Chapter 62

And at this time, a gentle little girl with a ponytail came in. She was quite tall and very pretty.

Seeing Hu Fengyun sitting in the room, he stared curiously and called out, "Hello, Auntie."

When Hu Fengyun looked at the little girl, his eyes lit up, she was so beautiful!Although there is no makeup, but the foundation is really good, and the gentle and quiet.Like a hibiscus out of water.

"You are Bai Ling, right? Your appearance is the same as your name! You have aura!"

Bai Ling said obediently: "Thank you, Auntie."

The whole family talked and laughed with Hu Fengyun, but they were very harmonious. Hu Caiyun was going to cook for him, but Hu Fengyun insisted on helping.

But at this time, a phone call happened to come, and Hu Fengyun said regretfully: "There is a meeting in the city, and I have to go. We keep in touch with each other, and we will be a family in the future. If you need help, just talk."

Then Bai Ye's family moved a bunch of things home and sent Hu Fengyun away.

Boss Bai suddenly pulled over and asked, "Xiaobai, what's going on? Why are you hugging Director Hu's thigh?"

Bai Ye was dumbfounded immediately: "Boss Bai, can you stop being so straightforward! Your son is so good that he insisted on letting me hold his thigh!"

Bai Donglin sneered: "The grades haven't increased, but the bragging ability is really good."

At this time, Hu Caiyun suddenly said a word from the kitchen: "Who is cooking today!"

Bai Donglin immediately jumped up anxiously: "Me! Wife, stop, I'll just do the cooking!"

Bai Ye sighed, a playwright!
There are a lot of things to do today, and it will be one or two o'clock when lunch is ready, but the food is very rich, and Lao Bai cooks himself, cooking seven or eight special dishes.

The family had a quiet and peaceful day.

Bai Ye didn't run around and stayed at home to read in the afternoon.

His room is on the second floor, and generally no one comes up to disturb him. He studies outside all the year round, and he doesn't have many friends.

And when Bai Ye was a child, he moved several times before finally settling here.

Therefore, Bai Ye's childhood was not much, and after he stabilized, he was already studying outside.

It's no wonder others, the reason for the matter was also brought by Boss Bai.

Boss Bai's life has been full of ups and downs, and he is also a man of the hour. Shanxi Province is a large coal-producing province, and Pingyuan City is full of flowers!
Boss Bai, as one of the earliest batch of coal bosses, completed primitive accumulation early.

As early as 2008, Bai Ye knew what a luxurious life was.

Of course, this person is easy to do when he is rich, especially the uneducated rich, commonly known as local tyrants.

As a local tyrant, Lao Bai must have a circle of local tyrants, but things are not as rosy as Boss Bai thought.

Boss Bai, who didn't graduate from primary school, has become what other people call an upstart, a coal boss!rich!no quality!You can only dig coal to get rich!
Boss Bai refused to accept it, and under the swindling and abduction of someone, he invested in a lot of high-end industries to show his taste: all kinds of robots, aviation materials, marine construction, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and more. It is the concept of blockchain that was added early.

The result is self-evident, spending money to buy crimes, Boss Bai's solid family fortune gradually shrank.

At that time, Boss Bai was also a well-known person in the circle, so he made money so fast!

Fortunately, Boss Bai moved around, bought houses wherever he moved, and took advantage of the soaring housing prices over the years, but he still hasn't been able to solve the problem.

It's just...the holes in these years have been too big. Boss Bai has almost sold out the house, and gradually filled up the holes.

After the rectification of the coal mine, Boss Bai lost the mine and the house.

Later, the family returned to their hometown in Xishi Village, renovated the old house, and moved in again.

After moving in, Boss Bai has rehabilitated himself. After so much experience, he began to study traditional Chinese culture, practice calligraphy, collect collections, raise dogs, and go fishing in his free time. His life is very nourishing.

In the past few years, there have been some achievements. At least people in the village have started to use Boss Bai's words as couplets!
Boss Bai has no money, and now he has become the little face of Boss Hu's wife, who will come and go when called.

This family can last until today, thanks to Mrs. Hu, who has an advantage!

Hu Caiyun, a typical rural woman, has a very serious idea of ​​saving money in times of peace.

