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Chapter 603 Do you want to buy Huawei?

Chapter 603 Do you want to buy Huawei?
Back then, Bai Ye and Ma Yun had negotiated about the share swap.

The agreement at the time was that Jack Ma would obtain [-]% of the original shares of the Check & Balance Group, and then exchange for a part of Alibaba's shares, and the specific ratio of the exchange should be estimated based on the stock price of the Check & Balance Group after its listing.

In fact, such a simple stock exchange is not for profit, but a kind of cooperation!
It is definitely not difficult for Ma Yun to enter the field of biomedicine, but it is even more difficult to achieve results.

Therefore, Jack Ma set his sights on Bai Ye, who had already made some achievements at that time.

He didn't care about balancing [-]% of the group's shares at the time. It might be a matter of one or two billion yuan. For Mr. Ma, it was definitely a small plan, not a big deal.

But now it seems that Jack Ma made a profit or lost it?

Alibaba's shares are definitely valuable, and this time it is an original stock, which is even more difficult to find. I originally thought that I could not get many shares for 1 million yuan, but now...how can 1% of the shares of the check and balance group be [-] million? [-] million yuan?
Don't say [-] million, he thinks [-] billion is the least, and it's US dollars!
The entry of Puxikang into the Check and Balance Group and the official establishment of Check and Balance Pharmaceuticals is a great joy and a great event for the development of the Check and Balance Group.

Now the shares of the check and balance group are much more sought-after than Alibaba, which was listed at the time.

Puxikang drug is definitely not just a drug for the treatment of colon cancer, it is a crucial link in the history of tumor development.

Therefore, looking at it this way, the future of the check and balance group can be said to have a bright future!
Thinking that he has obtained [-]% of the original shares of such a group, Ma Yun is also deeply moved. This exchange, for him, is undoubtedly a profit.

This kind of earning is not about making money, but about earning an opportunity and a future.

For a person like him, some interests in front of him have prevented him from being too tempted, but what is it that really tempts him?

He can invest tens of billions to lay the groundwork, ecology, and layout in order to do one thing.

But such a development as the balancing group, he really didn't expect it.

After three years, he has come to this point. Ma Yun is now rejoicing how lucky he was at the beginning. If he were to exchange shares with Bai Ye today, Bai Ye would probably not agree.

What I own is only 70.00% of the shares of the Checking Group, Tang Hantang of the Naya Group always owns [-]% of the shares, Zhou Mao, the current head of the Checking Group, has [-]% of the shares, and Bai Ye owns It's [-]%, and Donglin Group is their family's property. With some shares in Alibaba, Bai Ye won't become the richest man, right?
Thinking of this, Ma Yun was suddenly stunned by his own thoughts!
The 30-year-old richest man in China?

Looking at Bai Ye who was sitting across from him, Ma Yun even felt scared. If he had built such a big business at such a young age, if it was another ten or eight years, when he was 40 years old, he would What kind of person will you become and what achievements will you make?
Bai Ye couldn't imagine it!

After drinking a pot of tea, Ma Yun said to Bai Ye: "Brother Bai Ye, I just calculated that you are not far away from the richest man...?"

Bai Ye snorted, and suddenly looked up at Ma Yun: "Is there any advantage to be the richest man?"

Ma Yun thought for a moment: "Well... a better loan!"

When Bai Ye heard it, his eyes lit up: "It looks good!"

When Check and Balance Group goes public, Bai Ye may not be short of money anymore.

After the listing, Check and Balance Group conservatively estimates that the market value will reach 100 billion US dollars. Don't think it is an exaggeration, it is not an exaggeration at all, and the price will only go up, not go down.

Zhiheng Group has a lot of core technologies, especially the series of first aid products that Bai Ye acquired at that time, all of which were produced by Zhiheng Group. Moreover, so far, Zhiheng Group has also cooperated with Mercedes-Benz to produce international first-aid vehicles, and China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines jointly developed first-aid equipment and provided emergency relief supplies for multiple national systems. There are many factories built across the country with more than [-] employees.

Bai Ye really didn't pay attention to such a company. These are managed by professional managers hired by Zhou Maohe. As for Bai Ye, he is mainly responsible for scientific research.

If we say that Johnson & Johnson's decentralization = creativity = productivity, and maintain the life of the enterprise through the innovation of small companies, then the core competitiveness of the check and balance group lies with Bai Ye.

Without Bai Ye, there would be no balancing group. Similarly, Bai Ye could create a second or third balancing group at any time.

Ma Yun asked with a smile: "I heard that you and Lei Jun are making massage chairs? How are you doing now?"

Ma Yun's question made Bai Ye confused. He had indeed cooperated with Boss Lei, and he had a good personal relationship. At that time, he even gave Bai Ye 500 million shopping coupons. It seems that he hasn't spent all of them yet.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye smiled awkwardly, and shook his head: "You really stabilized me, give me a call and ask, anyway, it's okay if you're free, if you're in BJ, let's call out for tea together."

Ma Yun nodded: "Alright, by the way, call a few more friends and come out to get together. Ma Huateng is also in Kyoto now, and it happens to get together. How about this? I'll make a round and invite some friends to come out. Meet some new friends, you can’t deal with the laboratory all day, you have to relax, you see I’ve made several movies now, people have to have hobbies!”

Bai Ye thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the truth.

Ma Yun: "Hey? By the way, besides work and scientific research, what other hobbies do you have?"

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Ye said, "It seems that I really don't have any hobbies in the past few years, but I used to like to play games, League of Legends, but now...it's not too much. These years have passed, and I occasionally go up to play a few games. How did you play?"

When Ma Yun heard this, he chuckled: "You are so young, you have to have some hobbies. Look at that kid from the Wang family. He looks like a young man. He plays in a game club, and organizes some kind of competition. It's really impossible to find some people. , develop a game for you.”

"Money is meaningless to me. Only when it is converted into purchasing power and items, I know that I really like money. Other times, people ask me if I like money. When I like money, I don't even know what money means to me."

Listening to Ma Yun's bragging, Bai Ye suddenly felt that it made sense, but he didn't have any sense of substitution...

Because it costs money to do scientific research, and the construction of my own research institute in Boston has not yet been completed, but what Jack Ma said is that the richest man is easy to borrow money, and I don’t know whether it is good to borrow money.


I am still incomparable with those big guys, financial freedom, when will I really realize it!

Bai Ye sighed.

Looking at his mobile phone, it was the apple that Aunt Hu Fengyun gave him six years ago. The daily life of the poor, Bai Ye suddenly saw the Huawei in Ma Yun's hand, and couldn't help asking: "Huawei mobile phones are very good now, aren't they?"

Ma Yun replied casually: "Well, yes, now you are competing with Apple. What's the matter?"

Bai Ye: "I also want to buy Huawei."

Ma Yun narrowed his eyes immediately: "Huawei is not cheap, is it?"

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, is it expensive?
(End of this chapter)

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