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Chapter 52 Super Bumper Harvest

Chapter 52 Super Bumper Harvest (Come, come, ask for a collection.)
With the experience from last time, Bai Ye knew that he had to use up these three 2-star lottery chances before he could refresh the task bar.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt a burst of nervousness and excitement. He is a man stuck in a system bug!

This feeling is very comfortable...


Triple draw!
【Ding!You are lucky enough to get a box of Red Bull! 】

【Ding!Explode your luck and get a box of pulses! 】

【Ding!Your luck took off and you got a copy of "Rat Raising Experience". 】

Bai Ye reacted for three seconds first, he felt that he was a little wattless, but Bai Ye reacted instantly.

"I'll go to your second uncle!"

Your sister, what are these things?
A case of Red Bull?A box of pulses! ?Your uncle, don't bully young people to be poor, okay? 30 years in Hedong and Hexi, you are clearly putting me together!
Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt aggrieved!
This... What is this about your sister?
[Do you want to receive it? 】

Bai Ye was furious and refused to accept it!I don't want to eat anything that comes from me, so I just want to send me away if I don't break anything?
Do not agree!
Not accepted!
But no wool...

【Ding!Reminder: You cannot refresh the task bar without receiving the gift, please confirm again, do you want to receive it? 】

Bai Ye was a little angry. You threatened me with this and thought I would be cowardly?

Damn, well, I'm cowardly, you are the uncle, I will take it!
The moment Bai Ye received it, a system notification sound entered his mind.

[Red Bull Drink: This is a drink that can stimulate the secretion of the adrenal glands. It is an energy drink developed by the future military industry group. Look at him, at the critical moment, he may get miraculous results! 】

[Pulsation: This is a drink that can relieve fatigue and restore energy. It is an energy drink developed by the Future Military Industry Group.Pulse back!It can effectively alleviate the listlessness caused by staying up late, overtime, and fatigue, and improve energy. It is your top-secret treasure for protracted battles (cut the knot, this item cannot be used for niche life.)]

Bai Ye was taken aback, this was the first time he had drawn this kind of thing, Bai Ye took it out and saw that it was no different from ordinary pulsation and Red Bull, and...even the appearance and packaging were exactly the same!

It's just that this effect is a bit fierce. I thought it was a pile of garbage at first, but I didn't expect it to have such a big effect. It's a little surprise!

But... there is one more book!

Just now I thought I was going to raise mice, but Bai Ye found out that I can't read the name!
What kind of baby is this?

"Rat Raising Experience"

Looking through it, Bai Ye's eyes lighted up, but Bai Ye could only open the directory, and couldn't open the latter at all!

But looking at the catalogue, Bai Ye knew that not only was this not a useless book, but it was also a treasure!
It is a breeding manual and modeling specimens of small white mice used in experiments, which records how to raise a lot of small mice reasonably, and then how to make models.

What do you mean?
For example, experiments generally require a large number of mice, and the living environment of these mice determines the individual differences of the mice. In this book, some mice with small differences can be bred for experiments as needed.

What does modeling mean?Modeling is: For example, a drug can treat epilepsy. If you want to experiment to see if it is effective, the first step is animal experiments. Animal experiments need a batch of epileptic mice. How to find a batch of epileptic mice?Modeling is to create a model of epileptic mice.

This is a very practical book, but Bai Ye doesn't need it right now because:

["Hint of Raising a Rat": This is a summary of experience in experimental zoology. If you want to read it, you need skills lv3 in anatomy and lv3 in medical physiology. 】

However, the two-star lottery draw is used up, and the main event is next!

Bai Ye was a little excited!

In less than 1 minute, the system prompt sounded:

[The task system is updated, upgrade Chinese medicine skills to Lv3 professional level, get 30 membership points, and get a chance to draw a three-star lottery. 】

Upgrade upgrade upgrade! Lv2 to lv3 need 5000 experience points.

With nearly 3 experience points, Bai Ye directly upgraded the three skills to the lv[-] level.

