Chapter 204

This kind of day lasted for about a week. The dressing was changed in the morning and the operation was performed in the afternoon. Perhaps it was Pan Xiangnian's approval. Recently, Bai Ye participated in every operation. No matter who the patient was, Bai Ye followed suit. Most of Bai Ye did the final stitching.

He Xiaoming also began to follow Chang Liqiang to do surgery, but after that, he stood by and watched most of the time, and he was not even allowed to wear surgical gowns, which is the so-called watching and learning.

But on the other hand, Bai Ye is now basically like a doctor, working from beginning to end, even the final stitching is done by Bai Ye himself.

This made He Xiaoming very uncomfortable. Obviously everyone is a graduate student, why is he still standing there as a bystander, while Bai Ye can already chat and laugh with the director and the doctor?

The National Day holiday is coming soon, and everyone started discussing the scheduling of National Day shifts. There should only be one doctor on duty every day.

Bai Ye looked at his task of changing the dressing: 72/200, if only Song Jie's patients were there, the task would probably be completed early, but now that he finally has this opportunity, Bai Ye doesn't want to let it go.

So Bai Ye said: "I won't be going home for the National Day, I can help change the medicine."

As soon as Bai Ye's words were spoken, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. After all, Bai Ye's level is obvious to all, and Bai Ye's level of dressing change has been praised by the director.

Pan Xiangnian looked at Bai Ye thoughtfully, and smiled: "Aren't you going home?"

Bai Ye shook his head: "I won't be back for the National Day."

With Bai Ye's help, it is obviously much easier to be on duty alone. There are relatively more male surgeons, and the relationship between men does not require too many words. They all cast grateful glances at Bai Ye.

The interns around Ji Peisheng glanced at Bai Ye in surprise, and He Xiaoming did the same, looking at Bai Ye strangely.

Pan Xiangnian nodded, looked at Bai Ye approvingly, turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something, and said, "There will be a World Anorectal Annual Conference in Tokyo in mid-October. Bai Ye will attend it with me then."

Just as Pan Xiangnian said his words, everyone's eyes widened.

The World Anorectal Annual Conference is a feast for academics. Although Gui Peisheng is a graduate student and many of them are not majors in anorectal, such an international annual conference will be very valuable for any future evaluations.

Moreover, this year's annual meeting is still in Tokyo, and it is a rare opportunity to go out at public expense. It can not only increase your knowledge, but also travel, and it will be a very face-saving thing to talk about in the future.

Song Jie, Chang Liqiang and the others were also stunned for a moment. There are not many places for such international academic conferences, and each hospital only has one or two. They have also been taken out by the director, and they can gain a lot of knowledge, especially for those new technologies. And new technical and medical guidelines, going out to attend such an annual meeting can gain more than you can stay in school for an extra year or two.

When Bai Ye heard Director Pan's words, his eyes lit up immediately, a dungeon of experience!

In Bai Ye's eyes, any meeting is a rare experience and a copy of the task.

Just... in Tokyo!Hey, I don't know what clothes to wear when I go there. After all, it is said on the Internet that Tokyo is very hot. Is it hot or not... Bai Ye fell into deep thought.

After Pan Xiangnian finished speaking, he walked out of the office first.

Song Jie came over, looked at Bai Ye, and smiled: "You boy, you are not bad, you can fall into the eyes of the director."

Bai Ye smiled mischievously, but did not speak, while the people around cast envious eyes.

He Xiaoming felt very uncomfortable. Why didn't he want to participate in such an international academic conference? Although it was only an anorectal conference, it was also an opportunity.

After October, more and more disciplines began to hold annual conferences, and there will be more and more opportunities in the future.

In the afternoon, Bai Ye received a call from Zhou Mao.

"Hello? Xiaoye, I'm in Kyoto. Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

Bai Ye smiled: "No problem, where is Dean Zhou?"

Zhou Mao shook his head: "From now on, Dean Zhou will not be able to bark."

Bai Ye was taken aback: "What's the situation? Are you going to be promoted to vice principal?"

Zhou Mao chuckled: "Where are you, I'll pick you up later."

The two made an appointment, and Bai Ye was waiting at the entrance of the hospital. Not long after, a Lu Xun with the prefix Jin stopped beside Bai Ye.

This is Zhou Mao's car. After Bai Ye got into the car, he smiled and said, "Uncle Zhou, why didn't you change the car?"

Zhou Mao smiled: "It's good to have a car, let's go, I'll take you to eat something good."

The two arrived at a nice hotel and ordered a few dishes.

Zhou Mao said, "I'm going to resign."

Bai Ye was a little confused by Zhou Mao's words: "Resign? You are the dean, why do you resign? Uncle Zhou, you have to be careful!"

Zhou Mao smiled and shook his head: "I am 49 years old. If I am at the most vice-principal level in the school, and then go up... there must be no chance."

"After retirement, I still raise birds, write books and drink tea. This is not the life I want."

Everyone has their own ambitions, and Bai Ye also understood that he listened to Zhou Mao's words quietly without interrupting.

Zhou Mao took a sip of tea and sighed: "I want to start a business, and I want to make medicine. I have also told my family about this, and they all support me."

"I can't sell patents all my life. I also want to make something of my own. Otherwise, I will regret it after a hundred years. So I want to start a business."

Bai Ye nodded: "I also believe that you can do it."

Zhou Mao smiled, and said seriously: "Are you interested in getting a share? I'm not just looking for you today to catch up, but to cooperate with you."

Bai Ye remained silent. He was thinking about this issue from the very beginning. Zhou Mao is a talent, and he is a rare talent. After so many years of operation, with the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a platform, there is a mature channel and chain.

The two chatted for a long time about this issue, and Bai Ye returned to the dormitory after eleven o'clock.

The reason why Bai Ye is so caring is actually because Bai Ye himself has such an idea. He has a lot of things. If he wants to go to the society and the market, he must have a company as a medium.

Selling patents is never a long-term thing. Undoubtedly, Zhou Mao's words also aroused Bai Ye's interest.

What Zhou Mao meant was that there is a pharmaceutical group in Kyoto called Zhiheng Pharmaceutical Group, which is about to close down. If it is time to take over, it will undoubtedly be faster than starting a business.

Zhou Mao has been paying attention to this matter for a long time. This pharmaceutical group has been restructured three times and is finally about to make a move.

It's just that the price is not low. Zhou Mao tried his best to scrape together more than 3000 million yuan, and this group needs at least 3 million yuan.

After returning, Bai Ye called Boss Bai and Tang Han to inquire about balancing the pharmaceutical industry.

After all, Boss Bai has always been well-informed, and Tang Han, as a local snake, has a terrifying network of connections, so with the help of the two, Bai Ye felt that he might be able to get a better understanding of this company.

These few days are National Day, and the school is fine. After all, Zhou Mao has not resigned yet. He has lived in the capital, and he needs to contact the check and balance group these few days.

And Bai Ye patiently waited for the news.

(End of this chapter)

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