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Chapter 669 I am strong...

Chapter 669 I am strong...

One night was not long, but it was a thrilling night for countless people.

No one would have thought that so many things could happen in one night.

First, the Queen of the British royal family issued a declaration inviting Bai Ye to join the Royal Society of Britain, and then the British health department adopted Bai Ye's orthopedic guidelines as the official national guidelines, and voluntarily applied to join the Bai Ye World Orthopedic Association.

No one would have thought of this move by the UK, because in any case, the UK was once a member of the European Union, but this time the UK took the lead in jumping out to distance itself.

This is intriguing!
Immediately afterwards, Johnson & Johnson Group and Pfizer Group, the world's leading medical companies, successively issued statements to support the Baiye Institute and hope to cooperate with Baiye Orthopedics.

Subsequently, other companies also submitted applications to join the Bai Ye World Orthopedic Association.

Although these enterprises are not very large, there are many of them.

Hundreds of companies from different countries around the world have voluntarily applied to join the association.

This shows that Bai Ye already has the basic ability to compete with the new European and American orthopedic alliance.

At least not powerless.

Sindis may not be as powerful as imagined.

The turbulent night can be said to make everyone in the Baiye Orthopedic Institute sleepless with excitement, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

A big move that the new consortium has held back for so long is not as powerful as imagined!
After all, the European and American markets are huge, and the economic development is by no means comparable to that of Asia. When everyone thought that this time was doomed, there was a spark.

Perhaps this is still insignificant for the long night, but as long as there is a start, there will be room for relaxation in the following matters.

Bai Ye never closed his eyes this night.

He didn't expect these support to happen. What happened?
Even he doesn't know it himself.

Why did Britain suddenly join the association? This is an unknown, because Bai Ye seems to have never set foot on British soil. The only person he has dealt with is... Paul!? ?
Could it be Paul! ?

Bai Ye thought of this answer in an instant, and it seemed to be very accurate.

Because Paul has a background in the British royal family, is it really because of Paul?
Think of Pfizer Group joining Bai Ye Orthopedic Association, Johnson & Johnson Group joining Orthopedic Association... and many other organizations and companies have also joined.

Why is that?
Bai Ye is self-aware. He doesn't think that he really has such great ability and charm to allow these companies to join the association. Facing the sanctions imposed by the European and American Orthopedic Association, many small companies are easily affected.

At dawn, Bai Ye was still thinking.

And at this time, a burst of news reports suddenly came to mind on the TV that had been turned on all night.

During the morning news of CCTV, Bai Ye was completely awakened by a piece of news.

That is the piece of news and policies announced by the National Health Commission of China, including a series of measures jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Customs Administration.

The more Bai Ye listened, the more excited he became, the more he listened, the more excited he became!
He even felt his body trembling slightly.

This feeling is amazing!
Bai Ye felt that a solid backing came forward when he needed it most, stood behind him, and told those bullying forces: We also have a backing!


What are you afraid of?

Let go and do it. There are more than one billion compatriots in the People's Republic of China behind me. What am I afraid of?
Even if I can't enter the European and American markets, the country definitely belongs to me!

Bai Ye felt a sincere sense of belonging at this moment!
When I was most critical and needed help, the voice of the country appeared.

This sense of happiness and excitement made Bai Ye unable to calm down for a long time.

The reason why the new consortium is strong is that there are government members among them, and they can influence some small policies that do not affect the general direction to a certain extent.

Originally, capitalism is a political and economic system that serves capitalists.

Once the competition for anything is added to the politics, it becomes not very fair.

The competition between Bai Ye and the new consortium is like this. At the beginning, it encountered policy obstacles, and it can even be said to be political threats. He is threatening those countries and institutions that want to join the Bai Ye Orthopedic Association, telling them, your If products want to enter our country and use our market, they must listen to us and abide by our rules!
Just when everyone thought how a private scientific research institute like Bai Ye could be compared to a consortium.

The silent motherland behind Bai Ye spoke!
And just when the news was about to end, a piece of news came out from the Chinese mouthpiece again!
"Medicine knows no borders, but medical researchers do. Medical competition is fair, but competition among medical organizations and institutions is full of unfairness. As a unit, we should support, encourage and look forward to good things. Competition is an element that promotes development, but it is not worthy of unfair and unfair competition. Carry forward, we absolutely support!"

"Finally, we encourage the development of every domestic enterprise, give full play to their core competitiveness, compete for the international market, and show the demeanor of a big country! Actively learn from advanced institutions such as Huawei and Baiye Research Institute. The country is your most solid backing!"

The sentence at the end of the news shocked all the audience in front of the TV!
What is the motherland?

It is the backing that stands up to protect you from wind and rain at critical times!
It is an opportunity to open a window for you when you have nowhere to go.

At this time, Bai Ye didn't know why, but the March of the Volunteers appeared in his mind, and there was even a feeling of tears in his eyes.

At this time, Bai Ye fully realized what a sense of belonging is, and this feeling is especially strong when you stand on the international level.

At this time, Bai Ye's heart was full of fighting spirit and passion.

are you strong
I use a saying from our great man: "You are just paper tigers!"

Thinking of this, Bai Ye picked up his phone, opened Weibo, and posted a post!
"I am so strong! /Bi Xin, all crooked ways are paper tigers!"

A very simple sentence, but it was instantly reposted and liked by countless people.

Everyone's reply was followed by the same color: "I am strong in China!"

In just a few hours, "Zhuangzai My China" directly swiped Weibo, topped the list, and occupied the top list and screens of multiple browsers, platforms, and self-media.

I am strong, Zhonghua~! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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