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Chapter 18 Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Competition

Chapter 18 Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge Competition

Although the work on the 24th floor sounds monotonous, it is not as expected.

Because the administrators of the literature retrieval center are all veterans of the hospital, after retirement, they are hired back, go out to outpatient clinics, write books, sort out materials, and chat with old colleagues and old friends.

They don't work much every day, only two or three hours. After all, they are old and can't stand the toss.

After finally two children came, these old bones also felt a little alive.

Computer scanning is much faster than proofreading, so Bai Ye and Fatty are very free.

The fat man likes to read books, but they read them strangely. Why do you say that?
I saw this guy holding a copy of the "Book of Heaven" in his hand and muttering words, okay!very nice!This is my pursuit!

While sorting out the books, Bai Ye found that there are all kinds of books here, of all types, and there are too many classics of traditional Chinese medicine.

It's too much for Bai Ye to start, he doesn't know where to start, after all, searching and learning with purpose is the most effective and fastest way.

Going the other way is never a wise choice.

Bai Ye would rather finish the task of reading a hundred volumes a little later than to read a hundred books indiscriminately.

Just as Bai Ye was hesitating in the mountain of books, an old voice sounded.

"Baby, what book are you looking for?"

Bai Ye looked up, and saw that it was Qin Changzheng, that is, the grandfather Qin mentioned by the fat man. He had been a clinician all his life, and his experience and knowledge were by no means comparable to Bai Ye's.

Bai Ye hurriedly said, "Grandpa Qin, I have seen so many books, but I can't start. I don't know where to start."

When the old man heard this, he grinned: "Hehe, baby, it's a good thing to like to read books, and it's also a good thing not to look for books casually. To learn, impetuousness is the most taboo, and the most precious thing is to sink your heart and sink into the dust."

"Seeing that you are very caring, let me give you some advice. As a doctor of Chinese medicine, you must master the four classics of Chinese medicine. You should start with the "Huangdi Neijing", then "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" and "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" and finally "Fever Disease."

"When you look at the river, you first look at the source, and when you read the books, you will have a general outline of Chinese medicine in your mind. At that time, look at the opinions of various schools. It is the precipitation of the predecessors over the years. The essence, but it is better not to listen than to listen, two ears, is to listen to the eight directions."

"Take your time, you may not understand if you talk too much, but you will understand in the future, the slow work of Chinese medicine, take your time."

After Bai Ye heard the old man's words, he suddenly heard the system's notification sound.

【Ding!The subject level of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine has been upgraded to lv2, the current level: lv2: 120/5000, complete task 1, get 20 membership points, and a two-star lucky draw opportunity. 】

Bai Ye never expected that Grandpa Qin's words would increase his experience by nearly two hundred.

Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. Is this what this sentence means?

After Bai Ye figured it out, he found a copy of the "Huangdi Neijing", the original text without interpretation.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, with so many old people watching here, Bai Ye is not afraid.

"Huang Di Nei Jing" is the foundation of Chinese medicine and the foundation of Chinese medicine theory. Bai Ye read it quickly, but he was slow to understand it.

Physicians in history have given many explanations to the "Huangdi Neijing", and every era has a kind of opinion.

For the next period of time, Bai Ye was immersed in the ocean of "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic". He read the books of every dynasty, and everyone went to Pinzheng for his explanation in detail, and then asked Mr. Qin and the others to explain it.

Fortunately, with the support of [Quick Reading], Bai Ye's reading speed and progress speed are really too fast.

On December 12th, Bai Ye received a notification from the medical department.

"All staff of this hospital under the age of 35 (including interns, graduate students, and regular trainees) sign up for the first National Traditional Chinese Medicine Basic Knowledge Competition on January 1."

Bai Ye was taken aback!
National Competition on Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

What game is this?
Bai Ye turned on the phone and was about to ask for Baidu, but there was a red banner on the Baidu homepage!
"The First National Traditional Chinese Medicine Basic Knowledge Competition, millions of cash are waiting for you!"

Bai Ye was a little more curious, the million dollar prize?so much?What are you doing?

Taking a closer look, Bai Ye was stunned.

I rely on!

It is necessary to give full play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, enhance cultural self-confidence, and promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine...

Moreover, there is a serious gap in traditional culture, and it is necessary to strengthen young people's attention to traditional Chinese medicine.

So the competition requires:
1: Younger than 35 years old.

2: All residents of the People's Republic of China who love Chinese medicine.

Everyone, no occupation, major, education and other requirements, all can sign up.

But Bai Ye understood after hearing the news that all qualified applicants in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine were forced to register.

It seems that this competition is really unusual!

The competition is divided into several stages.

The first stage: audition, download the official designated app, online exam.

The second stage: provincial examination. According to the situation of the sea election, the provincial examination will be conducted for the province and city where each contestant is located.

The third stage: national examination, this is the most critical stage, divided into group competition and individual competition.This part of the exam will be webcast live. No.1 will have a million cash rewards.

If there is no age group for this competition, Bai Ye may not have too many expectations, because those old Chinese medicine seniors, who are not educated and well-educated, are talented. Compared with them, Bai Ye is really too immature , I haven't even reached the professional level, so what can I use to compete.

And this exam is not only about the basic theory of Chinese medicine, it mainly includes knowledge of two sections: basic theory of Chinese medicine and Chinese pharmacy, these two are the main content of the exam.

Bai Ye opened his property panel:
Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine: lv2:2190/5000.

Chinese Materia Medica: lv1:890/3000.

The highest basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine is still nearly 3 experience away from the lv3000 professional level, and the difference in Chinese medicine is even worse. Lv35 is estimated to be difficult even for the provincial competition.

Today is December 12th, and the exam is on January 30st, which is only one day away, so there is no time to prepare.

Bai Ye downloaded the app, registered an account, and after verifying his name with his ID, he was assigned to the Shanxi Province Region.

Just after the registration was completed, Bai Ye received the system task:
【Ding!Trigger the task, pass the first stage of the competition, and enter the provincial competition. Rewards: a lot of experience, chances for lottery draws, reminders, the higher the ranking, the richer the rewards. 】

When Bai Ye heard it, his eyes lit up.

 Thank you Mengxi for your support, and Jipo, old brother.Thank you for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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