When Boss Bai got rich, Boss Hu bought a lot of gold bracelets, rings, necklaces, and bricks. Anyway, as long as it was gold, she was greedy.

Later, when my vision became higher, I saved gold and began to study diamonds, jewelry and watch jewelry.

Anyway, relying on the things I saved in the past few years, I forcibly propped up the family.At least food and clothing.

Boss Bai and Mama Hu are both from the village, and they have never studied. Regardless of the extraordinary temperament they have now, they all slowly settled down later. In Mama Hu's words, they were all bought with money.

When it comes to educating children, people in the village have their own way. Boys who are beaten, girls who are pampered, there are poor sons, rich daughters, and various sayings that have been passed down for thousands of years.

It made Bai Ye wonder for a while why his son provoked you, so he insisted on treating him like this!
Anyway, if you are a boy, you have to weather the wind and frost, and stand the beating and experience of wind and rain.

This made Bai Ye wonder whether he was his own for countless times after comparing Bai Ling.

So much so that Bai Ye used all kinds of tricks, such as confessing blood with Boss Bai, and using DNA tests.

In the end, Bai Ye was very disappointed. He was his own, so he couldn't kiss anymore.

In desperation, Bai Ye had no choice but to accept his fate.

Boss Bai and Mama Hu knew that they were uneducated, and they were afraid that they would not be able to teach their children well. They took Bai Ye with them when they traveled all over the world. They felt that they didn't have to be outstanding, but the people they made friends with must be excellent. After seeing a lot of children, their vision improved, so they naturally learned Well, after all, near Zhuzhechi.

Bai Ye has been traveling with Boss Bai for so many years, and he has seen big winds and waves. Although he has not experienced it personally, it can be regarded as walking along the way.

Therefore, in Bai Ye's character, he inherited Boss Bai's resoluteness and calmness, and Boss Hu's wife was prepared for danger in times of peace.

At that time, Boss Bai once suggested to Bai Ye how to do business management and finance when he was going to university, but the child always learns from his parents, precepts and deeds are the best teachers. , suffered a lot of ridicule, during those years abroad, what Bai Ye envied most were doctors and lawyers, with high education, high income, and respected by others, at least he didn't ask for others.

So Bai Ye has always wanted to be a doctor, to study abroad, to study an MD (Medical Doctor), and then...there was something later.

With these years of experience, Bai Ye has an almost crazy obsession with the pursuit of culture and learning. He feels that Boss Bai was ridiculed and looked down upon by others because he suffered from being uneducated.

Bai Ye's concept of money and consumption is naturally influenced by his parents. If it weren't for the money his mother has accumulated over the years, maybe he has no fixed place to live now?Therefore, Bai Ye is very reasonable about consumption, and has always maintained a state of relaxation, saving as much as he can, and spending as much as he needs.

For two days, Bai Ye basically didn't go out much except for eating, so he stayed at home and read a book.

Of course, the efficiency is also very obvious.

Originally, the foundation of many subjects in the university was good, and pharmacology directly reached lv2.

Moreover, the improvement of the level of pharmacology has given Bai Ye a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine.

The growth environment and growth cycle of the drug determine the performance of the drug, and the metabolic cycle of the drug in the body will be affected.

Chinese medicine is a broad and profound discipline, after thousands of years of historical accumulation, it has formed a mature system.

Nowadays, it is really difficult to dig out the greatness of Chinese medicine through the level of modern science.

Today, Bai Ye discovers what kind of talents are needed for the development and innovation of society.

It's not just top talents who are highly sophisticated on the one hand.

Moreover, what is needed are super talents under the multidisciplinary background.

This is the core of social progress.

A person who simply studies Western medicine has certain limitations in his thinking, and such limitations determine that his path is not very far.

And if a person is proficient in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pathology, and physiology, his thinking will be more comprehensive.

Physiology allows him to understand what the human body is like, pathology allows him to know what changes will happen to the body after illness, and pharmacology allows him to understand the effects of drugs, pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetics (pharmacokinetics) and metabolism) will let you know what kind of changes the drug will have on the disease after entering the human body.

This is a complete system!

The reason why a saint is a saint is definitely not because he is very good in one field!
 Thanks to Friends of Shuyin for the 100 tip.Thank you for your votes!Classification will be pushed next week.Let's keep working hard!

(End of this chapter)

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