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Chapter 659 Hidden Dragon

Chapter 659 Hidden Dragon
Orthopedics mainly studies the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Its treatment methods mainly include drugs, physical therapy and surgical treatment. Among the above three treatment methods, surgical treatment is more important and accounts for the largest proportion.

Therefore, the same is true, the orthopedic market is a consumption market, and there are different markets according to different needs. The greater the demand, the greater the market!

According to the physical structure, medical devices can be divided into two ways: internal fixation and external fixation. Internal fixation mainly includes joints, bone plates, screws, etc., which are implanted in the body. External fixation is a fixation method outside the body. Including external fixator, splint, bandage, plaster, etc. Compared with the two methods, internal fixation is the main method. Both methods are used to fix the fracture end and promote the formation of callus to heal as soon as possible.

At this time, Moldo picked up the pen and paper on the desk and began to write and draw.

As he wrote, he said, "You know Syndis Corporation?"

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes!
"Sindis Corporation? Hasn't he been disbanded? Part of it has been acquired by Johnson & Johnson? Could it be?"

Moldo nodded: "What was acquired by Johnson & Johnson was just a department of Syndis Corporation, that is, the product department. Johnson & Johnson bought out the patent rights and market for the products of Syndis Corporation, but Syndis Corporation is really powerful. Not these things, but the background of Syndis! The most important thing is Sierra Syndis himself!"

After hearing Serasindis, Bai Ye felt an instinctive discomfort in his heart.

That's because of Syndis Corporation!
Sindis was first established by an AO association in Switzerland. This association formulated the standards in the field of orthopedic trauma. The first thing that orthopedic surgeons need to learn when entering the clinical field of orthopedics is the AO standard, which formulates the operation method of surgery .

For example, which position and degree of a nail plate is appropriate, for example, what kind of built-in steel plate and material should be used for this operation, etc., etc., there are requirements for any kind of subtle things. After formulating the standard, they established Xin Diss, which mainly produces orthopedic trauma products, has the largest market share in the world. Before the rise of local brands in China, Syndis also had the largest share. Many equipment companies are imitating Syndis. products, and now the market share is gradually decreasing.

Later, after the founder of Sindis, Sierra Sindis, discovered this problem, he made a decisive decision and started to cooperate with Johnson & Johnson without any hesitation!

Johnson & Johnson gradually became the world's strongest supplier of orthopedic materials in those years.

Bai Ye knew these things, but Moldo said: "Actually, the Johnson & Johnson Group was not satisfied with simple cooperation at the beginning. The Johnson & Johnson Group's ambitions became bigger and bigger. disintegration."

"The strong man Syndis broke his wrist, directly abandoned the original things, and resolutely entered the EU market. It took less than a few years to open the market and won praise from the people of the EU. However, after experiencing the incident of Johnson & Johnson, Serasin Diss has long realized the cruelty of the market, so he decided to create an order himself, so he gradually began to cooperate with some companies, schools, scientific research institutions and even business giants!"

"This is what later became Stryker Group, Zimmer, Kailitai Spine Products, Weigao Orthopedics..."

After saying this, Moldo took a deep breath, which was a very long breath, as if he wanted to express what he had buried in his heart for so many years!
But Bai Ye woke up like a dream!
I didn't expect that there was such a big secret behind it!

At the time, Sindis, the number one orthopedic company in the world, was not merged by Johnson & Johnson, but entered a secret period to make a fortune silently.

Create rules and become the talker!

In the latter part, Moldo didn't say that Bai Ye had guessed a lot, if there were no accidents...

Bai Ye said: "You mean... you were in the Syndis organization?"

Moldo nodded: "That's right! I was the spokesperson of this organization in the academic field, that is, the academic representative."

After Bai Ye heard it, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly: "Then why did you leave in the first place? With such a high status, Syndis organization, the future is bright...I wouldn't have left even if it was me."

Moldo shook his head: "The current organization is just a business alliance, not the original Sindis. Sera Sindis has retired a long time ago, and his son Terraces Sindis has become a talking point. After becoming a person, he is more inclined to govern this business organization. He integrates resources and builds this organization more like an iron bucket, such as the current academic institutions, scientific research units, etc. If Serra is a scientific researcher, then His son Terraces is more of a businessman."

"Moreover, teacher, you have also discovered that the orthopedic ability of this organization is getting weaker and weaker. I am just a mascot. When I need me, organize a meeting to promote some products, and then release them through my hands. Some new orthopedic guidelines, that's all."

"To be honest, the current hard core of Syndis Corporation is already rotten. It is not as good as the current Baiye Research Institute. Any enterprise or group is not an Ivy League. The decision-making of the leader is very important!"

What Moldo said was right, but without Bai Ye, no one could shake Cindy's position.

Because it is impossible for any one person to surpass Syndis in his whole life, even if he is a genius, it is impossible!
Because the geniuses in Syndis are not just a few!
And Bai Ye...

He hung up...

After finishing speaking, Moldo said with a smile: "Teacher, you are the most capable, talented, and unfathomable person I have ever met in my life. Let me tell you that the things organized by Syndis are not It shakes your confidence."

"On the contrary, I want you to know what our enemy looks like, just like an old Chinese saying: Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle!"

"This battle must be fought. I have been preparing for it for so many years. To be honest, I have been thinking every day over these years. When we face a behemoth like Sindis, we have no strength to fight back. How should we fight to win, and how can we break the current world pattern!"

"Now, that's why I came to you. I want to tell you all the things I have prepared over the years!"

"This battle, we must go all out!"

Bai Ye smiled, looked at Moordo who was hardly talkative usually, and found that he had been preparing all along!
(End of this chapter)

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