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Chapter 674 Mysterious Invitation!

Chapter 674 Mysterious Invitation!
Bai Ye flipped through the four or five pages of records. There were nearly 200 organizations, involving more than 30 countries. The others were basically large hospitals and institutions, as well as many enterprises.

After all, the Baiye Orthopedic Association is already an official association. Joining this association means joining the big camp of China, and there are various preferential policies and conditions attached to it, which makes those who are already Enterprises who want to develop in China are immediately excited.

Such an opportunity is rare. If you don't seize it, you can only blame yourself for your poor brain.

They even want to let these big bosses fight again, because these big bosses have their own resources. Look at the Baiye Research Institute this time, but even the relevant national departments have issued policies, and the same is true for the new alliances in Europe and the United States. .

Both sides have given a certain policy preference. For ordinary people, it may be just a simple team. As long as you join your team, you will have benefits. This is a good thing.

After being nervous and busy for two consecutive days, Bai Ye was really tired. After going to bed and sending a message to Monica, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Once people pass thirty, they feel a sense of aging.

It seemed that he didn't know whether it was due to lack of physical strength or because there were too many things to do. In short, Bai Ye sighed for a long time when he recalled that he hadn't had a good rest for two or three days when he was fighting the earthquake in Maiguo a few years ago.

Fortunately, things are moving in a good direction. The country's speech this time is really important.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, but this day was also the last day of the forum. There was no major event, but a party-like event was held, mainly to promote mutual communication between the two parties.

However, Bai Ye received some people one after another.

Most of them are companies that want to cooperate with Bai Ye Research Institute and hope that Bai Ye Research Institute can give them a bite to eat.

For such cooperation, I will not refuse, but it is not given casually.

"Mr. Bai Ye, we are from Xindeli Company. If you would like to excuse me, may I ask if your company needs a foundry for the time being, such as new material bone nails. To be honest, what we Xindeli have been engaged in for a long time is As an OEM company, our company has sufficient experience in the production of orthopedic equipment.”

The person who found Bai Ye was a slightly bald Russian. He didn't have the toughness and temperament of a fighting nation, but on the contrary, he had a familiar European and American style.

In fact, Bai Ye no longer plans to set up too many production lines to produce these equipment on a large scale. Firstly, it is because it is too slow to be in place, and secondly, because the investment is too large. Instead of building a new factory, it is better to use the core technology itself Take control, and then find a foundry to do other incidental parts.

In fact, any enterprise will face such a situation when it develops to its peak.

After all, one person's strength is limited. When the enterprise develops to a certain scale, what will happen?

No matter how big a company is, it is impossible to do everything by itself. The law of the market determines this, and at this time, the foundry is the best choice.

Choosing a very good foundry is a very important thing for enterprises.

For example, when the Apple mobile phone was at its peak, Apple did not expand or add too many assembly lines, but only added a few design departments to design new mobile phone styles, shapes and other guiding departments.

Basically, most of the production is done outside, and Taiwan's richest man, Terry Gou, is relying on Foxconn's foundry to continuously expand its assets.

If there is no Apple, will Foxconn get up?
Chances are they will too!
But it is not necessarily called Foxconn, it may be another company.

Bai Ye nodded: "Well, we need cooperative enterprises, and the foundry is the same, and we need some cooperative enterprises and companies not only for the production of bone nails, but also for the production of orthopedic robots and mechanical arms."

The man opened his eyes and smiled when he heard that: "We, Xindeli, have always been a trustworthy company. Our company's current production lines and assembly lines are very advanced. Maybe I can invite Mr. Bai to visit our company."

Bai Ye smiled irrefutably; "However, our approval for foundries is relatively strict. Maybe our team will focus on the research of this matter in the future. I hope that your company will actively sign up. We don't want to miss a Such a company with potential."

Bai Ye is no longer directly intervening in the management of the research institute and the group, but has specialized brokers and managers to operate.

To be honest, Bai Ye is not omnipotent, a lot of professional knowledge needs professional people to do it, and he only needs to steer the future.

Cooperation is cooperation, love is love, two different things.

The bald man smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, I hope Mr. Bai will pay more attention to our company."

There is nothing dissatisfied with the man, who is Bai Ye?

The richest man in China!

The third child in the world.

It is enough to be so patient and talk to myself so much.

Bai Ye didn't stay long when he received a call and left in a hurry.

It was Tang Han calling.

"Xiao Ye, where are you? Are you still in the hotel?" Tang Han's tone was a little anxious, which made Bai Ye stunned.

Bai Ye nodded: "Well, yes, what's wrong with Brother Tang? What's the matter?"

Tang Han hummed: "Well, there's something wrong. If it's convenient for you, come to me directly. I... my father wants to talk to you about something."

Bai Ye didn't ask why, but said directly: "Okay, I'll be there in half an hour!"

There were some things that I couldn't and couldn't say on the phone, so Bai Ye immediately asked the driver to prepare a car and go directly to Tang Han's house.

Tang Han's Bai Ye often goes there, and the driver is also familiar with the road. It may be because he drove faster, and he arrived in more than 20 minutes.

Tang Han's father, Bai Ye, knew that he was working in the central government, and his specific position was uncertain. Bai Ye never asked, but Tang Han's grandfather was a serious old revolutionary.

If Tang Han embarks on an official career, it may be smooth sailing. After all, he has good roots and is capable and courageous.

But he chose to take the route of saving the country with curves.

As for why Uncle Tang was looking for him, Bai Ye didn't know.

But after much deliberation, it may have something to do with what happened yesterday.

It is not known what exactly happened.

After knocking on the door, it was not long before a little girl opened the door.

It was Tang Han's girl, who was already in junior high school this year.

Bai Ye walked in with a smile, and handed the fruit in his hand to his sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law, I brought some fruit."

Every time Bai Ye came here, he had to buy some fruit, which was regarded as a courtesy, and Tang Han's family had already seen the strangeness, so they didn't say anything.

"Come in quickly, I'll wait for you."

(End of this chapter)

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