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Chapter 60 Chapter Family

Chapter 60
When Bai Ye heard Zhang Hanlin's words, his eyes immediately brightened. As long as he can get better mice before April, then the follow-up series of tasks can start?

Although Zhang Hanlin's administrative status is not very high, his academic status and scientific research ability are an out-and-out thigh.

Wanting to understand this, Bai Ye had an idea in his heart. After a while, he should try to cultivate the mice. Once cultivated, this not only means follow-up tasks, but also an opportunity to rise up.

The attributes of the experimental animal company are very peculiar, and the fields of development are also very different. It is impossible to get involved in other industries. If you want to do this industry, you need too much technology, ability and talent.

Moreover, such companies generally have close cooperative relations with some large experimental bases, scientific research institutes, and drug research companies.

If you train yourself, publish a paper, apply for a patent, and finally transfer the patent, it will also cost a lot of money!
As for starting this kind of animal company by yourself, it is basically not feasible, or it is not possible in a short period of time. The main reason is that this kind of company requires a very high technological content, and the government's supervision and approval conditions are very strict. It was difficult, and it required a large sum of money, so Bai Ye couldn't do it.

What Bai Ye hopes most now is the establishment of his own laboratory, so that many experiments can be started.

Bai Ye was full of expectations when he thought of the basic-level laboratory he had drawn in a lottery some time ago, but the cost of 500 million yuan and the floor area of ​​500 square meters were undoubtedly very difficult.

At this time, it is already the 23rd year of the twelfth lunar month, and the new year will be celebrated in a few days, and the atmosphere of the new year on the street is getting stronger and stronger.

There are all kinds of Laba porridge sold in the shops on the street. Pedestrians are holding couplets to be posted for the New Year in their hands, and various congratulatory messages are also hung in the shops.

After returning to the dormitory, Bai Ye packed up his things. The fat man is from the capital of Shanxi Province, and he goes home from time to time, while Duan Yue and Lu Peiyi are from other provinces, and they are also packing their bags to go home for the New Year.

In the next two days, Lu Peiyi and Duan Yue embarked on their journey home one after another. Bai Ye stayed at school for two more days. Pharmacokinetics”, and then went to the bookstore of the University of Medical Sciences to buy a few books related to “Histology and Embryology”.

Before Tu You let herself go to the laboratory, she should lay a solid foundation in some basic subjects.At that time, Tu You told Bai Ye in detail, and Bai Ye listened very carefully at that time, so he remembered it.

Anatomy, Medical Physiology, Medical Pathology, Medical Pharmacology, Biochemistry.

In these five subjects, Bai Ye has more or less a certain foundation, and plans to go home and improve himself. After all, in the laboratory, nothing will be fatal!

I will go to BJ on the fifth day of the first lunar month, so I have to hurry up and read books after I go back!Thinking of that mysterious experimental base, Bai Ye's heart skipped a beat.

During this period, I went to Wang Meng's house for a few times, ate a few meals and drank wine with Wang Meng, and then said goodbye and went home.

Bai Ye was the only one left in the dormitory. After packing up his things, he cleaned up the dormitory and prepared to go home tomorrow morning.

But Hu Fengyun sent such a lot of things, Bai Ye really didn't know how to move them back.

Bai Ye was not at ease about consignment and express delivery, after all, these things were expensive, and they were still Hu Fengyun's wish.

When Bai Ye was thinking about what to do, the door of the dormitory opened, and it was none other than Hu Fengyun who came in.

Bai Ye was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Auntie, why are you here?"

Hu Fengyun smiled: "The school is closed for the past two days, I'll come over and see if you've come home."

"Auntie, you are so busy, you should pay attention to rest, so you don't have to worry about me. There is nothing to worry about as an adult." Bai Ye was also a little touched. He is a big principal, and he is also the deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress. This is a real big Officer, there must be a lot of things at the end of the year.

Hu Fengyun is 56 years old, but he is dressed smartly, his hair is cut short, only shoulder-length black hair, he wears a pair of frame glasses, and is dressed in business attire.

Hu Fengyun smiled: "Xiaoye, how soon are you going home? How do you go home? Have you bought a ticket?"

Bai Ye shook his head and smiled wryly: "Auntie, I plan to go home tomorrow, but I haven't figured out how to go back. You brought me such a lot of things, I definitely can't take the train!"

Hu Fengyun slapped his forehead, suddenly realized, with a heartbroken and regretful look: "Oh! Yes, I almost forgot about it, hey! It's all my fault!"

Suddenly, her eyes lit up again, and she said happily: "By the way, I happen to be going to Pingyuan City tomorrow, how about I take you back?"

Bai Ye was dumbfounded, Auntie...Your acting skills are too exaggerated, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is planned...

Hu Fengyun laughed: "Tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the morning, I will send someone to pick you up and pack your things."

After finishing speaking, he left with a click, Bai Ye smiled wryly, and continued to pack his things.

The next morning, a Passat parked downstairs in the dormitory. The driver, a man in his early 30s, came up and moved his things to the trunk with Bai Ye.

After Bai Ye got into the car, the driver drove to the administrative building to pick up Hu Fengyun.

There is a distance from TY City to Pingyuan City, and it takes about three hours to drive by high speed. Fortunately, the driver is skilled and stable, and there is no discomfort along the way.

Hu Fengyun, on the other hand, seemed to have turned into an ordinary middle-aged aunt, asking Bai Ye everything.

"Xiaoye, what do your parents do?"

"Uh...my dad didn't have a job, and my mom used to be a teacher, but she retired early."

"What's your sister's name, how old is she, what school does she go to? How's her grades?"

"Bai Ling, he is 17 years old this year. He is in the third year of high school. In our local high school, his grades are not bad."

Along the way, Hu Fengyun seemed to ask each other about everything he could think of, and even cryptically asked if Bai Ye had a girlfriend.

Pashat drove into Pingyuan City, and after getting off the expressway, it was already twelve o'clock at noon. Hu Fengyun suddenly asked, "Xiaoye, where is your home? I'll take you there first."

Bai Ye quickly said, "No need, Auntie, I'll just take a taxi home. My home is in Xishi Village, which is about 10 miles away. You have something to do in the afternoon, so don't send me off."

Hu Fengyun waved his hand directly: "Okay, we have a car to take a taxi. Auntie asked Xiao Wang to take you to the door of your house. I just happened to meet you."

To see how a boy is, just look at his father, and to see how a girl is, just look at his mother.

This is an old saying, and it cannot be said to be 100% correct, but it also makes sense.

Hu Fengyun was very optimistic about Bai Ye, and naturally he was a little more curious about his parents. After learning that his parents had no jobs, he was even ready to find a job for Bai Ye's parents.

The car drove slowly, and I had to say how powerful technology is. GPS navigation can even navigate to the village. With Bai Ye's guidance, there will be no major problems.

 I'm about to meet the legendary Boss Bai, shouldn't I come to support him!
(End of this chapter)

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