Chapter 1052

Lin Hui looked at Duan Minglang blankly.

"I don't occupy such an important position in the company. My position is not as good as Yang Fan's, so Yang Fan knows some things, but I don't necessarily know about it."

Duan Minglang stared at Lin Hui with some displeasure.

"I asked you to go to their company to wear it for such a long time, and it's hard to use you, so why don't you tell me that you don't know?"

Lin Hui shook her head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"I just know that Eric came to the company and talked with Chen Kai for a long time. When he left, he was very angry. At least he didn't look so happy. Chen Kai was depressed for a while because of this."

"But I didn't expect that a general meeting was held for us after a while, and it was announced that Eric would cooperate with the company, but what happened in the middle is beyond my knowledge."

Duan Minglang stared at Lin Hui quietly, as if he wanted to see whether she was telling the truth from the expression on her face, but finally found that there was no flaw, so he nodded helplessly.

"Since this is the case, then I don't have to make things difficult for you. I need you to do one more thing. You have to steal Chen Kai's plan."

"As for what method to use, that is your own business. I will see the result tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Lin Hui looked at Duan Minglang with a troubled expression.

"There are cameras in the company. It would be too risky for me to do so, and if the plan is lost, there must be no way to hide it."

"Once Chen Kai investigates, it won't take long for me to be found. How do you think I should deal with myself at that time?"

Duan Minglang's eyes became serious.

"I just said, that's out of my control, I only care about you stealing the plan, you are so smart, I believe you can find a solution to the problem, I can't talk to you here for a long time, what I should say It's all said and done so I can carry your good news and I hope you won't disappoint me."

After saying this, Duan Minglang stood up and left the restaurant.

Lin Hui looked helplessly at his receding back, with an angry look in his eyes, and murmured.

"If it weren't for the fact that you helped me, I would have poured all this glass of water on your face."

Duan Minglang didn't hear these words, because he had already walked out of the restaurant, got in the car and went back to his company.

No one noticed that the scene of the two meeting was secretly seen by a person.

Chen Kai has been in the company for the past few days. On the one hand, he had a quarrel with Qin Xiang, and he felt a little awkward. He didn't know how to face Qin Xiang.

Another very important reason is that the company is very busy, and he has to quickly produce the plan, so that Eric can't find any faults as much as possible.

However, after coming up with several proposals one after another, Eric never agreed, and always put forward various reasons to embarrass Chen Kai, which made Chen Kai feel very disappointed and the pressure was even greater.

Chen Kai was really speechless, so he decided to go to the battle in person. He used to hand over all the power to Yang Fan and Lin Hui, but now he almost took care of everything, and Lin Hui and the others could only help a little.

Chen Kai was very worried, fearing that another incident of plagiarism would happen again, and it would be impossible to guard against it.

It was also for this reason that Lin Hui had no way to do anything. Chen Kai lived and boarded in the company, so it was not easy to get into his office.

What's more, she stole the plan, which made her very anxious. Duan Minglang didn't give him much time. If she couldn't complete the task this time, something she didn't want to see would happen.

"What can I do? Who will help me at least think of a plan to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, and temporarily transfer Chen Kai out of the office. As long as you give me a little time, I can steal the plan."

"As for evading other people's inspection, that's another matter. The most urgent thing is to steal the plan and give Duan Minglang an explanation first."

But there was never this opportunity, and Lin Hui felt anxious.

Although Chen Kai has been busy with work, he always notices Lin Hui consciously or unconsciously. He vaguely feels that this person's gestures seem familiar, but he can be sure that he has never seen Lin Hui before.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
Chen Kai couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to explain it in a self-deprecating manner. Maybe he was under too much pressure these days and had hallucinations.

He remembered reading in a book that long-term lack of sleep would cause hallucinations, but Chen Kai soon realized that it would be too far-fetched to just explain the problem in this way.

Chen Kai thought about this question quietly, and looked at Lin Hui outside the office involuntarily.

Lin Hui was very nervous because of her anxiety, and she was really at a loss, so she subconsciously picked up the teacup and took a sip of water.

When he put down the teacup again, Chen Kai keenly noticed that Lin Hui licked his lips.

This is a subconscious action. Under normal circumstances, people will not lick their lips after drinking water.

Seeing this action, Chen Kai suddenly thought of a person in the company - a dead person.

While being shocked, Chen Kai suddenly discovered an even more shocking phenomenon.

Lin Hui drew circles around the mouth of the cup with her fingers.Although she was staring at the computer screen, Chen Kai knew that she was not looking at the computer at all, but was thinking about something.

This action reminded Chen Kai of that person even more.

——Li Minmin!

Chen Kai almost blurted out.

"What's going on here? Shouldn't she have died in a car accident? Why did she come back to me inexplicably? Although she doesn't look like her, she can still have plastic surgery, but these subtle habits cannot be easily changed. "

Chen Kai clearly remembered Lin Hui.When I first came to the company, many female colleagues said that this person had plastic surgery.

Chen Kai didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking that it was the jealousy of beautiful women among women. Looking back now, he deeply felt that Lin Hui was probably the dead Li Minmin.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai gasped, the news was really shocking.

Chen Kai couldn't believe it, but couldn't find a more reasonable explanation.

Just when he didn't know what to do, suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he thought of looking up Lin Hui's employment information.

This was not a difficult task for him. He quickly found out and found that Lin Hui graduated from a prestigious university abroad.

Chen Kai immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"I'm Chen Kai."

The other party also felt a little surprised when they heard Chen Kai's voice.

"I haven't seen each other for a long time. Why did you suddenly remember to call me? Is there anything you need my help with? Let's have a cup of tea together and chat or something."

Chen Kai felt a little embarrassed by this robbing, and smiled awkwardly.

"Don't talk about these useless things. You can drink and chat anytime. I have a very important matter and I want you to check it for me."

"Is there a person named Lin Hui in a famous university abroad? Please check this person's graduation photo for me. The sooner the better, I am very anxious here."

Hearing what Chen Kai said was so serious, the other party no longer joked when he knew the situation was urgent, so he nodded.

"It's just a matter of looking at graduation photos. It's a breeze for me. Don't worry. I'll call you in five minutes."

After speaking, he hung up the phone, Chen Kai sighed a long time, thinking that he hoped that Lin Hui was really Lin Hui, not anyone else.

There were too many conspiracies encountered during this period, and Chen Kai did not want any more mistakes to be made by the company staff.

Just as he was thinking about it, a message came from the computer. Chen Kai opened the window and found that it was from the person who called just now.

This is a group photo of graduation, and it is clearly found that there is Lin Hui in this group photo.

Seeing the photo, Chen Kai let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a wry smile.

"I really think too much."

(End of this chapter)

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