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Chapter 626 Are You Sour~

Chapter 626 Are You Sour~
Zhou Mao's sentence of changing the car immediately made everyone around laugh and cry.

A mega-billionaire actually smiled and asked his boss to change his car.

Over the past few years, Zhou Mao has witnessed the rise of the check and balance group day by day. Every time, the check and balance group can have new developments. Today, it has become a large group with tens of billions of dollars.

Who would have thought?

In a few years, it has grown from an unknown and unknown small company to what it is today.

If there is someone beside Bai Ye who has seen Bai Ye's rise, Zhou Mao is definitely the one who has seen it most clearly.

From the time he left Jinxi, Zhou Mao bought all his belongings and drove that broken car. The two of them came to Kyoto together with their dreams in mind.

At that time, they had some money, but definitely not much. They were just small fish in the huge capital, and they couldn't make any waves.

But now?
It doesn't matter that Zhou Mao didn't say a word, but it was a big shock in the circle of Kyoto City. No one knew that Zhou Mao was the boss of the check and balance group.

Who doesn't know that the check and balance group is now a manufacturer of emergency rescue equipment for the army?

See the current Mercedes-Benz?Have you ever taken the current high-speed rail trains and China Eastern Airlines planes?
The check and balance group logo can be seen everywhere!
Checks and Balances is no longer a small company, nor is it just a manufacturer.

Now the field of first aid supplies in China has been preliminarily taken over by the check and balance group, and even the Band-Aid market of Johnson & Johnson is shrinking in the domestic market.

This is checks and balances, Chinese checks and balances!Maybe it won't be long before the name China checks and balances will check and balance the world, resounding all over the world.

The current Zhou Mao has transformed into Bai Ye's spokesperson and his confidant.

In the words of insiders, Zhou Mao is Bai Ye's old housekeeper, the one who accompanied Bai Ye to fight the world.

Bai Ye sat in the office, watching Zhou Mao smiling and looking at the world, he smiled and remained silent.

On the second day, the stock of Check and Balance Group rose to 170 US dollars, and continued to heat up!

Another day, the stock of the check and balance group is still rising, which no one realizes, to 180 US dollars!Everyone feels crazy.

Within a week, the balance group reached a maximum of 200 US dollars.

From the opening price of 50 US dollars to the current price of 200 US dollars, this is something no one expected.

However, soon, when the second week came, the stock of Check and Balance Group began to fall and gradually stabilized. The stock price: 150 US dollars.

Even so, the market value of the check and balance group has now broken through to 900 billion US dollars!
The market value of the check and balance group has reached an astonishing 900 billion. Who would have thought of this?
After the stock price of the Checking and Balancing Group stabilized, now everyone has discovered a surprising problem, the Hurun China Ranking has changed!
Bai Ye became the richest man in China!
The 30-year-old richest man in China!

Worth 700 billion US dollars!
No. [-]!

Tenth in the world!

Bai Ye has become the richest man!
The top ten richest people in the world finally have a Chinese.

However, this is not all. Many people estimate that Bai Ye should be ranked among the top three in the world rankings.

The New York Times: "As the most successful young man in the world, Bai Ye has already gained both fame and fortune. At the age of 30, he has become the richest man in China. In this vast country, within 960 million square kilometers, Bai Ye is the richest people."

Newman Finance and Economics: "Bai Ye is the top ten richest man in the world. There is no doubt about it. However, maybe you don't know much about Bai Ye. Let me say that Bai Ye is currently the most powerful richest man! Why do you say that? Think about it carefully, everyone. We only estimated the market value of the Balance Group. Yes, the market value is 900 billion U.S. dollars, and Bai Ye is still the largest shareholder, owning more than half of the shares. But when we evaluated Donglin Group, whether I have thought about a question, how much assets does Bai Ye own? According to the financial statements of Donglin Group in 2021, although Bai Ye only has 20% of the shares, but... don't forget, the other 50.00% belong to the Bai Ye family, They are in the hands of Bai Ye's parents and younger sister respectively, and as far as I know, they have a very good relationship."

"This means that Bai Ye actually owns 70.00% of Donglin Group's shares. How much is this? Donglin Group's current market value is 700 billion. In other words, the Bai Ye family has nearly 500 billion in assets."

"Whether it is the Donglin Group or the Check and Balance Group, their purpose of listing is purely to obtain financing and cooperation, and their listed shares do not exceed 50.00%, which means that no matter where they are, they have absolute controlling rights! "

"Donglin Group plus Check and Balance Group, the assets brought to Bai Ye by the two companies are 1000 billion! Bai Ye has become the third member of the 30 Billion Club in the world! At [-] years old, the [-] Billion Club may be very rare in this world. exceeded."

"However, what I want to talk about is definitely not just these things, there are many more, such as the Bai Ye Research Institute, which we have wrongly underestimated and evaluated. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the largest core area of ​​the Bai Ye Group. Ye already owns a listed company, why should he check and balance the listing of the group? I think there is still a lack of money, but where did the money go? We all want to know. At present, most of Bai Ye's investment should be in Bai Ye In the research institute, in this research institute, Bai Ye has invested a lot in scientific research!"

"Bai Ye Research Institute is completely owned by Bai Ye's private industry. The minimum valuation of this industry is 1000 billion! I don't think it's an exaggeration, because it will re-incubate a new industry in a short time. It's not impossible!"

"Of course, I'm not saying that Bai Ye is the richest man in the world, but Bai Ye's net worth is definitely very high!"

Newman Finance's long speech immediately attracted everyone's attention. Bai Ye is actually the richest man in the world?
Almost at such a moment, the news that Bai Ye became the richest man spread throughout the country, instantly stunned everyone.

Ma Yun didn't seem to be curious about this news at all, but he still sent a message in Moments: "I thought I could be the richest man for a few more days...I didn't expect this moment to come so suddenly."

However, Ma Yun's complaints are all complaints, because Bai Ye took him directly and made him enter the top 50 in the world, an increase of [-] billion in an instant!
Originally, Ma Yun and Ma Huateng were about the same, next to each other, with a value of 410 billion U.S. dollars and a price of 405 billion U.S. dollars, but now the gap has directly increased to more than 40 billion U.S. dollars.

Ma Huateng posted a message under Jack Ma's circle of friends: "I'm so sore!!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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