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Chapter 677 is finally here! ! !

Chapter 677 is finally here! ! !

On the night of the beginning of November, Bai Ye was preparing to take a rest after having a video with his wife Li Ziyan as usual.

Suddenly a video call came in!
It's Monica.

Monica looked at Bai Ye: "Boss, what you expected was right. This morning, the new consortium started a series of work. They are now counting how many patents the new consortium's affiliates have in Asia, Australia, Russia, etc. Regional use, they seem to be starting a series of operations."

After Bai Ye heard it, he didn't panic in the slightest, so he made a move now?
Seems a little late, right?

I have been waiting for you for a long time, your efficiency is too low, right?
Thinking of this, Bai Ye smiled: "Well, let them prepare well, I also want to see how many core patents they have, and these old patents should be replaced! By the way, the magazines you contacted also have What happened to the company group?"

Monica: "The magazine is ready, and the group companies are already ready. When they learn that their company's technology may be promoted to the world, they are naturally very happy."

Bai Ye nodded: "Thank you for your hard work. Pay close attention to the situation over there."

Hanging up the phone, it was past eleven o'clock in China, Bai Ye took out his phone and called Sun Piaoyang.

"Did you sleep?" Bai Ye asked straight to the point.

Sun Piaoyang smiled: "No, I'm very energetic now."

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Sun has worked hard recently."

Sun Piaoyang smiled: "It's hard work? No hard work! I'm full of fighting spirit now. It's the first time I've fought against those people, and I'm so excited."

Sun Piaoyang and his wife are the husband and wife team in the domestic medical industry that Bai Ye met at the dinner in Kyoto, and they are also very important in the domestic medical industry.

Sun Piaoyang's Hengrui Group and his wife's Hansen Pharmaceutical are leading domestic companies.

After the party, the two also had some communication and contact. This time, Bai Ye took the initiative to find Sun Piaoyang and revealed this matter, wanting to test the other party's meaning.

The process went very smoothly, and both sides hit it off and shared the same hatred.

After all, Hengrui Pharmaceuticals has suffered a lot in this area. In the past few years, it has been arguing with the Roche Group because of patent issues, and it is a toss back and forth.

The medical industry is originally a backward industry. We did develop relatively late in the development of modern medicine, but the speed was not slow at all, which was resisted by some foreign companies.

Bai Ye nodded: "Recently, you and those companies with foreign patents have all shrunk their business and are preparing for business adjustments. There may be big moves in the near future, but don't announce it in advance. Let them not worry, and finally we will have new patents for them to use. , don’t worry about these.”

Sun Piaoyang nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, don't worry!"

Bai Ye nodded with a smile, Sun Piaoyang is not bad, he is a practical talent.

After all parties made arrangements, Bai Ye fell asleep peacefully.

To be honest, even though I was ready, I was still a little nervous. After all, this was the first time I had fought against such a large group organization.

At the beginning, whether it was with SPOM or Fei Nuo Group, the products of these companies were relatively single. It can even be considered that the products of Fei Nuo Group are single, especially its subsidiary Hanksen Company. One product has been used for 20 years. It should also be enough.

Now that it has become a processing factory of Donglin Group, it can be regarded as making the best use of everything, without too much loss.

But now, among the companies under the new consortium, there are more than one or two that have surpassed the Fei Nuo Group, and they definitely have more core technologies than Bai Ye.

But, it's because you guys are too ugly to eat, and you want to have a pot, is this realistic?
How many countries and regions in the world, you underestimate the people of the world.



Finally, three days later, the new consortium finally made its move.

And this time, without leaving any room, they directly attacked indiscriminately.

The focus is on the Eurasian continent, which occupies the majority of the world's population.

"After the establishment of the new consortium, we will adjust the foundries within the subordinate group companies. We will satisfy the companies that join the new consortium. The new consortium is a win-win organization. We encourage and welcome new institutions to join , we will conduct strict examination and approval of the organizations that join, and require organizations that join the new consortium not to participate in other international non-governmental orthopedic associations and organizations.”

"Secondly, the new consortium is a powerful organization. We have the world's top 31201 patents, which basically cover all walks of life in the field of orthopedics. Now we will take back the right to use these patents and re-authorize them. Patents are required The company that owns the right to use the patent needs to resubmit the application, and it can only be used again after approval, and we will investigate the legal responsibility of the groups and companies that use our company’s patent rashly!"

So far, the world's patent protection laws have become more and more serious, and the protection of patents has become more and more important, and the penalties for those who violate the law have also become more and more serious.

Today's era is the era of hardcore, the era of core technology competition!
Once the official speech of the new consortium was announced, it became popular instantly!

It has attracted the attention of many people in the world!

It's not so much concern, it's better to say panic!
Take back the patent!

cancel order!

What is the use of this factory?
China is a gathering place for foundries, and there is also the Indian generation, which brings together a large number of foundries of companies in the world.

However, because many domestic companies lack core technologies, they have begun to purchase patent usage rights and carry out production.

After the news of the new consortium was released, there was a form attached at the back, which stated various companies and groups, as well as related patents!

Not only that, these companies have also successively received agreements to cancel cooperation and some certificates related to the withdrawal of patents, etc.

For a time, people panic!
A large number of companies went out of business!

Large-scale layoffs!

There may even be a certain degree of economic crisis!

Such a thing is not serious.

Therefore, everyone began to appeal to join the new consortium group and continue to start the journey of cooperation.

Ordinary people in other foreign countries don't care about Syndis or the New Consortium, or the Baiye Orthopedic Institute, what they want is victory!
But the new consortium said at the end: "Temporarily cancel the cooperation with Chinese companies and manufacturers!"

This news can be said to have completely angered the Chinese people!

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Isn't the temporary cancellation of cooperation with China aimed at Bai Ye Research Institute?
There is also the voice of China for the Baiye Research Institute some time ago.

It seems that this time, China has stood on the opposite side of this new alliance.


(End of this chapter)

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