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Chapter 181 We succeeded

Chapter 181 We succeeded

He Yu’s family lives in a county town of JZ City. His mother was hospitalized once due to cerebral infarction. After being discharged from the hospital, her left limb still felt uncomfortable and her walking was unstable. So she went to the director of the Department of Encephalopathy of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to see a doctor, and the effect was not bad. So every day Come in for a follow-up visit every week.

However, the county seat is more than 200 miles away from TY City, and it takes three to four hours to take the train. After getting off the train, you have to take a taxi to the hospital. The departure time is 6:11 in the morning, and the hospital is around [-]:[-]. up.

Therefore, every time He Yu took his mother to see a doctor, he had to go out at night. After coming to Taiyuan, he found a place to make do with it, and then hurriedly queued up for registration.

This time and again, a lot of time wasted and money wasted.

When he went to the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to see a doctor last week, he saw a group of people promoting a registration app called Health Jinxi, and he downloaded it out of curiosity.

This week he has a follow-up visit. He originally wanted to take his mother there one day earlier, but because of a temporary delay, he had to get up early and buy a train ticket at 6 o'clock. Sitting in the car, he was restless, afraid that he would go today. At this time, he suddenly remembered this registration software.

So he tried to start the registration process according to the process, but he actually needed real-name authentication for registration, and the patient's ID number was also required.

After some operations, he could choose an appointment time, so he chose the time of 11:30. At this time, a prompt appeared: Hello, please start registration after 7:[-], and advance registration has not yet been activated.

He Yu was taken aback, it's not time yet?
After finally waiting until 7 o’clock, he hurriedly chose to register, and received a reminder: Please choose the time to pick up the number. The reminder, please pick up the number before the appointment time, otherwise it will be regarded as a missed appointment. …

He Yu thought about it, estimated the time, and chose 11:30.

"Ding! The reservation is successful, please go to the registration office to pick up the ticket at least 10 minutes in advance."

Around eleven o'clock, He Yu arrived at the registration office of the hospital, and took his mother to the registration office to pick up the ticket, and sure enough, he got it!

He was worried that there would be no tickets at first, but it turns out that it is so cool to make an appointment and register, and he can register in advance, which will be convenient in the future!

The same thing happened to countless patients in the province. After word of mouth, more and more people downloaded the Health Jinxi app.

Jinxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a particularly large number of outpatients, and there are many people queuing up to register there every day, and everyone is chatting while waiting.

"Hey! Today I hung up number 40, and it's probably going to be twelve o'clock! I came early. Sister, what's your number?"

"Me? I'm on the 20th, and I'll be there soon."

"What? You came later than me. Why are you on the 20th? I'm on the 40th earlier than you!"

"You don't know? Who is here to register now? I already made an appointment online at 9 o'clock for 08 o'clock. Just drop by at 30:[-] to pick up the ticket."

"Can I register online?"

"That's right! Didn't you see that the boys are holding a leaflet? Healthy Jinxi app, online appointment registration, no longer have to worry about not being able to register! Why don't you go to Dean Xiao, I made an appointment for my mother One number, his number can't be connected every time, I tried it in the morning, and the appointment was successful! I won't tell you, I have to see a doctor! Hey, I really hope that such an app can be promoted in the whole province, so that If so, it will be convenient to see a doctor in the future!" After the elder sister finished speaking, she helped an old lady and walked towards the consulting room.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, thinking, is there such a good thing?

Quickly grab a guy and download the app...

The same thing happened in every corner of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to word of mouth, there was a big sister who wanted to call Dean Xiao today, but she was too late and didn't make an appointment. App sharing, let everyone download, help register.

In an alley next to the Vientiane Building, Bai Ye and Fatty had just finished lunch, and when they came back to look at the data, they were dumbfounded!
30121 downloads today?

Brush data?

Bai Ye was taken aback, and stared at the fat man, "Did you invite the sailors? Why are there so many!"

The fat man also looked confused: "How do I know, I don't have the money to hire a sailor."

The number of outpatient visits in the province is only about 3 a day, how could there be more than [-] outpatients in half a day!
At the end of the seven days, the final figures: 12 downloads, compared to 6 on the last day.

The fat man had a sullen face, but he couldn't be happy: "That old dog Zhao Yuzhe couldn't have cheated us, he deliberately found trouble for us! Invite a bunch of people to download this app?"

Bai Ye was not sure either.

At this time, Bai Ye and Fatty's mobile phone reminded: "Tomorrow, please bring your relevant documents to... to announce the result."

Bai Ye and Fatty looked at each other, the result will be tomorrow!
Early the next day, the two got up to pack up and rode their bicycles to the scheduled location.

The agreed place this time is not a government agency, but a conference hall of a large hotel.

After the two of Bai Ye went in, they found that many people had already arrived.

More and more people came to participate one after another, about an hour later.

There were seven people sitting on the rostrum, and the leader was Yang Chensheng.

As the director of the Provincial People's Congress, he has always been in charge of livelihood projects, and this time is no exception.

"This project for people's livelihood...is very successful! We have seen the efforts of many private enterprises...The project for people's livelihood is to solve the problems that people urgently need to solve, and when doing things for the people..."

Speaking of this, Yang Chensheng said happily: "This time, we have seen a lot of very creative and thoughtful companies. Difficulties, such as improving energy-saving water use, such as improving the tap water system... etc., a group of outstanding entrepreneurs have emerged from all walks of life... We have seen the strength of private entrepreneurs!"


"Finally! I want to announce the inclusion of this project in the construction of people's livelihood projects. The state will encourage support and actively cooperate!"

"Food Safety Field: Jielier Water Company,"


"Medical and health field: Yueteng Technology!"

"Let us give them our warmest applause, thank you for doing practical things for our common people in Shanxi!"

"Of course, our province will still give some support to those projects that have not been included in the construction of people's livelihood projects. This time, the entrepreneurial projects that have passed the preliminary review will give the project a one-year tax exemption... and other strong support."

When Bai Ye and Fatty heard about the medical and health field, they were extremely nervous. When they heard that it was their Yueteng Technology, they almost jumped excitedly.

It worked!
We made it!
(End of this chapter)

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