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Chapter 684 Obtaining Core Technology

Chapter 684 Obtaining Core Technology

Bai Ye tilted his head and looked at this baby carriage, and it felt the same way!
That's right, from the inside to the outside, the various configurations look extremely gorgeous, full of elements and flavors of black technology.

【Ding!This toy car belongs to the perfect combination of technology and mechanics, and is mainly suitable for children aged 0.5-4. It can help them to protect and shape their bone shape well, and help them develop good habits...]

Bai Ye smiled, his child is now six months old, and the stroller is ready.

However, such a product should be fine, and the market should be fine.

At this time, a phone rang suddenly.

It was Monica's call. Bai Ye turned off the virtual screen, picked up the phone, and asked straight to the point: "How's it going? Any news?"

Monica's tone was obviously much lighter: "Well! Now Syndis Group and Lance have had conflicts, and the most important thing is that Syndis has internal turmoil. Several core companies under them have had some turmoil, and even one of the companies sent someone to contact me this morning!"

When Bai Ye heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. People are in high spirits on happy occasions. Recently, good news has been one after another!
"How? What did he say?" Bai Ye asked.

Monica: "Sindis is now using core technology to exchange shares with these companies, using a method of technology shareholding, but these technologies are already a little behind, but the core technology has not been eliminated. What I heard from the other party is that Xin Diess has never shown its core technology to others, but the core technology is a material use technology!"

Bai Ye was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Monica: "This is about the history of Syndis Corporation. Syndis Corporation was first established by an ao association in Switzerland. This association established standards in the field of orthopedic trauma. General orthopedic surgeons The first thing you need to learn when entering the clinical field of orthopedics is the ao standard, which defines the operation method of the operation. For example, there are requirements for the appropriate position and degree of a nail plate. After the standard was formulated, Syndis company was established to mainly Orthopedic trauma products have the largest market share in the world, and Syndis's core technology is likely to be extremely thorough in human orthopedic research!"

"You are now the orthopedic guideline maker in the world, and what you have mastered are basically treatment methods, but you may not have in-depth research, that is, detailed research. In fact, every bone in the human body is different. The requirements are different for strength, density, and even material toughness, and even, Syndis's research on human bones now surpasses that of our research institute for many years."

Monica's words made Bai Ye wake up suddenly!

Because what he said is very reasonable. The Syndis Group is indeed too far ahead of itself in research. They started researching orthopedics before they were born. How many years did they start?

So their understanding of orthopedics is very profound!
Even esoteric!

Now this era is the era of details, the more advanced the technology, the more advanced the technology must start from the details in the final analysis!

Joining Syndis is really mastering this technology. It is really difficult for Bai Ye to break through these superficial things this time, because medicine is an item that is consumed and metabolized again and again, and it is even a very fast replacement. a kind of thing.

But the human body does not change, as if it is a principle that everything changes. As long as you study the human body thoroughly, these things will happen very quickly.

So, after thinking it over, Bai Yeen said, "Okay, I see."

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't seem to be in a very high mood, Monica said, "You don't have to worry. Organizations like Syndis can't be killed with one blow. After we hit them hard this time, at least a few years later they will be killed." We can't slow it down at all, when the time comes, we will study it further, and sooner or later he will become history, Bai... Ye, don't be too harsh on yourself, you are already very good!"

Bai Ye smiled: "It's okay, I have prepared for it, this time, we will succeed!"

Monica hung up the phone slightly worried.

But Bai Ye didn't stay idle, he directly opened the virtual screen, and clicked on a reward he just got today, which was about the core technology.

It is too critical for Bai Ye to be able to obtain a designated core skill.

Bai Ye originally felt that the development during this period seemed to be too smooth. If he didn't notice these things this time, it might be a potential dangerous factor for Bai Ye.

Bai Ye doesn't like this kind of feeling, long nights and many dreams always make people feel frightened and afraid that they won't be able to sleep well.

The Syndis Group has mastered such a technology, which means that new things will appear in a short time. At that time, will I be able to resist it?

The world is unpredictable, and it is better to solve it once.

Bai Ye opened the virtual screen and clicked directly to use it.

【Ding!To obtain the formulated core technology, please select the specific technology type. 】

Bai Ye: "I choose to analyze the human skeleton in detail."

Suddenly, a complex picture appeared, and then a thick book appeared in front of Bai Ye.

【Ding!Congratulations, you have obtained the detailed physical and chemical analysis technology of human bones. 】

Bai Ye was overjoyed immediately. After obtaining this kind of technology, the next thing will be easy to operate.

During this period of time, Bai Ye has been cooperating with Shouwei's alliance, including products, which are also being produced continuously. During this period, they are only producing but not selling. They are waiting for a time and opportunity.

At this time, Bai Ye reckoned that the time should be almost up.

The new consortium has already shown signs of fatigue in the magazine confrontation. Coupled with the lack of products, the status and reputation in the world are getting worse day by day. If this continues, it is undoubtedly not a good thing.

Shrinking the market is a must!

The second is that it is necessary to make a statement on the things during this period of time, sum up your own shortcomings and mistakes, and apologize is already necessary.

Apologizing is obviously not conducive to development, but not apologizing is even more dangerous.

How to do?
The moment the bell rang in 2022, the time finally entered the new year.

The spokesperson of the new consortium issued a public declaration today.

"Our new consortium has encountered some problems and found some shortcomings in the past few years, so our original plan was to adjust the industrial structure in the second half of the year and continue to deepen research. We have an absolute background in orthopedic research, and we also I will continue to be strict with myself.”

"Here, we apologize to everyone. In the next period of time, we will temporarily shrink the market and improve and improve its products!"

(End of this chapter)

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