Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 105 Heroes Save America

Chapter 105 Heroes Save America
Soon the car stopped in front of the famous International Hotel.

Chen Kai was in a hurry, and Qin Xiang was even more anxious than him. Before the car stopped, she hurriedly unbuckled her seat belt and wanted to jump out of the car.

Chen Kai immediately pulled her back: "I know you are in a hurry, but you are not in a hurry for half a minute, right? After I park the car, the two of us will go up together. I don't know what's going on in the box yet. You are a girl. Even if the child goes up, I'm afraid it won't be of much help."

Qin Xiang had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​jumping off the car: "Hurry up, why are you still dawdling here?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to find an empty parking space, parked the car, and then quickly went to the gate of the hotel with Qin Xiang.

After asking at the front desk which box the secretary was in, the two of them quickly boarded the elevator without stopping.

At this moment, Gao Ming had already parked the car, but he was not in such a hurry. He also wanted to know how Chen Kai would deal with this matter.

But he also knew that it might not be wise for him to follow up now, maybe Chen Kai would send all the breath to himself, if that was the case, it would really be a mess.

So he waited patiently at the door of the elevator, thinking that he would make the scene more dramatic when he was in the nick of time, which would make Chen Kai have a better impression of himself, and the matter of apprenticeship would be a matter of course .

Chen Kai pulled Qin Xiang and came to a certain box together. After confirming that this was the place he was looking for, Chen Kai kicked the door open without any explanation.

——He knows that he must intimidate the opponent when he plays, and at certain times, this has the effect of deciding the outcome.

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, the female secretary was slapped to the ground by a bald head.

Qin Xiang rushed up immediately, and shouted with concern: "Han Shuang, are you okay?"

Han Shuang has a cold personality. Although she was treated so humiliatingly, tears were already rolling in her eyes, but they never flowed down.

Seeing Qin Xiang coming, he breathed a sigh of relief, tears flowed down his cheeks, and it was out of control.

"They bully people."

"Don't cry, we are here, I believe things will be handled satisfactorily."

As Qin Xiang spoke, she wiped away the tears from the corners of Han Shuang's eyes.

When the bald man heard the door opened, he was taken aback for a moment, and then saw a big beautiful woman walking in, with a lewd smile on his face immediately.

"It seems that I am really lucky today. It is not enough to have a big beauty, and then an even bigger beauty came."

As he spoke, he poured a glass of wine from the table, and walked up to Qin Xiang with the glass dangling.

"I said beauty, you came late today. According to the rules, you should be punished with three glasses of wine. You drink this glass of wine first, and then I will pour you another two glasses."

Qin Xiang looked at him coldly: "What's going on? I asked my secretary to come over to discuss business. Why do you treat her like this?"

The bald man laughed heckly when he heard this, he obviously had drunk a lot at this moment, his face was flushed, and the flesh on his face looked more fierce than usual, and he knew he was not a good person at a glance.

Chen Kai really wanted to put the bald head on the ground at this moment, but he knew that Han Shuang needed comfort even more. As for the bald head, he might not be able to run away for a while, and even if he really ran away, even if he chased him In the sky, he has to pay the price.

So he didn't straighten his bald head, and he didn't care about the glass of wine in his hand, making fun of Qin Xiang, but directly helped Han Shuang up.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her face, channeling his inner strength into his palm.

Seeing Chen Kai reaching out to touch her face, Han Shuang's eyes showed a hint of shyness, even some surprise, and instinctively wanted to avoid it, but how could Chen Kai let her avoid it?
Immediately afterwards, Han Shuang felt a wave of heat coming from Chen Kai's hands, flirting on her face, making her feel very comfortable.

"You don't have to worry too much. I'm just helping you eliminate the congestion. Your face was swollen just now. A girl's appearance is the most important thing."

After hearing this, Han Shuang blushed even more. She was outstanding in appearance and very capable. Many people in the company liked him, but she looked down on anyone. Yes, although he is polite to every employee, but he can't hide the arrogance in his bones. There are not many people who can make this kind of girl look good.

This includes Chen Kai. Although he thinks he has a good personality, Chen Kai is not the kind of person who likes to show off, and he doesn't like to show off in front of girls, so Han Shuang doesn't know his abilities.

At the beginning, Han Shuang just thought that Chen Kai was a soft eater, but now because Chen Kai eliminated the congestion for herself, she felt that this person was a bit unusual.

She didn't know if it was because of her own psychological effects or some other reason, she only knew that her heart beat faster and her face felt hot.

——It was not just because of being slapped by the bald head, but also because of the indescribable emotion in my heart.

When the bald head saw Chen Kai, his eyes showed some surprise, but it was replaced by anger immediately. He really wanted to rush over to teach Chen Kai a lesson, and let him know that there was a person like himself in this box.

But before he could make a move, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

The door was open, and the knock on the door was to attract the attention of the people in the box.

——Gao Ming finally appeared, and he looked like a fool.

Seeing the words in the scene in front of him, he immediately raised a smile, thinking that he obviously came with a big beauty, but now he touches another big beauty's face, the relationship between this big beauty must be different from Chen Kai, and said Maybe he could please this girl, so he could also say a few good words for himself and let Chen Kai accept him as his apprentice.

Thinking of this, he immediately walked in front of Han Shuang with a playful smile.

"Hello, mistress."

Han Shuang obviously didn't understand what this sentence meant, and she didn't know who Gao Ming's apprentice was, let alone why he called her teacher's wife.

But thinking of the scene where Chen Kai rubbed his face just now, it was very likely that this young man had watched him, and thus caused a misunderstanding.

Because Qin Xiang was standing by, even if I really had a slight liking for Chen Kai, but at this time, no matter what, Gao Ming couldn't let Gao Ming call himself Master Mistress in front of so many people. Leave it.

So he wanted to refuse, but before he could speak, the bald-headed voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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