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Chapter 8 I haven't finished reading the first time

Chapter 8 I haven't read the first time yet

In Liu Zhi's words, although he didn't mention Bai Ye by name, he was just a victim of that kind of exam-oriented education, but it was clear between the lines that he looked down on Bai Ye.

Bai Ye didn't argue. He and Liu Zhi had nothing to argue about. You know, when he was a freshman and a sophomore, Bai Ye was always the first in every grade, and no second. Even if he didn't study Chinese medicine well, Bai Ye still knew Usually grades are useful in college, so test scores are still very good.

At that time, every time the first prize belonged to Bai Ye, and there was a National Encouragement Scholarship in his sophomore year, Bai Ye and Liu Zhi competed, and in the end because he participated in many campus activities and got more points, he gave Liu Zhi .

Liu Zhi's brother also nodded: "Yes, in this society, there are too many complicated things, you not only need to have a high IQ, but also an EQ, not only the ability to learn, but also the ability to behave in the world Ah, in every way."

Liu Zhi suddenly said: "By the way, senior, what I told you last time, after the exam is over, I want to go out with the director to outpatient clinics, and you have to introduce me when the time comes."

The man smiled: "It's okay, it's not a problem. I'll say a few more good things about you next to the teacher, don't worry, kid."

Liu Zhi smiled and looked at Bai Ye provocatively.

The man went on to say: "For the postgraduate entrance examination, the initial exam and re-examination are very important. It is enough to pass the national line at the beginning. Whether you can really go to graduate school depends on whether your supervisor wants you. So, all aspects are very important. Especially Comprehensive quality."

Liu Zhi nodded in agreement: "Thanks to you brother, you talked a lot, otherwise I wouldn't understand these things."

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhi looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Hey? Ye Zi, I heard they say you are very good at playing League of Legends? What rank is it? It seems that you are about to reach diamond?"

Bai Ye smiled and nodded, he really didn't want to talk to Liu Zhi any more, it was really not speculative.

"By the way, I remember that you also signed up for the postgraduate entrance examination at that time, right? How was the review? Are you sure this time?"

Bai Ye said lightly: "I haven't finished the first time, the boss pays the bill."

At this time, a female voice rang out: "Wow! Bai Ye, you made it easy for me to find you! Don't you know how to reply to my WeChat message?"

Bai Ye looked up, and saw Xu Yan standing there aggrieved, wearing a fluffy little sweater, very cute.

At this time, the waiter said: "It's 53 yuan in total, I'll charge you 50 yuan."

Bai Ye was about to scan the QR code when Xu Yan took out a red 100 from his pocket and handed it over, saying, "Give me an egg fried rice and a glass of juice, and pay with his."

After speaking, she sat down beside Bai Ye.Similarly, it also blocked Bai Ye's way out.

"You're blocking my way, senior sister..." Bai Ye was a little speechless.Am I familiar with you?
I saw Xu Yan took out a few books from her bag and handed them to Bai Ye: "Huh, don't you thank me? These are the materials for the ultimate sprint for this year's Wendu postgraduate entrance examination, as well as Xiao Xiurong's four sets of papers. Go back and take care of them." Take a look, it will be very helpful for your exam."

Bai Ye was taken aback, looked at these things, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Xu Yan smiled strangely: "Hey, you don't have to thank me, you've helped me so much, I don't care!"

"But you are really good. I don't have a single book for the postgraduate entrance examination. I haven't seen you in the library before. You still want to take the postgraduate entrance examination just because of this? How can you hold your textbooks to review... I also admire you It's..."

When Liu Zhi heard this, he suddenly wanted to laugh. This Bai Ye really doesn't understand anything!
Bai Ye wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xu Yan: "By the way, this is my revised thesis, please help me to see how the revision is going? My teacher wants me to post an sci and let me add it. English. But when it comes to statistical analysis, I am afraid that the translation will not be up to standard.”

After Bai Ye opened it, he glanced at it casually, and said lightly: "No, you are a Youdao translator in English, right?"

Xu Yan couldn't help blushing for a while: "I'm not very good at professional English..."

Bai Ye was taken aback, this excuse seemed to be fine: "Send me the original text later, and I'll get it for you."

Xu Yan's eyes lit up when he heard it, this young man is slightly off!
This kind of tugging feeling, looks quite handsome, and is so capable, very attractive...

At this moment, Xu Yan suddenly heard the man opposite calling out to her senior.

Looking up, I saw a man looking at me with a smile: "Sister Xu Yan?"

Xu Yan nodded: "Well, you are..."

The man quickly said: "I'm from Yanyi. I've heard about you, senior. It is said that you have been granted a doctoral degree? Is it true? Senior, you are amazing."

Xu Yan was taken aback, and said perfunctorily, "Mmm, thank you." Then she turned her head to stare at Bai Ye, and said, "Also, junior, my teacher wants to see you, do you want to come some other day? He is right You are very interested, I can guarantee that as long as you pass the national line for the postgraduate entrance examination, he can want you!"

Liu Zhi was taken aback when he heard that, and that senior was even more so.

"Professor Zhang really said this?" The man was a little shocked.

Zhang Hanlin is a top talent introduced by the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is said that he is likely to be the next president. He has always been stern and impartial.

Didn't expect to say such a thing?

But Xu Yan can't lie!
He is Professor Zhang's first disciple, and he has nothing to do with Xu Yanhao.

Bai Ye said lightly: "Professor Zhang is not in the major I applied for. But I will visit when I have time."

When Xu Yan heard it, she was immediately happy: "Okay, then you can tell me when the time comes, and I will take you there. By the way... about the thesis... please, I will definitely speak well to my teacher A few words."

Liu Zhi looked at Bai Ye in front of him in bewilderment.

Is this the Bai Ye I know?

Bai Ye who is not doing business and plays games all day long?

Why is he?

Is it just because of good looks?
How did he and Senior Sister Xu Yan know each other?What can he do to help?

Bai Ye who is idle all day, doing nothing, and doing nothing?Why are you!

Professor Zhang, Zhang Hanlin, no one in the whole school knows...

Professor Zhang actually wanted to see Bai Ye, what could he do?

Enough points to be admitted?Are you a fool as Professor Zhang?
Liu Zhi was puzzled, aggrieved, and angry!
Bai Ye was a little embarrassed to stay there, greeted Xu Yan, got up and left.

Back in the library, Bai Ye didn't study acupuncture.

Acupuncture and moxibustion is an independent but magical subject. There are twelve meridians, eight extraordinary meridians, different meridians, skin, and collaterals. It is not as simple as just the twelve meridians.

There are many acupoints on each meridian, the Jingyingshu meridian combined with the five major acupoints, the intersection point of the eight meridians, and the eight meeting point... Without the guidance of a teacher, it is easy to take a detour.

He took out a comprehensive book on traditional Chinese medicine, and started to do traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and internal medicine exercises. This took an entire afternoon, and after finishing it, it was already evening. Fortunately, the efficiency was astonishing.There are basically no problems with the questions you do.

At this time, I found that the phone was vibrating.Turning on the phone, Bai Ye found that there were seven or eight friend requests.

It's for statistical analysis.

After Bai Ye accepted it, he returned to the dormitory, but he didn't start to do it right away, and he didn't plan to stay up late.

Instead, I opened Xu Yan's thesis and translated it in professional English for him from beginning to end, especially where the data was discussed, a major revision was made.

After looking back carefully and finding that there was nothing wrong with it, I sent it to Xu Yan.

Then went to bed and rested early.

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(End of this chapter)

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