Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1058 Sending Flowers Frequently

Chapter 1058 Sending Flowers Frequently
Chen Kai has never felt as flustered as he is now.

Even when the sisters of the Qin family were kidnapped before, and when they were on the verge of death, they never felt their heart beating so fast.

He could only stop, because he knew that what should be faced was always to be faced.

Originally, he wanted to change into clean clothes and try to hide this matter as much as possible, because after all, it was his fault.

If I told anyone about what happened last night, no one would believe it. If I helped the secretary pick the lock in the middle of the night, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I'm afraid I wouldn't believe it either.

Qin Xiang stared at Chen Kai with wide eyes.

"Where did you go at night? I thought you lived in the office all the time, so I came to you without calling."

"I originally wanted to explain to you why I didn't agree with you to cooperate with Eric, but I didn't expect that you are not here. Could it be that you are staying in a hotel?"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Xiang stopped talking suddenly, because she suddenly saw something very strange, there was a very red lip mark on Chen Kai's neckline.

Chen Kai hasn't been home for the past few days, this lip print is definitely not his own, that is to say.

Chen Kai actually slept in flowers and willows last night, or had a new love, Qin Xiang couldn't accept this, after all, he and Chen Kai had just married, how could this be possible?
She looked at Chen Kai in disbelief, and kept backing away.

"What's with the lip marks on your neckline?"

Chen Kai wanted to cover it but it was too late, and there was no way to cover it at this position.

"Listen to my explanation, it's not what you imagined at all."

Qin Xiang accused loudly.

"What do I think? What do you think I think?"

Chen Kai was completely speechless, now he wanted to hold Qin Xiang's hand and confess everything that happened last night.

However, as soon as he approached, Qin Xiang smelled the smell of powder on his body again, and immediately pushed him away with disgust.

"You don't need to say anything. You have a woman's smell on your body, and the neckline has such obvious evidence. No matter what you say, I won't believe it."

"I never thought that you would be this kind of person. I remember you told me before that I can only have one woman in my life. It's just that you just got into a new relationship after a quarrel."

Speaking of this, Qin Xiang's eyes already streamed down.

"It turned out that it was just a lie. I was so naive. I really shouldn't have married you in the first place."

Then he turned and ran away angrily.

Chen Kai felt that he was speechless, but he also knew that if Qin Xiang was allowed to leave like this, he would really be unable to explain anything, so he immediately chased after her and grabbed Qin Xiang's hand.

"Don't be so excited, I have reasons, can you listen to my explanation?"

Qin Xiang angrily shook off Chen Kai's hand.

"I've already said that I don't want to hear anything, and I don't want to see you again, not only now, but I don't want to see you again for the rest of my life. I just realized today what a hypocritical villain you are. "

With that said, he turned around and walked away.

Of course Chen Kai didn't give up, he rushed over and wanted to explain, but Qin Xiang had already made the phone call.

"Is it Lawyer Wang? I want to divorce now. Please help me draft a divorce agreement."

Chen Kai looked at Qin Xiang in disbelief.

"Didn't you? You didn't even give me a chance to explain, so you divorced so rashly? Have you forgotten how we came together, how many setbacks we have experienced, don't you Do you think our marriage is so fragile, so vulnerable?"

Qin Xiang stared at Chen Kai with tears streaming down her face, and sneered.

"I originally wanted to last forever, to hold my hand and grow old together. You betrayed our vows and our love, and now you still say that I am cruel. Do you still have a conscience?"

Chen Kai really didn't know what to say, he felt very wronged, and was full of anger towards his secretary Xiaomi. If Xiaomi was right in front of him, Chen Kai would like to strangle her to death.

He could only watch Qin Xiang leave angrily, and his heart was full of sorrow.

Qin Xiang drove back home, looked at the wedding photo of the two, and shouted hoarsely.

"Chen Kai! You really let me down!"

She felt that the relationship between the two of them had been broken, and it was not the same thing to stay at Chen Kai's house. After much deliberation, she decided to move out from here.

The two were about to divorce. Qin Xiang's family was not short of money, and she didn't care about Chen Kai's property at all. She only had one thought in her mind, which was to leave Chen Kai as soon as possible and regain her freedom.

When she got married, Qin Xiang originally thought that she and Chen Kai would live a sweet life, but she didn't expect that the marriage change would happen so soon.

It's because of an inexplicable reason that Chen Kai is not a man with a heart. This has been deeply understood by the sisters of the Qin family when they lived in the Qin family.

But how to explain the red marks on his collar and the smell of powder on his body?
Besides explaining that she was with another woman last night, what else could it explain?

The more Qin Xiang thought about it, the more she felt that her judgment was correct, and because of this, she felt even more sad.

Qin Xiang quickly packed her luggage, but she didn't return to her in-laws' villa. She didn't want her family to worry about her, so she decided to find an opportunity to tell her family after the divorce.

She found a hotel with her suitcase and stayed temporarily.

She didn't realize that there was a pair of eyes staring at the dark place all the time.

Seeing Qin Xiang staying in the hotel, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he made a call.

"Eric, the person you asked me to follow has news. He is now in a hotel. What should I do next?"

A poisonous smile appeared on Eric's face, and he responded lightly.

"Don't startle the snake, continue to keep an eye on Qin Xiang's every move and report to me in time."

The man nodded in agreement, then hung up the phone.

For the next few days, Qin Xiang.It was an incomparably torturous life. Even though he lived in the hotel, he didn't have a good night's sleep. His mind always echoed the bits and pieces of Chen Kai's past, and he also thought of the sweet days after the two were newly married.

She also couldn't accept Chen Kai looking for another woman, but the facts were in front of her eyes. Chen Kai walked into the office and met her eyes. There was no way to hide her panic.

"It turns out that what they said is really good. Don't believe a word of a man's words."

Soon Qin Xiang discovered something even more incredible.

Early the next morning, just as Qin Xiang woke up, she heard a knock on the door.

Qin Xiang responded with some doubts.

"Who is it?"

A girl's voice came in.

"I'm a waiter in the hotel. Just now a handsome foreign guy asked me to give you this bouquet of roses."

Qin Xiang was even more puzzled, but immediately thought that the foreigner might be Eric, so she asked.

"What kind of foreigner is he?"

The waiter said lightly.

"Did he say his name was Eric, or did he say you'd take this kind of rose if you heard his name?"

Qin Xiang's face sank, and she suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a trap, so she responded coldly.

"Throw the roses into the trash can. If he comes back tomorrow, just tell him that I don't know any Eric and I don't care for roses from anyone."

The waiter felt a little surprised, but since Qin Xiang had already said that, she couldn't say anything more, so she agreed and turned to leave.

But instead of throwing the bouquet of roses into the trash can, he said with a smile.

"I grew up so big, and no man has ever given me roses. It's a pity that such a beautiful flower is thrown into the trash. I think it's better for me to take it back."

Originally thought that this matter would pass like this, Qin Xiang did not expect that Eric seemed to be determined after eating the weight, and sent him roses one after another.

Qin Xiang hated it very much, and then slowly felt a little scared. If Eric was bound to chase him, the situation would be really terrible.

She didn't dare to continue living in the hotel, but she still didn't want to go back to Qin's house, so she had to pack up her things and look for Qin Min.

(End of this chapter)

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