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Chapter 624 Double?not enough!

Chapter 624 Double?not enough!
When listing in the United States, there is a ceremony called ringing the bell, which means that the company can enter the trading market and trade with all shareholders, and it also means that your company has successfully made staged progress.

This ritual has been continuously spread and learned by more and more people. ,

Check and Balance Group is officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Unlike the United States, the issue price of the stock is determined by the cumulative order method in the United States.

This is a method often used in the U.S. securities market. The general practice is: the underwriter first negotiates a pricing range with the issuer, and then collects the demand at each price level through market promotions to find out the bottom line. After analyzing the demand, the listed underwriter The dealer and the issuer determine the final issue price.

Hong Kong is different. The basic practice is that the underwriter and the issuer agree on a fixed price before the public offering, and then carry out the public offering based on this price.

This time, Zhiheng Group launched the drug Puxikang, which is currently the only drug that can treat intestinal cancer, and it is also the only drug that has achieved a curative effect on tumors.

The market assessment price of the check and balance group has already exceeded 300 billion US dollars!
This is the beauty of the free market!
He overdraws the future and fully taps your future ability.

Can Puxikang be worth 300 billion?

The result of market calculations is acceptable. It is even believed that the total assets of the check and balance group will reach 2030 billion US dollars in 300. This is the current assessment of the check and balance group by all consortia and analysts.

One of the ultimate reasons for going public is to raise capital.

According to the current rapid expansion route of Bai Ye Research Institute, if there is no way to obtain funds, the only way is to borrow from the bank.

Moreover, the amount of the loan is absolutely huge!

Bai Ye doesn't want to do this. Loan means compromise and restriction. You never know when you will be called for debt, and when something will happen.

Bai Ye Research Institute is a free research institution, and Bai Ye does not want to be influenced by other factors.

Therefore, Bai Ye believed in the market even more, and wished future money in advance through the market.

This is not cheating, nor is it cheating or swindling.

Because the balancing group is definitely a good stock.

If it wasn't for the funding problem, Bai Ye would never let him go public. Now Bai Ye hopes to raise an initial fund of 50 billion US dollars.

If each stock is priced at $50, 1 million shares will be sold.

Will anyone buy it?
Bai Ye doesn't want to sell too much, because he is very optimistic about the check and balance group, because in the future not only Puxikang drugs, but also blood pressure drugs and other drugs will be produced through the check and balance group.

This is a good stock!

Bai Ye didn't want to distribute the equity in his hand because of too much fundraising.

The price of [-] US dollars is actually very high. Few companies listed on the market will have such a high price, but the check and balance group has obtained a number through the combination of accumulated orders and fixed prices.

At this time, 30 minutes had passed since the stock sale. When Bai Ye walked into the next door to the office, the employees in the office were all excited and excited, because the stock price has been rising!
[-] million shares have already been snatched up!

Bai Ye didn't sell many stocks. Not only Bai Ye, but also Ma Yun, Zhou Mao, and even Tang Han didn't want to release too many stocks!

Because the more funds raised, the more shares issued, which means that the original shares in their hands will be less and less, which is not a good thing.

Prices keep going up!
$50 probably only lasted less than 2 minutes and it was over.

Then it's $60!



Breaking the $100 mark is something that drives everyone crazy.

There are many differences between Hong Kong stocks and A-shares. Hong Kong stocks often double, several times or even dozens of times in a day. Of course, there are also many people who plummet overnight. Certainty!
But it is precisely because of this that countless stockholders pour into the market one after another, investing a large amount of money in the stock market, dreaming of the opportunity to get rich overnight.

The listing of Check & Balance Group in Hong Kong is a very good thing for the Hong Kong government. As early as a month ago, after Bai Ye announced that Check & Balance Group would be listed in Hong Kong, a large amount of funds flooded into Hong Kong, Buy Hong Kong dollars.

(The price is expressed in US dollars here for convenience, but it is more accurate to use Hong Kong dollars.)
The foreign exchange inflow of tens of billions to hundreds of billions has caused a slight fluctuation in the price of Hong Kong dollars!
However, this is just the preparation before the carnival!

At this moment, all stock investors, stock review companies, stock exchanges, and banks have gone crazy!

Even the lecturer who is paying attention to the checks and balances of the stock market is shouting frantically at the top of his lungs:

"Oh my god, the stock of Check and Balance Group broke through $100, and it took less than an hour to double! Where is his limit?"

At the same time, countless stock review companies published a large number of information on the internal stocks of the check and balance group on the Internet, and even set up special members to analyze the check and balance stocks.

At this time, the phones of the banks and investment companies were ringing off the hook!

"I want to buy the shares of the Check and Balance Group, and I will buy any amount!"

"Buy me the shares of Check and Balance Group, I want [-] shares!"

"Buy it for me! Don't hesitate, buy it!"


"Buy, buy, buy!"

Countless calls from all over the country knocked down Hong Kong, and everyone had only one meaning, buy!
Buy it no matter how much it costs!

Because everyone has realized that the current price is still not the limit of the check and balance group.

There is a big difference between doubling fifty dollars and doubling five dollars.

However, one hundred dollars did not affect countless people's desire to buy at all, not only that, but it inspired everyone's buying frenzy!
This time, the check and balance group caused a huge storm in Hong Kong. No one could have imagined that Bai Ye, the person involved, was sitting there quietly, drinking the green tea brought by the secretary calmly.

At this moment, everyone in the office regards Bai Ye as a god. What kind of person is this?

His assets have multiplied many times in just a few minutes!
He didn't mean to be moved at all?
Everyone silently watched the frantically beating numbers on the screen, watching the baseline rise like a convulsion, which seemed to be an unprecedented feast for Hong Kong stocks.

And Bai Ye sat there silently: he just wanted to drink a cup of hot tea to calm down...

Seeing the numbers on the big screen, Bai Ye trembled a little, but in the eyes of the secretary, he thought it was because the tea was too hot, so he was a little nervous...

(End of this chapter)

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