusiastic.

Zhang Hanlin said: "It's like this. As a student, I have to finish the project. I need to invite several experts to check it out. Do you think your time is right?"

"Conclusion? What subject? Let's see if I can pass this." The other party smiled. After all, the span of different fields is very large.

Zhang Hanlin smiled: "It's definitely possible, and it's all in the medical field. The project was done by a student named Bai Ye in our school. The name is: "The Effect of BY-1 Feed on Experimental Rats""

When the other party heard this, he fell silent for a moment, and said, "Principal Zhang, it's not that I'm not busy with this task, it's that this subject is a bit different from mine. I'm a clinician, and I'm going to check an experiment...isn't it appropriate? Don't wait until then..."

When Zhang Hanlin heard it, he also understood what the other party meant, so he said: "Okay, then we will cooperate again next time."

The other party nodded repeatedly.

But when they made several phone calls one after another, when the other party heard that it was Bai Ye's one-dollar project, they immediately rejected it.

Zhang Hanlin didn't feel it at first, but he refused several times one after another, either because the other party didn't match his major or because the time was not suitable.

Four or five phone calls were made, but no one answered. At this time, both of them figured out what was going on!
Zhang Hanlin was also a little unhappy, and Bai Ye was also a little worried. Could it be that he is so notorious?

He said to Bai Ye: "Don't worry, I don't believe it anymore, I can't find a few judges!"

So, he dialed the phone number of some old friends, the other party was a doctoral supervisor of the University of Medical Sciences.

"Old He, I'm Zhang Hanlin, are you busy next Monday?" Zhang Hanlin asked directly.

Hearing Zhang Hanlin's tone, the other party asked tentatively, "Who messed with you? Old Zhang, are you talking so sharply?"

Zhang Hanlin sighed and told what happened just now.

When the other party heard it, he immediately laughed: "Haha, you can't blame him, after all, the one-yuan subject in your school is very popular now, and they don't want to provoke this matter, and it's right to protect yourself, don't be angry, When the time comes, I'll go over and see if there are enough people, if not, I'll call a few people from our school over."

When Zhang Hanlin heard this, most of his anger subsided, and what the other party said made sense: "Okay, Lao He, thank you for this matter, I will contact a few more friends, and you don't need to trouble me."

"Well, it's fine, it's okay, just call me when there are not enough people, I'm very interested in that Bai Ye, a very capable guy, I've wanted to meet him for a long time."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Hanlin heaved a sigh of relief when he heard someone agree, and said to Bai Ye, "Don't worry, I still don't believe that we can't find some judges."

At this moment, Zhang Hanlin's phone rang!

"Hello? I'm Zhang Hanlin." Seeing that it was an unfamiliar call, Zhang Hanlin said first.

"Hello, Principal Zhang, I'm Yang Mujun, the person in charge of the National Project Management Center, and I want to ask you something," the other party said directly.

"Oh! Director Yang, hello, what's the matter?" Zhang Hanlin looked confused. He didn't know who Yang Mujun was, but he knew the National Project Management Center.

The National Project Management Center is not a unit with real power, or even a unit of power, but a service unit that manages projects. Although it has little power, it is directly related to the scientific research of various schools.

Because the National Project Management Center and finance are connected, if you want to allocate funds for your project through finance, you must check with the Project Management Center.

Although the project funds of each institution are recorded in the finance department, the final right of interpretation is still in the project management center.

Yang Mujun asked bluntly: "Principal Zhang, how is Bai Ye's project going? Our project center thinks this project is very good and wants to focus on it."

Zhang Hanlin was dumbfounded, what the hell?The subject is good?

A few days ago, the Science and Technology Daily also said that this is just a child's play, so why has it become a very good topic!

However, thinking about it, Zhang Hanlin naturally couldn't say anything, and it's a good thing that the project center pays attention to this matter.

"Director Yang, thank you for your concern, I'm really sorry to trouble you." Zhang Hanlin said with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble, we should pay more attention to and focus on supporting outstanding talents and potential projects." Yang Mujun said righteously.

"What's more, we have studied this topic carefully, and it is very high-level. It can be changed to a provincial-level project. You can revise it carefully, and then just apply directly. Our project management center will focus on it. What about the funding? Yes, don't worry."

Zhang Hanlin was dumbfounded for a moment, how easy is it to apply for a provincial project?Don't worry about the money?When did you talk so well!
But...Bai Ye's subject is coming to an end, isn't it?
"This...Director Yang, it's like this. Bai Ye's project is going to be concluded soon. The conclusion report has already been handed in. We have also set a time for the conclusion report next Monday morning." Zhang Hanlin said awkwardly.

Yang Mujun was taken aback, the question is over?

It's only been a few days and I'm done...

Is this all over?What should I do if I am finished?

But he changed his mind and said quickly: "Conclusion? Well done! It's really efficient. By the way, have you selected the judges for the conclusion? I just have a rest on Monday. Is Principal Zhang short of people?"

Zhang Hanlin rolled his eyes, resting on Monday?National institutions still have Monday off?
Can you find a good reason?
But isn't that just right?Yang Mujun is the judge of the conclusion group, which is very appropriate, he is in charge of this matter!
"Welcome, welcome! Director Yang is an expert in the subject, you are definitely welcome to come!" Zhang Hanlin said with a smile.

"Okay, then it's done! I'll be there on Sunday, when the time comes, let's sit down and talk about the conclusion..."

(End of this chapter)

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