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Chapter 686 Fatal Strike

Chapter 686 Fatal Strike
It may have taken less than half a year from the establishment of the new consortium to its decline.

Perhaps this will also be one of the shortest organizations in history. When it came, it was powerful, and when it went, it was lightning fast.

Come in a hurry, but also in a hurry.

In fact, the new consortium has existed in name only until now, and Lance Lin's retreat has already declared the organization's failure this time.

The Syndis organization also took advantage of this opportunity to retreat smoothly.

Although the current new consortium has not disbanded in name, it is actually not far away from this day.

After returning to Germany, they held an emergency meeting. Up to now, they must find a way to decide the way out for the future.

However, Syndis is a business alliance, and most of its members are some large international companies.

Retreat is not so simple!

It is courage for a strong man to cut off his wrist, but it is also a loss.

This time, the group company under Sindis suffered heavy losses!

As the leading and advertised Stryker Group, last year's total profit reached 160 billion US dollars, but this year it is less than 50 billion. This is already a fatal blow to the behemoth Stryker.

It would be too easy if you think you earn less!

As a listed company, the stock price of Stryker Group has shrunk from 120 US dollars in early October. If the large-scale sell-off had not been done internally, it would be less than 40 US dollars now.

This is a fatal crisis for a group worth more than 1000 billion!

Stryker is just an example, and Smith Nephew and Medtronic are similar to Stryker.

They are all large orthopedic companies with assets worth tens of billions, and now their assets have shrunk so much that they have even left the top [-].

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and there is never any mercy. It is not a joke to say that once you succeed, you will die.

This time, in just a few months, Syndis internal data showed that the loss was almost trillions!

What a scary number.

Of course, this loss is not the evaporation of assets, assets never disappear, but transfer.

For example, members of the Bai Ye Orthopedic Association.

Market value pretty much represents the value and potential that is owned in the market.

The main force of the Bai Ye Research Institute is the Donglin Group and the Check and Balance Group, the launch of orthopedic robots, the launch of a series of products such as bone nails, fixators, and staplers, which have already announced their market share.

However, these still need time to settle!

But it can be concluded without hesitation that this time, Bai Ye is only half a step away from being the richest man in the world!

This may make Bai Ye the richest person in the world.

No war is pointless.

Wars are meant to compete for resources.

And the business war is even more so!
Competing for the market is the biggest resource.

This time in the battle against Syndis, Bai Ye paid a lot, whether it was funds or manpower, if there was no gain, Bai Ye would not do it.

Not many people are selfless.

Bai Ye would not!
How many people behind him leaned on Bai Ye to eat.



However, the withdrawal of Syndis does not mean that the organization has since disappeared.

Syndis originally made his debut in orthopedics, and they have a certain background, which is why many companies still have not left Syndis. In those years, they have indeed researched a lot of good things through Syndis.

If it weren't for the emergence of Bai Ye Research Institute, this situation would still not change!
Even, the reason why Syndis slowed down to a certain extent was because of maximizing economic benefits.

And now, they must go all out.

Tera took a deep breath. From October to today, the market value of Syndis has shrunk by three-quarters, and only one-quarter of it is still operating normally. Moreover, the main reason is that many people are interested in The companies under Syndis are not well understood. As the originator of orthopedics, Syndis has deep roots and covers all aspects of the industry.

Sindis will not leave behind for himself.

Terra looked at the crowd and said to the secretary, "Tell me about the current situation!"

Yali nodded, took out the document, and was about to start talking.

To be honest, Yali knew the ins and outs of this matter too well, she never thought that things would develop in this direction.

From the very beginning to the present, even Yali could not have imagined that the other party was so strong that he could even force the new consortium to disintegrate.

What kind of courage and ability is this?
Thinking of that stalwart young man, Yali was filled with a strange mood.

No way, I can't tell what it feels like.

"In order to prevent things from deteriorating and affecting our subsequent products and development, we finally decided to shrink the market, temporarily retracting the project in this competition with Bai Ye, and gradually recovering our market share..., at present So far, the groups and companies we own have been shrunk on a large scale. The total assets have been reduced from 12800 trillion US dollars to only 3200 billion US dollars. And the core products have been successively occupied by Baiye Research Institute, and there are many large and small group companies..."

When these bloody reports were read word by word, everyone present felt as if their hearts were bleeding.

It's all money!

Real money.

Even if you fight it as a water float, you can still hit a stormy sea.

It's a pity, seeing now, who can not be shocked and chilled.

The once glorious enterprise, now its assets are withered, can only rely on some products to maintain its livelihood.

A breath of sadness echoed throughout the venue.

Terra didn't change his face. These statistics are just statistics to him. He looked at everyone: "We need to be steady, not sad at this time. Your disappointment will not add a pound to your pocket."

Everyone looked up at Terra, the pillar of the organization.

It's not that Cindy has experienced a crisis before, but this is the first time such a crisis has occurred.

He looked at everyone: "We still have a chance."

"No discipline can be achieved overnight. Talent, talent, and even luck can cause some variables. This time, Bai Ye Orthopedic Institute may have discovered a loophole in our products and came prepared."

"If we continue to be exposed and go first, then we will lose even more. It is a strategy for a strong man to cut his wrists, at least it will not wipe out the entire army."

"During this period of time, we have to calm down and do research. The enemy is out in the dark, and we will come back in a short time. This market is just keeping it safe for us."

(End of this chapter)

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