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Chapter 662 Who Are You...

Chapter 662 Who Are You...

A person of Bai Ye's level is naturally not something that Yali, a secretary, can look down upon.

To put it bluntly, Yali is very clear about her role, she is just a secretary!
However, every time Yali worked with the boss's instructions, Yalida would think in her heart that she represented the boss, and that others should respect her boss.

Her personality cult with Tera was serious.

Tela asked Yali to come just to explore the battle. To be honest, Tela needs to come in person.

In the past few days, Terra has not been idle. Although he is arrogant, he has not reached the point of being arrogant.

The Syndis Research Institute has been doing a few things recently, that is, in-depth research on Bai Ye Research Institute and Bai Ye himself.

And this time, a lot of manpower was devoted to the research on Bai Ye's orthopedic guidelines.

After the research institute and staff bring back the research results, everything will have a result, and how it will be treated at that time will have a result.



Time passed day by day, under the surging undercurrent.

But Bai Ye suddenly received a strange call: "Hello, Mr. Bai Ye."

The call came from overseas, and he spoke fluent English, which made Bai Ye stunned for a moment: "Hello. Who are you?"

I don't know many people by phone, who is it?

"I'm Mo Haili, we met once."

Bai Ye searched his brain, but he still didn't think of the name, but the other party said he knew him, and he... would be embarrassed if he said he didn't know him.

But it's really hard for me to remember who it is?
It's really difficult, what should I do?
I am a man with an unforgettable memory, what should I do?
However, Bai Ye's adaptability is still very good: "Oh! Mr. Mo Haili, hello, hello."

Thinking of his enthusiasm without losing elegance and calmness, familiarity without flattery, Bai Ye felt that the other party would not be very embarrassed.


It seems that the other party did not accept his kindness.

Mo Haili: "Mr. Bai Ye, you may not remember, I also participated in the last time you rescued Mr. Bruce in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. We had exchanges at that time. I am now the head of the Orthopedics Department at Heisenberg University. It was Mr. Moldo's original position."

Naturally, Mo Haili would not pretend to know that Bai Ye really thought of him.

Because when he was treating Bruce, he had introduced himself more than once, but Bai Ye's answer at that time made him really angry.

Therefore, he naturally wouldn't believe that Bai Ye knew him or remembered him, only ghosts would believe it!

Go to hell...

So instead of being embarrassed when the time comes, it's better to show your identity clearly and neatly.

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly.

But despite the embarrassment, Bai Ye still remembered who the other party was.

It was the orthopedic boss who had organized the meeting with Bai Ye at the same time.

A little level.


Well, only a little level.

However, thinking of what he said just now, Bai Ye was thoughtful...

Is it?

Mo Haili said that the work he is doing now was done by Moldo before, which means...

He is now an academic representative of Syndis Corporation.

It's Syndis Company again. Thinking of this, Bai Ye is a little upset.

Could it be that this Mo Haili wanted to coerce and lure him?

But unexpectedly, at this moment, Mo Haili suddenly said:
"Mr. Bai Ye, I can help you, no, what I mean is, I also want to learn from Mr. Moldo, and I want to learn from you."

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment.

What was the first reaction?

Could it be that Sindis entered into their own scheme?

If you join yourself at this time, it is absolutely impossible for you to accept it.

Therefore, Bai Ye could only smile awkwardly: "Oh! Haha, uh...um..."

Mo Haili is not a fool, he is also someone who has experienced it, so he naturally understands what Bai Ye is worried about.

He said with a smile: "I know that this is a critical period. In fact, I understand that people like you really serve patients. The current Sindis has long changed. Over the years, their research is no longer technical. Innovation, but business politics and things, indeed, the whole group is growing stronger and stronger, but the development of medicine is getting slower and slower."

"I don't think people like you should believe the words of the group of Sindis. They are just a group of hypocritical liars and businessmen. They can't achieve great things. You must not join them. They will eat everything from you. Until the end, I assimilated you!"

Mo Haili was very excited. Although Bai Ye couldn't see it, his tone trembled a little.

Indeed, this time, he was trying to do something that he didn't dare to do before, and he was reluctant to do it, and even thought it was so stupid that he couldn't be any more stupid.

"Mr. Bai Ye, you will definitely win. Really, believe me, you must stand firm. Don't believe the so-called Sindis, they are a group of decayed woodcarvings, and they have long since failed to become a climate!"

I don't know how long it took, but after Bai Ye listened silently, he said, "Thank you."

But Mo Haili said in a dazed way, "Thank you."

Bai Ye didn't know why Mo Haili said thank you.

A few days later, Bai Ye continued to plan his summit forum. After posting mails and envelopes, they were delivered to experts and members from various countries.

The time for the meeting has been fixed and is just a week away.

It was as if what happened to Syndis had never happened. Everyone was doing what they should do, and nothing affected them.

But Yali was surprised. She was a little surprised. Could it be that Bai Ye is an idiot?

Didn't he understand his intention?

Is it not clear enough?

Therefore, Ya Li immediately found Bai Ye's research institute.

Then, she suddenly learned that Bai Ye was in a meeting.

After waiting patiently for two hours, Bai Ye welcomed Ya Li with satisfaction.

When Yali met, she smiled and said, "Mr. Bai Ye is very busy."

Bai Ye heard what Ya Li said, and this time it was Mr. Bai Ye, not Professor Bai Ye, let alone Boss Bai. People like Ya Li would not make such low-level mistakes. The only possibility is intentional.

Thinking of this, he smiled: "Buy the way, a bunch of people are waiting for me to eat, not as good as you Cindy, and even worse than Mr. Tra, ****, you can tell by the look of Miss Yali that I am following you. Life around Mr. Terra must be very nourishing."

"I really envy Mr. Terra who has such a good secretary as you and is so capable."

Yali looked at Bai Ye in confusion, "I don't know what Mr. Bai Ye is thinking about? It's about the cooperative relationship with our Syndis."

Bai Ye looked at Yali indifferently: "Can you represent Cindy?"

Ya Li was taken aback for a moment, her eyes narrowed.

Bai Ye said lightly, "See off the guests."

(End of this chapter)

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