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Chapter 199 Finger Diagnosis

Chapter 199 Finger Diagnosis
【Ding!Complete a dressing change, 1/50, get 120 points of debridement and dressing experience, please continue to work hard. 】

Bai Ye heard the system's notification beeping, and smiled: "Mr. Song, I still need your advice. Many of my techniques are too blunt, and I follow the script. If there are any deficiencies, please help me."

Song Jie nodded, recalling the operation just now: "Actually, you are already very good, even better than some residents, but there is one thing you have to pay attention to, that is, in communicating with patients... try to avoid Some unnecessary operations and words, every word you say, the patient will be very concerned about."

"So, for patients in the future: can I be cured by the doctor? Is there any cure for my disease? How long will it take? You should be careful about these issues. This is how conflicts between doctors and patients arise. You say that it will be cured in a week, and some people think If it’s not good, I’ll definitely sue you.”

"So don't say those words of 'no problem, it will be fine! It will definitely be fine!'. Especially our surgery, we must be rigorous..."

Song Jie talked to Bai Ye about some important clinical doctor-patient communication besides medical level.

"So, to be a doctor, you not only need to have medical skills, but also communication skills."

Speaking of this, Song Jie smiled dryly: "Hehe, it's hard to be a doctor now! The most important thing is to protect yourself, well, I'll call the next one, you get ready."

Bai Ye nodded, washed his hands, and put on a new pair of gloves.

The next few were dressing changes for hemorrhoids, which were relatively easy. Bai Ye was skillful and did it very quickly. After the patient finished, he got up and looked back at Bai Ye, and thanked him with a smile.

The last one is an elder sister in her 50s who is also a patient with anal fistula. After she finished, she looked at Bai Ye with a smile and said, "Doctor Song, I feel much better. I have really troubled you during this period. With this little doctor, the technique is really good, and it doesn't feel as painful as before."

In the morning, after a few dressing changes, Bai Ye arrived at 9 o'clock after last night. Song Jie looked at Bai Ye: "Not bad, so many good reviews."

Bai Ye washed his hands, took off his mask and said, "Ahem, Teacher Song taught well."

Song Jie chuckled: "You boy, you don't even know how to flatter. Now that you have a better understanding of the patient's condition, go back and look at the medical records. Let's do a ward round at 09:30."

"Our Puze Hospital mainly treats with the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Although hemorrhoids are not a big problem, modern medicine still can't find the cause. There are several theories. Do you know what they are?"

Bai Ye nodded. He had prepared for these things before he came: "Well, one is the Master of Anal Cushion Removal, and the other is the theory of varicose veins."

Song Jie patted Bai Ye on the shoulder: "Well, yes, these two are indeed more mainstream. The cause of disease determines the direction of treatment, so the current treatment is also treated according to these two theories. However, hemorrhoids cannot be cured. It can only be alleviated and appeasement."

"Modern medicine, after all, relies on the development of modern science to make progress, so there is a process. However, our hospital generally treats with a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. After all, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in treating hemorrhoids are still obvious. Surgical treatment is combined with traditional Chinese medicine fumigation for external use. Acupuncture, the overall effect is good."

"Generally speaking, we don't need special treatment for the initial and asymptomatic hemorrhoids. The main thing is to increase fibrous food, change bad bowel habits, keep the stool unobstructed, and prevent constipation and diarrhea. Hot water baths are good and can It can effectively improve circulation, which supports the theory of varicose veins, and the effect is better when we combine it with traditional Chinese medicine fumigation."

"Now for the bleeding internal hemorrhoids of the second and third degrees, the injection therapy is effective, mainly some sclerosing agents, which can cause aseptic inflammatory reaction in the hemorrhoids and around the hemorrhoids, fibrosis of the submucosal tissue, retract the anal cushion, and fix it on the hemorrhoids. on the internal sphincter."

"If it doesn't work, or if it's serious, it needs bandage and surgery..."

Regarding these things, whether Bai Ye knows it or not, Song Jie still wants to explain the treatment and diagnosis of this common disease in the anorectal department.

After Bai Ye looked at the medical records of ten people on the computer, he had some general impressions of the patients' condition and medication.

At around 09:30, after revising the doctor's order, Song Jie said, "Let's go, follow me to the ward rounds to see the patients, and you can catch up with the course of the illness when you come back."

Bai Ye nodded, and took out a specially prepared ward round notebook in his hand to record the patient's condition and doctor's order changes.

After Song Jie learned about Bai Ye this morning and asked Bai Ye during the rounds, he actually felt like he was communicating with his colleagues.

Why do I say that, because Bai Ye's answers often give him some good inspiration about diseases and medicine.

Song Jie smiled and said to Bai Ye: "Tomorrow morning, I will be outpatient, and I will leave it to you to change the medicine. You can still come as you are today, and then you can call me if the patient has any special circumstances."

Bai Ye nodded, feeling overjoyed, suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity, and his task of changing the dressing would be completed soon.

Song Jie took Bai Ye to say hello to Zhang Hui, the nurse in the treatment room, and said, "Zhang Hui, I won't be here tomorrow morning. Bai Ye is changing the patient's medicine. You can help Bai Ye."

Zhang Hui hummed, and said curiously, "Don't let Dr. Chang replace you?"

Song Jie patted Bai Ye's shoulder: "Doctor Bai's level is very good, don't worry, just call me if you need anything."

After all, it was not a serious patient, and changing the medicine was not a big deal, so Zhang Hui nodded, and just looked at Bai Ye carefully.

Bai Ye smiled slightly: "Mr. Zhang, hello, I'm Gui Peisheng, Bai Ye."

Seeing that Bai Ye was tall and handsome, Zhang Hui smiled and said, "Don't call me teacher, just call me by my name."

In the morning, Bai Ye made up the patient's course of illness based on the patient's symptoms and the changes in Song Jie's doctor's order during the rounds.

Secondary nursing does not need to write the course of disease every day, except for special circumstances, it is basically recorded once every three days.

After finishing writing, Bai Ye saw that the patient's doctor's order was fumigated with traditional Chinese medicine, so he opened the herbal medicine prescription section and read it carefully.

There are quite a lot of traditional Chinese medicine treatments, including traditional Chinese medicine fumigation, traditional Chinese medicine collapse treatment, and acupoint sticking treatment, etc. The effect is not bad.

Song Jie saw what Bai Ye meant, and said: "Our anorectal department is mainly surgery. The advantages of surgery in traditional Chinese medicine are not only some traditional surgical methods, but also some physical therapy and enteral administration. After all, oral administration is effective. Relatively general, because generally those who come to our department have severe symptoms and need surgery, otherwise anorectal diseases are relatively private, but those who can hold back and do not affect their normal life, most people will not come to see the doctor."

"By the way, come to the outpatient clinic immediately after changing your medicine tomorrow, and I will teach you digital anorectal examination."

(End of this chapter)

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