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Chapter 758 The situation escalates

Chapter 758 The situation escalates

The scene of the press conference held by Bai Ye was crowded with people, and it was very lively!
However, liveliness and loneliness have always been good friends, go hand in hand.

Bai Ye attached great importance to this matter, and set off in person, bringing samples to the meeting site.

From all over the world, more than 90 countries have sent specialized staff to the scene.

This is also the most lively event in Ethiopia's history. As the president, Tero is naturally very excited and honored.

Because this is the honor of Tro, as the president, the honor of the country is his honor, so Tro is naturally very serious and attentive in this meeting.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this event, the entire city of Ethiopia's capital was under martial law, and it was carried out in accordance with the first-level national security standards. The entire city was full of heavily armed soldiers.

Bai Ye stood on the stage, looking at the crowd below, and more than 90 national media cameras pointed at him.

This is Bai Ye!
A man whose words and deeds affect the safety of the world.

Even LOP, the company that could control human body temperature in a short period of time, did not receive such a high degree of attention!

This is Bai Ye's influence.

He has too many titles, the youngest richest man in the world, his appearance has broken many historical records, and he is the first person in human history to break through trillions!
The annual income of the companies affiliated with the Bai Ye Research Institute can even rival the GDP of a small country.

Moreover, Bai Ye has repeatedly turned the tide in times of adversity!

Everyone remembers the discovery of the first cobalt clearing spirit, which became famous in one fell swoop!
Today, what kind of gift will this mature young man bring to everyone?
The bustling crowd raised their heads and looked at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded and bowed, and said lightly: "This is a special period, and it is also a period of crisis. The people of the world are suffering from concentrated heat. As researchers, this is our burden."

"The burden this time is heavy, but we forged ahead and never gave up!"

"This time, what I want to announce is one thing."

"Our research found that the main cause of heat accumulation and spread this time is a mutated mosquito. This mosquito is a branch of Aedes albopictus, but it is extremely small in size. After biting, it will not cause pain or irritability... ...and other abnormal reactions, the incubation period is [-] days, and after [-] days, fever will appear, and fever is also the first manifestation!"

As soon as this remark came out, people immediately talked about it!

Because everyone has not noticed this, the cause of heat collection is still an unsolved mystery!
real or fake?

Everyone is skeptical, is it really a mosquito?
"However, what is the coincidence? This kind of mosquito will have a series of reactions only after acting on the human body. For other animals, we have not found any reactions. That is to say, our current research progress is here. We hope that friends from all over the world can unite and fight against this intense heat!"

"Next, we will have dedicated staff to share detailed information and progress, and contribute to the fight against this disease together!"

When Bai Ye said this, he took out a bottle: "Inside this is the mutated Aedes albopictus we found."

"But! During our research, we discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, this Aedes albopictus seems to be unable to reproduce!"

It can be said that this sentence from Bai Ye's mouth made everyone stunned!
Can't reproduce?
Can't reproduce!

That means that things are not terrible, and this kind of mosquito will be eradicated.


In fact, this is not the case. This kind of mosquito has not decreased at all, on the contrary, it is still increasing, because more and more heat-collecting patients continue to appear.

What does this mean?
Without a doubt!

There are many reasons, maybe like the mule, it is just a product of chance...

But there is also a possibility, will it be an artificial product?

Everyone knows what it means to not reproduce?
There are so many reasons!
For a while, everyone present was silent, and they kept thinking about how to do this in their minds.

Everyone also understood what Bai Ye meant!
But at this time, Bai Ye changed the subject and said:

"Today's press conference, we are mainly releasing a drug against this mosquito!"

"This drug is harmless to the human body, but it has a specificity for mosquitoes. It will destroy the transcriptional structure in the mosquito body, so as to achieve the effect of killing mosquitoes. Moreover, this anti-mosquito drug is highly targeted. Hot mosquitoes, the effect is very good!"

"Starting today, we will donate a large amount of this anti-mosquito drug to the places where the heat gathers all over the world for anti-mosquito treatment!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was excited!
Indeed, Bai Ye never thought about making money with this thing.



While preparing to distribute anti-mosquito drugs, the bad news came again!
In regions such as South Africa, North America, and central Europe, a large number of patients began to appear.

And the local government also fully confirmed the emergence of this mutant species of Baiwenyi. After research, it was found that this mosquito is indeed incapable of reproduction!

This news immediately attracted the attention of countless countries!
A lot of money and energy have been invested in research.

And at this time, Bai Ye's anti-mosquito drugs also rushed to various places!
A lot of mosquitoes were killed!
The appearance of this news instantly became a great victory in the heat collection war!
Inspired countless people.

All of a sudden, Bai Ye's reputation once again reached an unprecedented level.

The Bai Ye Institute was quickly awarded honorary certificates by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Health Department.

But... the mosquitoes are dead.

But what should people who are already sick do next?
Simply relying on lop company's drugs for short-term control will not achieve a long-term effect.

However, the times make heroes, and there are many heroes in troubled times!
Soon, a news from the First Fifth Communist Party Group in Japan shocked the whole world!
Daiichi Wukyo found a serum extract in animals, which can act on the human body to achieve the effect of treating heat accumulation!
The Daiichi-Fifth Communist Party sent medicines to the hardest-hit countries in the world on the same day.

In general, it takes a long time for a drug to hit the market!
But special treatment in special times!

In this period of fighting heat accumulation, when your drug is approved, everyone will die!

Therefore, after the release of the drugs of the Daiichi Fifth Communist Party, the free drugs have undergone preliminary clinical tests in many countries, and there is indeed no problem.

Moreover, on the second day after taking the medicine, the patient began to cool down slowly!
All of a sudden, the people of the world cheered.

Jiren may be leaving after all...

This time, people won again.

 I apologize, I'm really sorry, the veteran is really busy recently, and the new and old books are in a hurry. I apologize, I review, and there are more today!

(End of this chapter)

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