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Chapter 672 New Gift

Chapter 672 New Gift
The thousand robots that Bai Ye presented as a gift directly stunned everyone!

Who has such a big pen?

Say it and send it!
One gift is a thousand units!

This is not a TV, not a water dispenser. This is an orthopedic robot, a high-tech product. The price of one set is at least 500 million, and the price of one thousand sets is [-] billion! ! !

Five billion!
It's not 500 yuan, but Bai Ye said it so lightly, it seems to be only 500 yuan or 5000 yuan.

For a moment, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded!
He stared at Bai Ye dumbfounded, as if he wanted to make sure if there was something wrong with his ears, or was it Bai Ye's slip of the tongue?
However, the fact is that this is the case, Bai Ye did not make a slip of the tongue, and they did not mishear, it is indeed a thousand.

After hearing the news, the people below had different expressions.



Complicated and tangled complexion!

Look tense and excited!
There was a group of people, their faces were flushed, and they were so excited that they didn't know what they were thinking!
"Director! [-] units, you must tell the dean this time to fight for it. We will give away [-] units for free across the country. We have a great chance!"

"Well! I'll work hard. This time we must get it. I'll go to my old leader, no! I'll go to the province and go directly to the old secretary. This time I'll fight for one even if I'm brave enough!"


Everyone is riveting together. After going back this time, even begging grandpa to tell grandma to get one.

Don't look at more than 30 units, but there are really not many units distributed throughout the country. There are only more than [-] units in a province, and one point for provinces, cities and counties. Not to mention counties, even cities are not easy to get!

The first strike is stronger, and the later strike suffers!
A group of people have already started to take out their mobile phones and call the director of their own hospital to get in touch.

"Got it! I'm leaving for the province today!"

"Received!! We will act immediately!"

"Got it, but... we will buy it ourselves. You will have the opportunity to inquire with the staff later. We will buy it! Buy it for free or not, buy two first!"


Every hospital has its own characteristics, some have connections, some... have money!
Everyone depends on their ability, anyway, the first wave of orthopedic robots must be obtained.

Think about it, the signboard of the hospital!

At that time, I will write a sentence, owning the Luban No. [-] orthopedic robot, what a prestige thing!
Thinking about it makes me look forward to it.

At this time, compared with the turmoil in the hospitals of all parties, the webcast platform is full of turbulent waves!
Everyone looked at Bai Ye's plan of one thousand units in a daze.

The screen where the barrage was flying all the time disappeared...%
It was as if the barrage had suddenly quieted down!
a long time!

A sentence appears:

"My Cao, just now I quickly took out my pen and paper to do the math, and after I finished the calculation... I was so scared that I had nowhere to put my hands! I just want to say, Bai Ye is awesome! China is awesome!"

"I was so scared that I put down the mouse and calmed down for a long time, and now I am relieved, but... I haven't figured out how much it is yet."

"Upstairs is clever, but luckily I didn't do the calculations. I can do the calculations now. The lethal figures... It's scary, so it's better not to calculate them!"

"Bai Ye is awesome! +1"

"Bai Ye is awesome! +10086~!"

For a long time, the barrage area is full of ordinary users, nobles speak less, and Shenhao is even less!

But now, these giants can't sit still!

"I, Cao, I just want to say something to Bai Ye: You deserve to be rich! A hundred rockets are here as a token of my heart!"

"That's right, with such a big deal, I just want to say something silently: you deserve to be the richest man, and I'm the richest man in the village! We are both the richest man, and we can't actually lose. Let's go with 100 rockets!"

"I don't have any idea about such a rich person. He made his fortune by relying on his own strength. He made a hard-core debut and did public welfare to a real place. He is really the richest man with a conscience. Although I am not talented, I have 50 scientific research funds. Here it is, I hope it can shine again!"

At this moment, Bai Ye has a beautiful image!
The bosses of those live broadcast platforms saw the local tyrants offering rewards one after another, and their hands were itchy for a while.

The main thing is to be excited!
You said that our live broadcast platforms are now listed, so to speak, they are all worth billions of dollars, but look at what you have done?
Look at Bai Ye, who engages in scientific research to contribute to the motherland, benefit the country, and make a living for the people.

But what about yourself?
Thinking of this, he was silent for a long time, then turned to the technical staff and said, "Open a gift of 10 yuan, called [Zhuangzai My China], a [-] yuan, the background effect is the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind, the dubbing is the national anthem..."

He then looked at the people around him and said: "This kind of gift is forbidden to be used casually. It can only be used for national live broadcasts such as public welfare live broadcasts and scientific research live broadcasts. Ha, there is no official commission for this gift [Zhuang I am China]. All for charity."

Then, he turned to look at the secretary: "Set up an official public welfare fund project, and let the technicians broadcast all the funds and turnover. The whole process is transparent, and any cases of favoritism and fraud will be directly resolved through legal procedures!"

"In addition, issue a solicitation order to gather a group of public welfare anchors to specialize in public welfare publicity, and let the planning department take care of the specific planning!"

Afterwards, he said to the technical department: "Give me 100 Zhuangzhao my China!"

After finishing speaking, the man strolled towards the outside!

At this moment, he felt an unimaginable excitement in his heart. The greater his ability, the greater his responsibility. While enjoying the country's resources, he really needed to do some social welfare activities.

He wants to tell the world that live broadcasting is a kind of culture, a kind of propaganda, and a kind of media!
Live broadcast can also spread positive energy!

Live streaming can also help society develop!

At this moment, the audience who were watching the live broadcast suddenly noticed a bright red five-star red flag rising on the huge screen, and the national anthem echoed in their ears!

At this time, gold-plated characters appeared on the subtitles: "Douyu officially presented 100 [Strong My China], wish my China prosperity!"

Everyone was dumbfounded!
[Zhuangzai My China] What kind of gift is it?
so beautiful!
The direct brushing frequency is strong, and the national anthem echoing in the ears also has a sense of shock that penetrates the heart.

All of a sudden, the good-for-nothing person clicked on the gift column, and found a special gift: [Strong is my China]

One... one is 100000 yuan!
How much is the 100 just now?

1000 million!

Douyu donated 1000 million directly.

I am Cao!

Moreover, there are a few words on the back of the gift: "Special gift, cannot be divided, the official does not withdraw any operations, all used for..."

It was also discovered that: "This gift cannot be used for any entertainment anchor rewards, it is only a restricted gift."


(End of this chapter)

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