Chapter 201

The anorectal department is on the fifth floor of the outpatient building. After Bai Ye reported the dressing change to Song Jie, Song Jie said, "It's just in time. I've been seeing patients after treatment for the past two days. Let's take a look at the main symptoms of our patients today. Symptoms, and how to diagnose, are mostly diagnostic."

At this time, a nearly 40-year-old man walked in: "Doctor, I have handed over the bill."

Song Jie nodded and said, "Come with me."

After talking about the treatment room next door, Bai Ye walked in and found an anoscopy machine and an examination bed.

Song Jie said to the man: "Climb up, take off your pants, stick your butt up, there are pictures on the wall, take a look."

The man glanced at Bai Ye, looked up at the inspection diagram on the wall, hesitated, shook his head, lay down on the bed, and took off his pants.

Song Jie took the finger cots, handed one to Bai Ye, and said, "Put on the gloves, and put on the finger cots."

Bai Ye nodded, imitating Song Jie to put on the fingertips.

Song Jie patted the man and said, "Pick up your butt."

The man hesitated shyly, and suddenly said: "Doctor, what are you doing?"

Song Jie said: "Look at what's going on inside, relax and cooperate."

The man hummed: "Take it's my first time..."

Song Jie chuckled, hummed, and then put his index finger in.

After a while, after stretching it out, he said to Bai Ye: "Feel it, the 2cm tooth line Bai Ye nodded, and then gently stretched it in, and sure enough, he felt soft hemorrhoids of different sizes.

After the man came out of the treatment room, he looked depressed: "Doctor, I'm fine."

Song Jie then picked up the anoscope, stretched it in and took an endoscopic lens, and said to the man, "Your hemorrhoid is a mixed hemorrhoid, and it's circular. Should have had surgery sooner."

After hearing this, the man asked, "Then I should?"

Song Jie said: "I will issue a hospital certificate for you, go through the hospitalization procedures early, and we will arrange surgery as soon as possible. Your situation is serious, mixed hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids have been three degrees, and cannot be cured by themselves. Difficulty in defecation. If you continue It will get worse and worse.”

When the man heard this, he hesitated: "I have to go to the unit to ask for leave first, doctor, can you issue me a diagnosis certificate?"

After the patient left, Song Jie looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Actually, digital rectal examination is often better than microscopic examination. The intestinal mucosa is more wrinkled, and microscopic examination can find some more obvious ones. Fistula is not easy to see, and digital examination can find some depressions and lesions, so the two must be combined to achieve a more effective effect."

Bai Ye has a certain foundation in digital anorectal examination. Anorectal technology can be level 3, which is a comprehensive and comprehensive skill, including some common methods and treatment methods in the department.

Surgical outpatient clinics are different from internal medicine. Most of the patients who come to surgery come for the purpose of surgery. After all, compared with internal surgery, there are still fewer internal treatments, and such as hemorrhoids, simple ones don’t need to be treated, and severe ones still have good surgical results.

In the past few days, Song Jie's dressing change has been contracted by Bai Ye, and leisurely leisurely every day is a priority.

At the end of the first week of admission, Bai Ye heard the system beep.

【Ding!Complete the dressing change task 50/50 and get an exclusive dressing change kit. 】

Bai Ye found a place where no one was around, and clicked to open the dressing change package:
【Ding!You opened the exclusive dressing change pack and got the new lidocaine spray. 】

Bai Ye was taken aback, lidocaine spray?What is this?
[Reminder, the new lidocaine spray is a lidocaine anesthetic preparation, which is mainly used for dressing change wounds, which can reduce the pain of dressing change for patients. 】

Bai Ye understood what it was. This spray was sprayed before changing the dressing, and the pain would be much relieved when changing the dressing. There was no need to inject with a syringe, just spray it lightly.

Moreover, the main difference from the traditional lidocaine aerosol is that it absorbs quickly and has few side effects, especially for some oral cavity, mucous membrane, tooth extraction, hemorrhoids and other careful operations and dressing changes.

The blood concentration and absorption degree of this new type of spray are not the same, and the pharmacology and toxicology are also very useful.

This is good stuff!
Bai Ye was overjoyed. After all, there are so many dressing changes in the anorectal department, and it still hurts a lot. With such a thing, at least it will be much more convenient, and it will reduce the patient's pain.

But... there is only one bottle of this thing!

Is there a recipe?

I saw a small book in the dressing bag, which recorded the production process.

Good stuff, I'll study it when I go back. By the way, my own laboratory plan should be put on the agenda. There are a lot of things to be studied in the future. It seems that I have to prepare early.

【Ding!Clinical skills: debridement and dressing skill upgrade lv3. 】

【Ding!The task of changing the dressing is completed, triggering a new task: debridement and changing the dressing 200 times, the task is completed, and a mid-level exclusive dressing kit will be obtained. 】

Intermediate exclusive dressing change kit?The beginners are all given a lidocaine spray, what good things will the intermediate ones have!
Bai Ye was suddenly full of anticipation for changing the medicine. Looking at the ass of the patients walking in the hallway, his heart was full of enthusiasm.

On Monday, the director made rounds.

Every Monday, Pan Xiangnian takes a general practitioner to make rounds. The main purpose is to understand the patient's condition, designate a suitable diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient's special situation, and sometimes look at the patient's wound to see how the healing is going.

Pan Xiangnian looked at Qian Rou and asked Song Jie, "What's the patient's condition now?"

After Song Jie reported Qian Rou's perianal abscess, he talked about the current treatment plan and medication. After hearing the hanging up, Pan Xiangnian nodded and said to the patient, "Let me take a look at the wound."

Qian Rou blushed, looking at so many people around her, she felt a little awkward.

Pan Xiangnian smiled: "Except for the doctor in charge, everyone should go out for a while."

Immediately, there were only Pan Xiangnian and Song Jie left in the room. After Qian Rou took off his pants, Pan Xiangnian looked at the situation and nodded: "It's only been a week since the operation, right? It's been three days since I hung up the line? The recovery is really good. Than Ordinary patients are much better, and the medicine change is good, Song Jie, did you change the medicine?"

Song Jie shook his head and smiled slightly: "No, it was my intern. He changed the medicine and hung up the line."

When Pan Xiangnian heard this, he suddenly frowned, nodded, and went out.

After closing the door, Pan Xiangnian frowned: "How do you let your interns change their dressings and hang up by themselves? Who is responsible if something goes wrong?"

Song Jie nodded: "At that time, I beat him at the side, but the child is really good. You can see the other patients later, and they are all recovering well."

Pan Xiangnian nodded. Changing the medicine is indeed not a big deal, but the level of interns varies, and they are generally not allowed to change the medicine. If there is a problem, it is a doctor-patient dispute.

After a few ward rounds, Pan Xiangnian found that the patients were recovering well, so he suddenly became curious and asked Song Jie in a low voice, "He replaced them all?"

Song Jie nodded.

Pan Xiangnian was taken aback, and said in a low voice, "No wonder...better than you."

Song Jie was taken aback for a moment, and almost choked on his spit. Pan Xiangnian and him are senior brothers, and they have a very good relationship in private.

The people around saw that Song Jie and the director didn't know what to say, and they were a little stunned, and Bai Ye followed behind with a lot of cases.

(End of this chapter)

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