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Chapter 637 Manor

Chapter 637 Manor
Bai Ye smiled embarrassingly: "It's all about market valuations, not real money. If you are rich, it's still Uncle Duan. Your 32 large international hospitals will be built as soon as they are built, and there is no need to start construction at the same time." Vague, this is the bottom line!"

Bai Ye now also realizes the family background of the veteran nobleman, which is definitely not comparable to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye is not arrogant enough to think that China itself is the richest, and there are plenty of low-key people who are richer than him, but they don't like high-profile people.

Look at Duan Zeming, 32 nationalized large-scale nursing homes, this is not a problem that can be solved with a little money, starting work at the same time, including the purchase of medical equipment, training for nurses, etc., all need money.

Duan Zeming did it. This is a hospital calculated on the basis of 10 billion, which is nearly 400 billion yuan.

It's really hard to change people.

Even for the boss of Evergrande, Mr. Xu is constantly borrowing and repaying the loan when he wants to build a new building. This is just a cyclical process.

Duan Zeming smiled, and did not deny that the strength of a family is definitely not comparable to that of one person in a short period of time.

Bai Ye is excellent, to a certain extent, but even so, there is still a big gap in the efforts to catch up with a family that has been around for hundreds of years in a short period of time, and it is by no means a day's work.

Duan Zeming: "You will embarrass me like this. Standing on the shoulders of giants is not as tall as you. This is the greatest irony for me."

Bai Ye shook his head, naturally he couldn't admit it: "No, Uncle Duan, I'm still in the period of primitive accumulation. You only need to do a little to reach a very high level. This is the foundation."

Bai Ye remembered someone who said something like this.

We must work hard and succeed, because only success can achieve the life we ​​want, and the purpose of our efforts is to hope that our children can achieve our current life without working too hard or being too successful.

A very realistic sentence, let your children and grandchildren not need to work too hard to reach your height, this is the meaning of hard work, and it is also the progress of society.

Bai Ye looked at Duan Zeming: "By the way, Uncle Duan, the surprise you mentioned shouldn't be the completion of the hospital, right? If so, I won't be satisfied."

Duan Zeming smiled, took out the document bag, took out a tablet and a stack of photos, and handed them to Bai Ye: "Does it look pretty?"

Bai Ye reached out to take the photo, and then flipped through it. It was a small island with several villas and a not-so-small airport.

The villa is beautifully built in the style of Tang and Song Dynasties, a typical ancient Chinese building, and it is surrounded by flowers and plants, and there are even many expensive varieties. The aerial photography looks very beautiful.

There are beaches, swimming pools, and volleyball courts. The airport is not small, and four private jets can stay at the same time.

There is a tall lighthouse, medieval style.

Near the sea, there are many small boats floating at will.

So beautiful!
There is also an island lake in the center of the lake, with the feeling of pavilions and pavilions, and the lotus flowers in summer are also beginning to bloom very rippling.

Bai Ye couldn't help but gasp!
"It's so beautiful! Tsk tsk, Uncle Duan, this is such a good place? Your new home?"

Duan Zeming shook his head and smiled: "It didn't take long to repair it, but after it was repaired, I regretted it and wanted to live by myself. Unfortunately, it wasn't mine, I built it for others."

Bai Ye opened the tablet, and there were more detailed photos and videos on it. The whole island is not small. It can accommodate private jets and build a runway. It is definitely not an easy task.

There are many animals on the small island. It seems that Bai Ye saw some unknown monkeys jumping in the woods, and there were countless unnamed birds.

really beautiful!

Most importantly, it is estimated that you can’t buy it with money, right?

Such a big island, so beautiful.

Duan Zeming said: "This is the original southern suburb of Raqqa City. After the earthquake, it became an independent island. It covers a large area. It is a very beautiful place. Especially after the construction is completed, the king wants to buy it when he sees it. Come down as a palace, but I am not qualified to sell it."

Bai Ye sighed with emotion: "I wouldn't buy it if I wanted it, what a great place, it's really great to use for leisure, vacation and retirement!"

Duan Zeming nodded: "So... this is a surprise for you!"

Bai Ye was dumbfounded?
"For me?"

Duan Zeming nodded: "Of course, it was originally yours, I just built it for you."

Bai Ye was even more surprised: "Mine? What are you kidding?"

Duan Zeming shook his head and smiled: "It seems that you have forgotten a lot of things."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Bai Ye: "Do you still remember your fief?"

Bai Ye nodded, and suddenly realized: "You said... this... this is my fief? I... my God! This is so surprising."

Bai Ye touched his hair excitedly, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling. Such a place is his own?
"My fief is not... oh!" Bai Ye laughed excitedly when he connected with Duan Zeming's words!

However, after a while, Bai Ye asked gratefully, "This...was this built by you, Uncle Duan?"

Duan Zeming shrugged: "Yes, how about sending you a wedding room?"

Bai Ye nodded: "It's not just satisfied, it's great, it's really great, didn't it cost a lot of money? Please worry about it."

Thinking of Duan Zeming building and perfecting such a small island for himself, Bai Ye was really moved in his heart. If he has a heart, how can such a big man, who is so big, worry about his own affairs, not be moved?
Duan Zeming smiled slightly: "As long as you like it. See what's missing? I'll ask someone to fix it by the way."

Bai Ye nodded and frowned: "It seems that there is something."

Duan Zeming was taken aback: "Oh? What?"

Bai Ye smiled: "Look, this airport is quite big, but there are no planes? There are no private jets, let alone private jets, and there are no helicopters either. Well, look at this, the racing track has been repaired, why are there no cars? Ah... right? And here, look, isn't such a big place particularly suitable for holding yacht parties?"

Duan Zeming's face became darker the more he heard it. He couldn't help but slapped Bai Ye, and laughed and scolded: "You bastard, I have no money, and you are the richest man now! Does the richest man understand? Can you have some dignity and bottom line... "

Bai Ye chuckled, he was just making a joke, deliberately teasing Duan Zeming.

However, I really have to buy a private jet, it's very practical, and without the plane, I can't even reach my home!
Bai Ye couldn't help asking, "Uncle Duan, do you know anyone who sells airplanes?"

Duan Zeming sneered: "Don't talk about airplanes, do you want fighter jets, or... Do you want aircraft carriers?"

Bai Ye: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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