【Ding!Upgrade TCM diagnostics to lv3, get 30 membership points, and a three-star lucky draw chance. 】

【Ding!Formulate has been upgraded to lv3, 30 member points will be obtained, and a chance for a three-star lucky draw. 】

【Ding!Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is upgraded to lv3, 30 member points are obtained, and a chance for a three-star lucky draw. 】

Bai Ye was overjoyed, he got 90 membership points, and got three chances to draw three [-]-star prizes!

At present, there are already 250 membership points, and there are only 50 points left to upgrade.

Level [-] Member!

Thinking about it, Bai Ye was looking forward to it.

Still, keep drawing, four [-]-star lucky draw chances!


The two-star lottery chance is already very satisfying, let alone the three-star lottery, what good things will there be?
Bai Ye's heart was surging right now, and he was extremely excited!
【Ding!Congratulations, you have obtained the basic laboratory configuration, prompt, after using it, you will obtain a full version of the laboratory (basic level), activation conditions: 500 million cash, a room of more than 500 square meters. 】

【Ding!Congratulations, you have obtained ten times experience pill*5. Tip: After using it, you will get ten times experience bonus within the next five hours. 】

【Ding!Your luck has exploded and you have obtained a batch of high-quality Shangdang ginseng seeds.It is a reminder that this is the seed of the authentic medicinal material Shangdang ginseng, and it must be planted in a place suitable for seed growth.Remember, oranges grown in Huainan are tangerines, and oranges grown in Huaibei are trifoliate oranges. Don't disappoint these high-quality Shangdang ginseng seeds. 】

【Ding!Congratulations, you have obtained special skills: Concentration, special skills, special upgrade mechanism, tips: this skill can improve the efficiency of learning, surgery, experiments, etc., and has a certain chance to increase the success rate of experiments and operations. 】

Looking at the rewards like swiping the screen, Bai Ye was a little dizzy, but when he saw the name, Bai Ye felt trembling!nice one!good baby!good!good!good!

Basic configuration of the laboratory?Does this mean that he will have an independent laboratory?

Thinking of all kinds of promising experiments in the future, Bai Ye couldn't wait, but the activation conditions turned out to be 500 million RMB and a big room of 500 square meters!

Bai Ye was immediately discouraged. A big house of [-] square meters would cost at least a few million, right?Is it possible to build the laboratory in the valley?
Where can I get tens of millions of dollars!

Want it from your parents?

Ha ha……

Boss Bai's stingy character, 500 yuan is enough to support him, don't look at bragging all day long, the premise is to brag after drinking, otherwise he won't pay a penny more.

Besides... Does Boss Bai have money?All the money is with Mrs. Hu!Thinking of Hu Ma's appearance, Bai Ye felt a burst of despair.

Hey, take it easy, talk again!I originally thought that the reward of 100 million RMB was a lot, but I didn't expect it to be a drop in the bucket.

Ten times experience pills, this is an upgrade treasure, in case you meet a master to teach you, this is a magic weapon for stealing the teacher.

The third one is the seeds of Shangdang ginseng? !Bai Ye suddenly staggered, and his body trembled violently!
What is Shangdang Ginseng?That is an ancient tribute!It was lost after the Ming and Qing Dynasties!
Later, only Dangshen was mentioned. Dangshen and ginseng differ by one word, but the difference between heaven and earth is many times the price difference!The effect is also a thousand miles away!

Bai Ye did not expect to obtain the long-lost seed!Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt excited, this is a good thing!
However, when he saw the last reward, his saliva almost flowed out!It is skill!It turned out to be a skill!And it's a special skill!
Bai Ye has encountered an auxiliary skill before, which is to smell the fragrance and know the medicine, but that skill is a skill derived from the study of traditional Chinese medicine, and it can only be used after reaching a certain level of traditional Chinese medicine.

But this time it turned out to be a special skill!
Moreover, the most important thing is the effect of the skill, which can improve the learning efficiency, the success rate of surgery, experiments, etc., which is very scary, and such special skills can be said to be very rare.

You must know that the experiment has a success rate, but it is a big deal to do it a few times, just work harder.

But what about surgery?A life-threatening operation also has certain risks. If this operation fails... what you will face is not a loss at 01:30!

Thinking of this, Bai Ye suddenly became excited, amazing skills!
And, can it be upgraded?

Special upgrade method!

Good stuff, big profit!
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(End of this chapter)

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