Chapter 617

As soon as Ren Zhengfei's voice fell, the general manager asked directly: "Mr. Ren, are we... are we going to go public?"

After listening to Ren Zhengfei, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "How long will I say that we will go public? Hehe, if it is not listed, Huawei will not go public. What I want to tell you today is whether we need a A strong and reliable partner!"

There are many reasons for Huawei's non-listing, including its internal shareholding reasons, but the most common reason is that Huawei does not want Huawei to become the Huawei after listing.

It may sound like a mouthful, but it's the truth!
After being listed, due to many factors, an enterprise is definitely no longer a one-person opinion, or even a division of interests. This is no longer an enterprise that was originally developed for development, but has become an game of thrones.

If Huawei is listed, it will not be able to make the current decision-making, and Ren Zhengfei will definitely not have the confidence he has today.

Of course, there are many benefits of going public. The first benefit is the acquisition of means of production, that is, money, inexplicable money, no exaggeration. Once Huawei goes public, its stock price will definitely not be lower than that of Apple. truth.

However, Huawei is not listed!
Is Huawei not short of money?

No shortage of partners?
How could there be no shortage?

It is definitely not overnight for any enterprise to achieve the present. At this scale, it is even more difficult without cooperation.

As for money?
Everyone needs this stuff!
This is something that no one in this world lacks.

The richer you are, the more you need.

After Ren Zhengfei received a call from Jack Ma that day, he thought carefully for a long time, and suddenly he felt, should he help Huawei find a correct and reliable partner?

After the idea was born, Ren Zhengfei began to think about what kind of cooperation is more suitable?
Bai Ye, he doesn't know much, and he won't agree to Bai Ye's words hastily, but he decided to find some suitable people from now on.

So he opened today's meeting.

After hearing the boss's words, everyone was stunned and fell into deep thought. Those who can sit here are basically old people from Huawei. After so many years, no matter how glorious and honor Huawei looks like to outsiders, everyone has already discovered Some shortcomings of Huawei.

Everyone started to discuss quietly, and Ren Zhengfei didn't mind.

After about half an hour, everyone began to speak.

"Perhaps, I think it is possible, but for this kind of cooperation, I suggest the exchange of virtual shares, not natural shares!" said a senior executive.

"Of course, it's not absolute. I analyze specific things in detail. I think the most important thing is to bring new development to Huawei. This is the most important thing!"


After the meeting, Ren Zhengfei had an answer in his heart.

The reason why he wants to hold this meeting is to hear what the audience thinks about Huawei's future.

This will also facilitate his future layout!

Not only Huawei, after receiving the invitation letter, many companies held a meeting. Each of these bosses is an experienced and successful person, adapting to the situation, being prepared, and planning for a rainy day are all necessary conditions.

Don't think that a dinner party is just a dinner party!
This is actually an opportunity!
If there is a suitable cooperation, no one will refuse.

Everyone is thinking, thinking, and preparing!

Only Bai Ye, with a confused expression on his face, even thought about whether to bring a few bottles of good wine with him?

As everyone knows, he has already been missed by countless people!
Some time ago, the information transformation technology developed by Wang An, the manager of the Tencent department, won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. He received the award with Li Ziyan. This technology has been developed by Tencent Group.

The boss of Tencent, Mr. Ma, is also thinking about Bai Ye, because a few days ago, after adding his contact information, Bai Ye had some chats with him, and expressed his hope that he and Tencent could work together to research information transformation technology.

With the help of this technology, Bai Ye hopes to do a project called intelligent physique robot. One of the core technologies of this idea is information transformation.

However, pure information conversion is not enough. First, it should be equipped with a data-rich cloud system and run with the support of a large amount of data, followed by information conversion.

Therefore, after this meeting, Mr. Ma needs to make a decision in advance whether to carry out the research and development of this project!
In today's era, artificial intelligence is constantly improving, and the new generation of smart speakers has been continuously updated and developed for several generations.

There are also health robots, but in the final analysis, there are too many core technologies and it is not as simple as imagined!
This is not the answer after scanning Dabai in Toy Mobility.

So, Mr. Ma is also preparing!
Time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, luxury cars drove into the underground parking lot of a private club.

Ma Yun is the person who saved the game this time, so he is waiting for the arrival of everyone at the door!
Bai Ye also arrived early, standing with Ma Yun, waiting for the arrival of everyone.

To be honest, Bai Ye now has a feeling that he is playing a surprise game.

He didn't even know who Jack Ma had invited!
Every time I smell it, Ma Shoufu always keeps it secret with a mysterious face, or you will know it when you arrive.

Today's Bai Ye is no longer a teenager, wearing a casual short-sleeved shirt, matching suit pants, and shiny leather shoes, standing there is also extraordinary.

Originally, Bai Ye said that he would invite Li Ziyan to play with him, but what the richest man meant was that they were all old men, why did you call Ziyan here?
Bai Ye thought about it, so he asked Zi Yan to read books and prepare for the exam!

When the elevator door opened, Bai Ye suddenly saw a majestic man coming out of it, Ren Zhengfei!
Bai Ye quickly went up to meet him. He respected this person who is dedicated to the domestic telecommunications industry, and said with a smile, "Hi, Mr. Ren, welcome!"

Ren Zhengfei also looked at Bai Ye kindly. This is the first time he has seen Bai Ye in person. He should be the oldest here. It can even be said that Ren Zhengfei has the highest qualifications. When he started Huawei, Bai Ye None were born!

Although he is getting older, Ren Zhengfei has a younger mentality, but compared with young people, he doesn't participate in parties much.

Therefore, the arrival of Ren Zhengfei can be said to make both Ma Shoufu and Bai Ye very excited!

To be honest, this is a person who can hold his own!
Bai Ye supported Ren Zhengfei and walked towards the inside, and Ren Zhengfei's assistant followed quickly.

Ren Zhengfei couldn't help nodding with a cheerful face.

ps: Let me talk about something today, everyone should pay more attention to drinking in the future. Really, if you want to vomit, you must spit it out. At the dinner party today, a person appeared at the dinner next door. Almost gone, if it weren't for the emergency doctors on the scene... Hey, the consequences are unpredictable, I hope everyone will take warning.

(End of this chapter)

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