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Chapter 35 The Purpose of Going to School

Chapter 35 The purpose of going to school (seeking collection recommendation on Monday...)
Bai Ye, Fatty and Wang Meng sat in a courtyard, eating and drinking around a big table.

This courtyard house is not small, although they are all one-story bungalows, they are very spacious, five or six meters high, with dragons and phoenixes carved on them, and each pillar has this simple and simple atmosphere.

Such a side has the width of eight or nine houses, and it is surrounded on all sides. You can imagine how big the yard is.

In the yard, there is an open space for growing fruits and vegetables, there are a few dogs that look fierce, and there are a few motorcycles that look expensive.

The fat man held the pig's trotters with both hands and gnawed hard, and said vaguely: "I, Cao, have studied here for several years, and I didn't know there was such a good place! Mengzi, you are so awesome! Fat today My lord, this is an eye-opener! Cool, come on, let the three of us have a toast!"

The three of them raised their beers, and one of them walked away. It was so fierce that half of the bottle of wine was gone in one breath.

Wang Meng smiled foolishly, looked at the stunned two people, and said: "Haha, you can do whatever you want, I'm used to drinking, and when I beat my mother's womb, my father pours alcohol. After so many years, I've already gotten used to it."

Bai Ye nodded, and asked, "Mengzi, I accidentally saw that your house is worshiping Li Shizhen just now, and this old house is old, and the surrounding decoration is also very particular. Your house is also a doctor?"

Wang Meng laughed and shook his head: "Yes, and no!"

The fat man grumbled his eyes: "What the hell? Black fat man, you say you have such a big body and such a dark body, just pretend to be a gangster, don't always pretend to be a scholar, fat man, I am allergic, you say you look like you It’s fine to have a pretty face like a leaf, you’re so fucking dark and fat, you’re not suitable for pretending to be a cultured person!”

Wang Meng didn't mind either, Fatty has this kind of character, he picked up the bottle and walked with Fatty, and said with a smile: "That's right, my family is in the business of medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, so I'm half a doctor. I read and grew up with these medical books, and I like them a lot. But I studied civil engineering in college..."

It turns out that Wang Meng's family has been running medicinal materials for several generations. They have been doing it for hundreds of years, and they have a small background, and they have a lot of status in Wangcun. In the past, the people in the village were poor and had no work, so they followed the old Wang's family to do some work. The number of years has passed, the business has grown bigger and bigger, and it has also become a scale.

But it happened to Wang Meng's generation, this guy saw that Wang Village was hopeful to be demolished, and his family had money and land, so he had to learn civil engineering and come back to be a landlord.

However, Wang Meng also knows his mission. The set of studies passed down in his family is thorough, and his knowledge of Chinese medicine is really good. However, the civil engineering knowledge he learned in the four years of university is only used to renovate the house for his hometown.

The three of them were very speculative, talking more and more, Wang Meng laughed loudly: "Fatty, I remember, when we were in college, the teacher asked us why we should study civil engineering, and I said a damn thing: I want to renovate my house , That group of people still laughed at me, damn it, do they know how much my house is? It’s tens of acres of land, can I fix it if I don’t study hard?”

The fat man also started bragging: "It's not vulgar. I've been thinking about your family all day long. I have had a dream since I was a child. I want to save mankind from the fire and water, and worry about the world's worries, so I aspire to become a great man. Doctor, save patients who are in misery! By the way! I am better at saving women who have lost their feet, Mengzi, do you have any young ladies who have lost their footing here? I think it is time to serve the society and give back to the motherland!"

Bai Ye couldn't laugh or cry at these two funny comparisons, but Wang Meng asked, "Yezi, why are you studying medicine?"

Bai Ye sighed for a long time, looked up at the starry sky, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "My father said that the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. I thought about it for a long time, and I found that only life can't be bought by money. I chose to study medicine, my family has so much money, I have to know how to live a few more years, and then spend the money."


"Cut! It's fucking pretended by you again."

The two fat men gestured a middle finger at the same time.

The three of them drank until after ten o'clock, when Wang Meng asked someone to send Bai Ye and Fatty back to school.

The next day, Bai Ye was still in a dream in a daze when someone shook him awake.

"Yezi, Yezi, wake up, I, Cao, wake up!"

"The results are out, get up quickly, the principal will be here in a while!"

Today is Monday, the day when the grades were released, Bai Ye drank too high with the two fat guys last night, and served Bai's beer together without paying attention, so he didn't get up now.

Opening his eyes in a daze, Bai Ye saw Duan Yue and Lu Peiyi shaking himself, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Peiyi was a little excited, and said: "Ye Zi, it's terrible, the results are out, you are number one! The number one in the province is also the number one in the country! I heard that Dean Yan and Principal Hu will come to see you soon, give You hold a commendation meeting! Get up quickly!"

When Bai Ye heard this, he said in a daze, "First, I know! I'll go, what do I think, I'll sleep a little longer, no, I can't be dizzy..."

After speaking, Bai Ye fell asleep under the blanket.

Lu Peiyi and Duan Yue were the same, and smiled helplessly.as he pleases...

The dormitory is peaceful, but the school is boiling!

"Have you heard? Senior Bai Ye won the first place in the country again. It's amazing! As expected, it's great!"

"Haha, I'll just say it! Our senior Bai Ye is a real talent, what a fool, you go and try to get 1800 points!"

"That's right, Senior Bai Ye is so amazing! This time he even got 180 points in the exam."

"Yes! It is said that the second place in the province is only 160 points, which is nearly 20 points behind!"

"Is No.2 director Xu Zhonglei?" a school girl asked.

"No! It's Zhang Jixian. It is said that this person is very powerful. He is the director of the editorial department of Jinxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Journal. Director Xu just scored more than 120 points in the test, ranking 8th in the province, and he can enter the top ten in the province."

There was a lot of discussion on campus, but in the principal's office, there was a routine weekly meeting, and all college dean secretaries must attend.

In the small office, there are more than 30 people sitting, and all the cadres above the school level are here!
Hu Fengyun stood there refreshed, his voice very loud!
"Okay! Okay! Our school has finally produced a great talent, Dean Yan, you have made a contribution!" Hu Fengyun's words trembled with excitement.

"No. [-] in the country! It's really rare! This Bai Ye is really a talent, a great talent, a genius! He has achieved such a feat in just a bachelor's degree, and his future is limitless!" The senior school party official also said with emotion.

Hu Fengyun suddenly said: "I suggest that a commendation meeting be held for Bai Ye to enhance the self-confidence of our students in the school. I believe that the first Bai Ye is here, and the next one is not far away. With Bai Ye as an example, our school will emerge a large number of outstanding students with potential!"

Where is the value of heroes and idols?

Isn't it right here!



Seeing that none of the people below voted to veto, Hu Fengyun was also refreshed.

 Today's Monday, it's good for everyone to give away the extra tickets to the veterans. The veterans will add more updates and... be cute!Cough, ask for votes, it is still adding updates, every 50 votes! 2000 rewards for an update!continue to be valid.

  Thanks: The rice paper turned yellow and snatched my name, and I was like a ghost for the reward. Thank you brothers for your support, and brothers who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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