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Chapter 179 Passing the Trial Camp

Chapter 179 Passing the Trial Camp
The graduation date has been officially confirmed, July 11th, because the school has been busy with reorganization and preparations for the new college recently, so it has been postponed.

There will be a graduation party on July 7th, organized by the department, and all classes are actively preparing for the program.

Many students in the class have signed up, and Bai Ye was also invited by the monitor.

But Bai Ye didn't have many talents, and he didn't have time at all recently, so he refused.

On the morning of June 6, Bai Ye and Fatty arrived at the designated place, but after arriving, Fatty froze there.

The fat man whispered to Bai Ye: "Ye Zi, that tall and thin man is Zhao Yuzhe, I didn't expect him to come too?"

Bai Ye watched the man talking and laughing happily with the people next to him, and said, "Leave him alone, let's just do what we want."

It can be seen that Zhao Yuzhe is very prestigious, and people praise him when he talks and jokes.

However, Bai Ye was a little curious, because this is the area of ​​the sanitation system. Could it be that Zhao Yuzhe also did something related?

So Bai Ye and the fat man sat closer to see if they could hear some useful news.

But the man's mouth is very strict, what he said was empty words, and he occasionally joked. As for others asking him what he did, he didn't say anything, but just said casually: "Software developed by hand, come here to cheer for Director Zhang, After all, this is a national policy, and we as an enterprise have to actively respond to it, and it is a livelihood project, so I think we entrepreneurs should also contribute our modest efforts.”

As soon as Zhao Yuzhe finished speaking, everyone began to sigh with emotion.

"Mr. Zhao is really high-minded!"

"That's right! I think there is a lack of conscientious entrepreneurs like Mr. Zhao in society."


Listening to the words next to him, the fat man glanced at his mouth in a low voice: "What a good thing, if he is so kind, he won't be fired by my dad. Let me tell you, he was fired by my dad because he leaked a new plan." , if it wasn’t for nostalgic love, I would have brought him to court.”

The time was short, and the staff began to call number 4.

At this time, Zhao Yuzhe got up, straightened his suit, smiled at this kind of person, and walked inside with two assistants.

After less than half an hour, Zhao Yuzhe came out of it with a spring breeze on his face. It can be seen that the effect is very good.

Everyone in the front was given ten minutes, but Zhao Yuzhe was given half an hour, which was enough to show how much he was valued.

Bai Ye and Fatty were number 9, and at 11 o'clock, they walked in together.

This is a large office. There are two rows of people sitting on chairs. There are more than a dozen people, including representatives from the National Congress, representatives from the hospital, and staff from the Health and Family Planning Commission.

"Please start your introduction." The staff said.

The fat man prepared everything, Bai Ye started today's introduction to the projector, and the fat man took out more than a dozen mobile phones and sent them one by one.

"Hello, teacher, this is our sample display, you can just read the introduction, operate it, and feel it."

Everyone's eyes lit up, the other party actually finished all the samples?
This is a way that Fatty thought of on the spur of the moment, that is, to bring the samples directly so that the other party can see how prepared he is.

Bai Ye bowed slightly and started today's introduction:
"Good morning, experts and teachers. We are Pengyue Technology. Our work is called [Healthy Jinxi APP]. First, let me introduce it. Its main function is to make an appointment and register!"

"Registration is difficult, and difficulty in seeking medical treatment has always been a problem for ordinary people. As the capital city of our province, TY City occupies top-level medical resources. Every year, there are not a few people who come to the provincial capital to see a doctor from surrounding counties and cities. Many people come here by car in the middle of the night to queue up for registration, but We still couldn’t get in, so we came up with an APP that would be convenient for everyone to see a doctor.”

"We can integrate resources, store all the hospitals above level 1 in Shanxi Province into one database, and then form a cooperative relationship with each hospital..."

"The purpose of appointment registration is to make medical treatment orderly and change the situation of ticket sellers, scalpers, and difficult registration in the market."


"On the other hand, our registration is real-name authentication, and the identity card must be authenticated before we can use the ID card to get the number. We will regularly monitor the registration system and block those ticket dealers who break the order..."

"Every teacher can personally operate this software, and I look forward to criticism and correction from experts and teachers! Thank you."

Bai Ye knew two of them, Xiao Hanxi, the director of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Yang Chensheng, the director of the National People's Congress.

This time, the people's livelihood project was attached great importance by the state, and all the leaders participated in the review, while Yang Chensheng was sent to the medical and health care sector.

As the chief judge, Yang Chensheng is very interested in this software to be honest. Science is developing, and livelihood projects must keep pace with the times.

As the dean, Xiao Hanxi directly spoke to his heart by registering this thing.

As a well-known Chinese doctor in the country, he sees more than 200 doctors a day, and can see more than 100 numbers in a morning, but it is still difficult to find a number.

What is the most important thing in the hospital, a stable reputation and order, so he is very interested in Bai Ye's app.

He said first: "I think this thing is good, you can try it."

Yang Chensheng nodded, and said, "Can you do this well? This livelihood project is outsourced. Can you Tengyue Technology handle the registration?"

Fatty quickly said: "Our company has a cooperative relationship with Ziheng Advertising Company. In terms of technology, there will be..."



Everyone asked a lot of questions, and Bai Ye and Fatty answered them one by one. Finally, Yang Chensheng said: "It's fine, you go back and wait for the results."

After coming out, Bai Ye saw that the time was 45 minutes!

It took more than ten minutes longer than Zhao Yuzhe, which shows what the problem is, and it shows that the leader attaches great importance to it.

That night, Bai Ye and Fatty received a notice: "We have passed the review and are approved for trial implementation. We will go to Building 6 of the Health and Family Planning Commission at 27 a.m. on June 9th..."

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Passed! We passed!"

Bai Ye is very calm, and he is very relieved that the system is produced.

But he is very curious about this trial, what is a trial?

"Is the trial run ready for us to operate? Or what?" Bai Ye asked.

The fat man smiled: "I guess I'm going to find someone to try it out and see how it works and whether it's worth promoting."

At this time, the fat man received the phone call and answered, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Your health Jinxi is highly valued by Director Yang. He discussed it with Director Xiao and asked you to prepare for a trial run at the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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