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Chapter 640 I...I don't live next door to your house

Chapter 640 I...I don't live next door to your house
Ziheng Advertising Company is well-known in China, especially in the western Shanxi, Henan, and Hebei generations. It is very influential, and it has indeed made many classic cases, attracting the attention of countless people.

Even if it is not as good as those old international big companies, there is still no problem in getting a name in China.

In the past few years, Ziheng Advertising Company has won a large number of orders from the medical industry in East China and North China. Coupled with the continuous promotion of the "Healthy China app", as an advertising company promoting the app, it has also gained a large number of fans in the industry.

Wang Ziheng's life is quite comfortable now, and the so-called life attitude of being rich and safe has added another size to Wang Ziheng's waistline.

However, looking at the two children making a fuss in his arms, Wang Ziheng felt very satisfied.

This is the life he wants, a successful career, a successful son, and an even more ambitious daughter-in-law, and a baby boy. Now Wang Ziheng is grateful that life seems to be going too smoothly...

Tomorrow is an industry gathering, Wang Ziheng will naturally go to attend, and not only will he attend, but this time he may also be selected as the president of the East China Region Advertising Association.

For Wang Ziheng, who is in his fifties, it should be hypocritically postponed and accepted.

Sometimes, this circle is said to be big or small, and there are only a few people who come and go in the advertising circle.

When people have money, what do they want?
Isn't it just a name?

If I, Wang Ziheng, are said to be No. 1 in East China advertising, this feeling is still very good.

The next day, Wang Ziheng drove to Kyoto with a few secretaries to attend the mid-year gathering of the industry. Although it was not an annual gathering, there were quite a lot of people coming this time.

Wang Ziheng made his fortune by advertising for Wahaha at the beginning, which can be regarded as a fortune in the food industry. Now he holds orders from more than a dozen large domestic food companies, and creates a lot of benefits for the company every year.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the current Ziheng advertisement is dedicated to advertising. Moreover, basically there are food companies who want to advertise, and Ziheng must be the top three choices.

There are too many successful cases, which are convincing.

But what about advertising?

If you say that he is important, that is really the same thing, and if you say that he is not important, he is indeed very important.

In many advertising industries now, big fish eat big orders, and small fish eat small orders, and they give each other a way to survive.

After Sinopharm bought the Healthy China APP, it has maintained a good cooperative relationship with Ziheng Advertising.

Sinopharm is a large company, one of the top [-] in the world, and there are many new drugs every year, and advertising is a huge expense. Healthy Shanxi is now run by Fatty Wang Youfu, and it is doing very well.

Nowadays, Jinxi Province is the province with the most popular Internet medical software and the highest proportion of users. Moreover, according to the big data surveyed by the National Health Commission last year, Jinxi Province has the highest medical consultation convenience rate.

During this period of time, Sinopharm Group has been cooperating with Yueteng Technology, hoping that Fatty can help Sinopharm to promote the app. Some time ago, Ziheng also got a lot of credit and won a big new drug contract from Sinopharm.

Now Wang Ziheng is very proud. It is said that 30 years ago, he respected his father and respected his son, and 30 years later, his son respected his father. Wang Ziheng is very satisfied with this.

Today's Kyoto is still stuck in traffic as usual. It took a few minutes to get to the hotel, but it didn't have much impact.

When Wang Ziheng walked to the door, he saw a young man who was also active in the East China generation at the door, obviously waiting for him.

This person is Chen Tai, who is in charge of a small advertising company in SJZ, and is often taken care of by Wang Ziheng.

Seeing Wang Ziheng coming down, Chen Tai followed up.

"Mr. Wang, you are here, everyone is waiting for you, let's go, shall we go up together?"

Wang Ziheng smiled: "You still have the heart! Haha, let's go up together."

While talking, the two took the elevator to the private room on the ninth floor.

However, when Wang Ziheng and Chen Tai arrived, a lot of people had already been seated in the restaurant, and a group of people were already toasting each other with cups and cups, and the conversation was full of laughter.

Wang Ziheng was stunned for a moment, and his face darkened instantly.

The banquet started without waiting for him, which clearly did not take him seriously, and he did not delay for too long.

However, when Wang Ziheng came, everyone saw him, and suddenly a man in his 50s got up and said with a smile: "Old Wang, do you have to be punished for a few drinks? It's so late, do you guys think so? "

As soon as the people around heard the booing, they watched the excitement with a smile, but some people also echoed: "Yes, Lao Wang punished himself with three cups!"

When Chen Tai heard this, he said with a smile: "Mr. Wang is a few minutes late because of my business, and it's all my fault. Come on, come on, I'll punish myself with a wine dispenser!"

While talking, he picked up the wine dispenser and poured wine into his mouth.

Wang Ziheng sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely enthusiastic. He patted Chen Tai and smiled: "How can I drink such a good wine by myself, right? It's no problem to drink three glasses. I'm happy to see you all, don't say anything." It's three cups, how much you Zhang drinks, how much my Wang Ziheng can pay, it's not a big deal, is it?"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine glass and was about to drink. Seeing this, the people next to him naturally couldn't let Wang Ziheng be alone. Everyone had contacts, so there was no need to make a fuss, and they all got up to accompany the wine.

In the current situation, it is clear that Zhang Kaiyue made Wang Ziheng look bad.

The grievances between the two did not last for a day or two, but so far, Zhang Kaiyue had repeatedly suffered losses in Wang Ziheng's hands, and always wanted to embarrass Wang Ziheng in these matters.

However, this old king is no ordinary master, with rich experience and skilled means.

You, Zhang Kaiyue, are not old Wang's opponent!

Everyone muttered in their hearts, but they would not speak out, let alone express their opinions.

is impossible!
Never possible!
The ghost knows what thoughts are behind their backs, and only that stupid Chen Tai expresses his opinion.

Zhang Kaiyue said with a smile: "Indeed, I'm happy, I'm also very happy, come on, Lao Wang, sit down quickly, let's go together."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kaiyue picked up the wine glass and drank it down. After drinking, she said excitedly: "Well, my daughter is pregnant!"

This sentence not only fooled the people around, but also fooled Wang Ziheng himself.

Wang Ziheng was very flustered, and before he brought it to his mouth, he shook and spilled the expensive Moutai all over the floor. Wang Ziheng stammered: "This...Old Zhang, I think There is a misunderstanding between us, I don't live next door to your house!"

What does your daughter's pregnancy have to do with me!

Wang Ziheng was very confused, and quickly waved his hands: "This, Lao Zhang, I am familiar with it, so I can't make jokes, this... I am old, and I can't stand it!"

(End of this chapter)

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