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Chapter 38 Release of New Tasks

Chapter 38 Release of new tasks (seeking support)

Five days passed quickly and slowly.

Seeing the gray-haired old men on the stage pouring out their life's experience to teach everyone, the ten people were grateful, and only went crazy to learn!
Day and night!

Not only Bai Ye, but all the people, ten of them, only sleep for more than three hours every night, lie down for a while when they are tired, and discuss when they wake up.

Classes during the day and discussions at night.

These ten people seemed to form a group during these five days.

And Bai Ye is the core of this group.

On the second day of class, Bai Ye's basic theory of Chinese medicine broke through to level 5, becoming a master level.Chinese medicine also has more than 1 points of experience. Although it is still relatively late to upgrade, the knowledge reserve has gradually increased.

The basic theory of Chinese medicine at Lv5, the transformation brought about by it cannot be described in one sentence at all.

It was a kind of perception. Regarding the thinking of Chinese medicine, Bai Ye combined the rich knowledge system of Chinese medicine and the experience of doctors of past dynasties to sum up his own system.

This is his Chinese medicine.

And others are not good enough, even Xu Zhonglei and Zhang Jixian, the best of them, are at most lv4.

Chinese medicine experts who are only about 35 years old are proud enough, but in front of Bai Ye, they are too immature.

They found that Bai Ye's understanding of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine had surpassed them by a lot.

Gradually, they lost the heart of comparison, and they began to humbly ask for advice and learn.

In five days, Bai Ye became the core of the ten-member team, that is, the captain.

Five days later, when Saturday arrived, the ten people were about to leave when they found out that the news of the national examination had come down.

The national examination is divided into two schedules.

The first is the team competition, each province is a team, and finally ranked according to the total score, which is one of the annual examination results of TCM in each province.

The second is the individual competition. Each province sends a contestant to participate in the individual competition. There will be an additional interview in the individual competition. The final score will be used to determine the top ten rankings.

Bai Ye looked at the schedule, and the task bar suddenly lit up.

【Ding!Trigger the task and lead the Jinxi team into the top ten in the country. Task rewards: 1.30 member points, 2. A lot of experience, 3. A 3-star lucky draw. 】

【Ding!Trigger tasks, personal rankings, win the first place, and win the three consecutive championships in this competition. Task rewards: 1.30 member points, 2. Massive experience, 3. A 3-star lucky draw opportunity. 】

Bai Ye looked at the two tasks and took a deep breath. No matter what, he must fight this time.

Turning around to look at the crowd, Bai Ye stretched out his hand and smiled naively: "Come on, cheer up, let's work together!"

Ten people formed a circle, put their hands on Bai Ye's, and shouted loudly: "1, 2, 3, come on!!!"

The ten people didn't continue to rest, and after some preparations, they stepped on the bullet train to BJ.

The designated location is a five-star hotel, where candidates from 34 competition areas are arranged.

After Bai Ye and the others arrived, they found the staff to report, then checked their identity and qualifications, and received a certificate.

But where Bai Ye was, he heard Xu Zhonglei arguing with the staff.

Going forward, I heard Xu Zhonglei ask:
"Why do we have three rooms for ten people? Isn't it clearly written as a standard room!"

The staff member smiled and said, "I'm sorry, you are late, the other rooms have been booked, only these rooms are left. Two triple rooms and one quadruple room. What do you want?"

Xu Zhonglei was at a loss for words for a while, and was about to say, "Okay, that's it."

But just at this time, a team of ten people walked towards this side, walked forward and said, "Hello, we are from the Sichuan competition area, here to report."

When the staff member heard that they were from the Sichuan Division, he immediately took out the room card from the box and said, "This is your room. There are five rooms in total. It's on the eighth floor..."

Xu Zhonglei suddenly became unhappy, why!
"Hey? Didn't you just say that there is no room? How come there is now! You are..."

The staff member was stunned for a moment, and was very polite, expressing his apology: "I'm sorry, this is the competition group's regulations. Chuandu Traditional Chinese Medicine has always been in the top ten in the country. This is the treatment they should enjoy, and this is also a special order from the competition group. Besides, I... don't have such great rights, do I?"

When everyone in Bai Ye heard this, they were stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and sighed in unison.

After returning to the residence, everyone looked at the exam arrangement in their hands and suddenly fell silent.

Tomorrow is the exam, with a total score of 100 and only five questions, all of which are essay questions.

Xu Zhonglei sighed: "Hey, I feel like I'm going to be slowed down this time. I only got 120 points in the last exam, so I guess half of it will be difficult this time."

Although the others didn't say anything, they all meant the same thing, because in the last provincial competition, Shanxi ranked 29th overall, and that was because Bai Ye scored 180 points.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to enter the top ten if this exam is compared according to the provincial competition.

Even if Bai Ye stood out from the crowd and got the highest score, what about the others?
How to do?
Bai Ye is also helpless, let nature take its course, even if he can't win the championship in the group competition, he must win the individual competition!
But everyone was not idle, Bai Ye called the other nine people together and started a daily discussion.

Tomorrow is the exam, and Bai Ye doesn't have anything special to say. The level of these people is quite good, almost at the level of lv4 expert. Bai Ye talked about his ideas.

For example, the combination of climate and human body, the five luck and six qi are casually brought a little, because the five luck and six qi are too difficult, he didn't talk about it in depth, and everyone might not understand it, and then he encouraged everyone to lie down .

 Hehe, the fourth watch is here, thank you for the reward I love Lei Dingqin, thank you brother, and every brother who voted, I remember it.

  And there is... Friends who have a book list add a book list, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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